Martial To Pieces

Chapter 63 Arriving At Wuhan University In The Magic City

"Xiao Xing, please slow down on the road, and be sure to call me and your dad when you get there." At the entrance of Huaicheng Base City Energy Airport, Lin Xing was saying goodbye to Father Lin, Mother Lin, and Little Brother Ye Hai.

Because I am about to enter college life, and under the reluctant eyes of my parents, I slowly embark on a new journey.

"Brother, wait for me in Magic City. I will definitely go there next year." Ye Hai waved to Lin Xing from behind and shouted loudly.

Lin Xing also waved his hands happily. Lin Xing loved his own Little Brother Ye Hai very much.


Lin Xing's bracelet vibrated, and when he looked down, he saw that it was check-in time and boarding could begin.

Finally, under the guidance of the staff, enter the aircraft in order.

Today's airplanes are different from those of the old Blue Star era. The airplanes of the old Blue Star era were just a means of transportation, while the airplanes of the Practitioner era are more than just a means of transportation.

Just from the armor arranged around the aircraft and the rows of cold cannon holes, it can be seen that this energy aircraft is definitely not made of clay.

Just the layer of armor covering the whole body is made of B2 type synthetic steel. Its own hardness can withstand the impact of Rank Three Demonic Beasts, so the safety of flying is greatly guaranteed.

However, if you encounter mid-to-high-rank flying Demonic Beasts, you will have better luck. Demonic Beasts like this will ignore you. If you are unlucky and encounter a Demonic Beast with a bad temper, you will have to leave it to fate.

At the same time, Lin Xing also heard that there are some aircraft that carry mid-rank Practitioner for escort, but such aircraft do not exist in small base cities such as Huaicheng Base City.

It only exists in medium and large base cities, and it's expensive.

Not all families can afford even the energy plane Lin Xing takes. Just an economy class seat costs 28,888 star coins. Therefore, people in the base city basically fly. They all come from well-off families or above, or they are Practitioners themselves.

Ordinary families simply can't bear to take an energy plane. If Lin Xing hadn't become a Practitioner, they would probably just have to watch it.

The energy plane that Lin Xing took was the one that arrived in the Magic City. Thanks to Lin Xing's timing, if he missed this flight, he would probably have to wait half a month for his next flight.

The reason why it takes so long is not only because of the long distance from here to the Magic City, but also because of the need to inspect the entire aircraft and maintain the weapons. to ensure the safety of passengers.

In order to ensure a pleasant ride during the trip, Lin Xing booked a first-class ticket with a sales price of 88,888 star coins. For Lin Xing, it was just a matter of making a few bottles of first-rank potions and sprinkling water.

Now Lin Xing has been certified as a first-rank pharmacist by the Huaicheng Base Pharmacist Alliance Branch. In fact, Lin Xing's level has reached the level of a second-rank pharmacist. This is mainly because he keeps a low profile so as not to attract unnecessary attention. That’s all.

Just Lin Xing's recognition as a first-rank pharmacist caused quite a stir. After all, there is no first-rank pharmacist who is 18 years old yet, which is very rare in this base city.

If Lin Xing hadn't repeatedly warned him to keep his information confidential, Lin Xing's information would have spread throughout the Huaicheng base city.

Thinking of the way the president of Huaicheng Base Pharmacist Union branch looked at OWN, now that I think about it, I can't help but shudder in my heart.

Lin Xing followed the flow of people and found his own seat in the first class cabin. Today's airplanes have no windows, because the entire body of the airplane is surrounded by a layer of armor. Besides, in the Practitioner era, good looks are no longer useful. The most important thing is safety.

"Hello sir, my name is A3." Not long after boarding the plane, a beautiful lady wearing a stewardess uniform began to check the information.

Looking at the pair of round legs wrapped in black stockings, if Lin Xing's heart was not stable enough, he would have exuded the charm of a male man.

"This little wolfdog is so handsome." The flight attendant who was checking Lin Xing's information was fascinated by Lin Xing's sharp face and unique aura.

In addition, those who can fly first class generally have good family conditions, so they look at Lin Xing with even greater enthusiasm.

"Hello, hubby... no... no... hello little brother, you can call me Xiaowei. If anything happens, you can call me." Xiaowei, the stewardess, thought about what she just said wrongly and couldn't help but vomit. It looks good to have a mouthful of tongue.

Lin Xing looked at the flight attendant Xiao Wei who was running away in small steps, and just smiled slightly, but he was used to it.

After the episode, the energy plane took off on time. In the meantime, flight attendant Xiao Wei came by a few times, either to bring Lin Xing a blanket or to ask Lin Xing whether he was thirsty or hungry, what he wanted to eat... The middle-aged man with a big belly sitting behind Lin Xing looked at it with enthusiasm. He probably still didn't understand why the treatment was different despite the same first-class cabin.

Isn't this nonsense? No matter what era you are in, being handsome or beautiful is always a bonus.

But in Lin Xing's view, women are just a stumbling block on his growth path.

It wasn't until the drowsy Lin Xing was woken up by the flight attendant Xiaowei that he finally came to his senses and realized that he had arrived in the Magic City.

In the end, Lin Xing caught the "reluctant" look in the stewardess Xiao Wei's eyes and put his hand to his ear as if making a phone call.

Just when he got off the plane, the stewardess Xiao Wei shook hands with him with a professional smile, and while shaking hands, he handed Lin Xing a note. Needless to say, it must be the contact information of the stewardess Xiao Wei.

However, Lin Xing was not interested. After leaving the airport, he just found a trash can and threw it away.

I found an energy taxi at the entrance of the airport and went directly to Wuhan University in the magical capital.

In the car, the taxi driver heard that Lin Xing was a freshman at Wuhan University in Magic City this year. He even more enthusiastically told Lin Xing about the benefits of Magic City, which places were fun, and which places outside Magic City were more dangerous.

Not only that, the driver also quietly told Lin Xing which hotel next to the Magic City was cheaper, and he could get a 20% discount by saying his name. It was fine in the front, but the more he talked in the back, the more he talked, and Lin Xing's head was filled with confusion. black line.

But in the end, the taxi slowly stopped at the gate of Modouwu University. Lin Xing ran away before the car stopped, fearing that the taxi driver would spread some strange knowledge to Lin Xing in the next second.

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