Martial To Pieces

Chapter 3 Good Friend Fatty

"Dad, Mom, I have good news for you, I have a breakthrough."

Lin Xing couldn't wait to tell his parents the good news.

"Breakthrough, what breakthrough, is your Realm...".

Lin Zhan's voice suddenly paused.

"Yes, yes, my Realm has reached its quasi-Practitioner peak."

“Okay, okay, okay”

Lin Zhan said three good words in a row.

"As expected of my son, he has talent, hahaha"

"It's great, we are finally going to have a Practitioner in our family." Mother Lin was so excited that she almost cried.

Seeing the looks of his parents, Lin Xing didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and secretly thought to himself that it was a good thing that he didn’t reveal that his sword power had reached Xiaocheng.

After eating breakfast, Lin Xing walked to school.

"Oh, I'm still poor."

Lin Xing looked at the medicinal materials needed for the cultivation of "Nine Nether" and couldn't help complaining. This thing is not picky about food. All the heaven and earth spiritual objects or Spirit Medicine can be used to absorb to enhance strength.

Of course, the best and most practical way is to take Spirit Medicine, but considering Lin Xing’s family situation, this is nonsense.

"Old Lin, Old Lin, wait for me."

Chu Nan, his good friend since childhood, ran after him from behind.

"Hey~, Fatty got up very early today," Lin Xing teased Chu Nan again.

Lin Xing looked at Chu Nan's heavy dark circles and couldn't help but complain.

"Fatty, what did you do last night to make you look like a bear?"

"I haven't done anything. Lao Ye, let me tell you some good news. Fatty, I have risen, and my "Stone Fist" has taken another step forward."

Chu Nan patted Lin Xing's shoulder excitedly and said very excitedly.

"Is it because of this that you were so excited that you didn't sleep all night?"

"What do you mean because of this incident? This is obviously a big deal, okay? Hahahaha, I am going to save the world."

Chu Nan looked up to the sky and laughed, attracting the attention of many passers-by. Passers-by thought Chu Nan had something wrong with his mind and walked around him and Lin Xing. Lin Xing walked quickly to school with black lines on his head, pretending like he didn't know him.

"Oh~~, Lao Lin, why are you walking so fast? Wait for me, wait for me."

Chu Nan looked at Lin Xing who had walked away and quickly chased after him and called out to Lin Xing.

Lin Xing walked faster when he heard Chu Nan calling him from behind.

After a while, Lin Xing and Chu Nan appeared at the door of Class 3, Class 3, Senior High School, Martial.

"I said, Lao Lin, you... why are you running so fast? I'm exhausted."

Chu Nan was panting heavily behind Lin Xing and couldn't help but complain.

"Hey~~, Fatty, you can't do it. Why are you so weak? Was it yesterday..." Lin Xing said with a mean smile.

"Your talent is weak, Fatty, I'm just breathing heavily," Chu Nan quickly retorted.


"Old Lin, how dare you laugh at me?" Chu Nan suddenly ran towards Lin Xing and threw himself at Lin Xing with his fat body.

Lin Xing turned sideways and said, "It's harmful, and you're right. How many future generations have you wasted?"

Lin Xing and Chu Nan returned to their seats while joking. The two were close buddies who grew up together.

They have been classmates since elementary school, and their relationship is so good that they can be said to have grown up wearing the same pants. Chu Nan also has some talent training, so he and Lin Xing entered the Martial Dao class together.

There are only five Martial Dao classes in No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, and No. 3 Middle School. The training resources required to break through to the quasi-Practitioner Realm are not something every family can afford.

Secondly, some people's talents are not that good, so they need a lot of resources. Not many students can successfully break through to the Practitioner Realm every year, and the school only has so many resources.

After all, the base city that Lin Xing belongs to is just a small base city, and only so many resources are allocated from it every year.

Chu Nan's Cultivation Base is a quasi-Practitioner middle stage, and he can be ranked around the upper middle level in the class.

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