Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 0017 Too shameless

Although he thought Qin Chu was irrational, Mo Daozi felt that Qin Chu was very bloody.

Only those who do not agree with the status quo can change the status quo!

Ignoring Qin Chu, Mo Daozi left.

The disciples from the outer sect of Qingzhu Peak not only lost face in the Servant Hall, but also lost their lives.

Li Bo, in particular, has simply become a shame to the outer disciples of Qingzhu Peak. Everyone will spit when they see him.

The law enforcement officers and guardians of Qingzhu Peak were also discussing, and some of them commented that Li Bo was despised by others, and his humanity and moral character were low.

The Li Bo incident did not make the outer disciples give up their attack on the Miscellaneous Hall. Every day, several groups would go to the gate of the Miscellaneous Hall to call for formation. They would directly confront Qin Chu and apologize to Qin Chu if they lost.

The outer disciples who came to challenge were also smart. They did not bring a storage belt to fight. If they lost, they would lose. Since a failed outer disciple said that the long sword is the life of the swordsman, Qin Chu did not grab the long sword. But the loser will keep a bottle of Juyuan Dan.

The battle does not last for one day, but happens every day. The inner disciples of Qingzhu Peak come to watch the battle, the law enforcers, the protectors, and even the elders watch the battle in the dark.

Qin Chu did not refuse anyone who came, and with basic swordsmanship, he fought fiercely with a group of outer disciples from Qingzhu Peak.

The outer disciples of Qingzhu Peak were very depressed, being defeated by Qin Chu one after another.

Qin Chu's swordsmanship is very simple, just basic sword moves back and forth, but the outer disciples of Qingzhu Peak just can't break him. Qin Chu's body is powerful, and their offensive and defensive sword moves can't shake Qin Chu's rhythm. , and Qin Chu's basic sword moves are often a stroke of genius. They can't hold on for a few times before they are defeated.

Another outer disciple of Qingzhu Peak was defeated. He put down a bottle of Yuan Judan and said, "Qin Chu, I have never seen a beast like you. You are working as a handyman in the handyman hall even though you are very capable."

The words of this Qingzhu Peak outer disciple echoed the thoughts of countless Qingzhu Peak outer disciples. They felt that Qin Chu was just a beast. The strength he showed now was that he was the best among the outer disciples, but now he was bullying others in the handyman hall.

"What do you think I want? I want to join the Qingyun Sect as a formal disciple, but the Qingyun Sect doesn't want me. I have no choice but to go to the handyman hall to find a place to eat first. Is it easy for me?" Speaking of this, Qin Chu Still frustrated, I arrived a day late and almost didn’t even have a place to eat.

Many people were speechless, not only the outer disciples of Qingzhu Peak, but also law enforcement and law protectors. They felt that it was a mistake to throw Qin Chu into the Miscellaneous Hall. Fortunately, he was still in the Miscellaneous Hall. If he was taken away by other forces, Then Qingyun Sect will suffer a big loss.

Qin Chu and Bai Yu handed over the remaining mission items and exchanged a lot of points for them. However, they did not have time to complete the mission because the challenge of the Qingzhu Peak outer disciples to the Miscellaneous Hall continued.

What Qin Chu didn't know was that the law enforcement masters and protector masters of the outer disciples of Qingzhu Peak gave orders to their disciples. They must capture Qin Chu and use Qin Chu to sharpen themselves. Whoever captures Qin Chu will be rewarded three thousand yuan. Points, this is a big prize.

For Qin Chu, it was good to have pills to assist him in his training and someone to help him practice basic swordsmanship.

In the early morning of this morning, Qin Chu's cultivation level improved again, reaching the seventh level of Juyuan. This was the late stage of Juyuan. It was different from before, and his combat effectiveness had improved again.

After giving another violent beating to the Qingzhu Peak outer disciples who came to challenge him, Qin Chu left the Servant Hall and went to the Qingyun Peak Library. He had to meet Mo Daozi and see what Mo Daozi asked for.

"Qin Chu has met Elder Mo." When he arrived at the door of the library, Qin Chu bowed to Mo Daozi under the surprised eyes of the two disciples who were on duty to manage the score cards.

"You guys still have time to come over. Didn't you have a happy fight with the disciples from the outer sect of Qingzhu Peak?" Mo Daozi stood up.

"Uh...just a small fight to hone my sword skills." Qin Chu said.

"I understand, you are going to Qingyun Peak to challenge their outer disciples and inner disciples?" Elder Mo looked at Qin Chu and asked.

"Yes, they are so arrogant that they even went to the Qingzhu Peak Miscellaneous Hall to look for trouble. I can't bear this," Qin Chu said.

Ling Yunzi, who had been meditating, stood up and said, "You can't bear it. Don't you know that you are a handyman disciple?"

"Senior, from your words, Qin Chu feels that you look down on the handyman disciples! I have to say that the handyman disciples are also disciples of the Qingyun Sect, but they are somewhat different from the formal disciples in terms of division of labor and qualifications. Their personality is Same." Qin Chu looked at Ling Yunzi and said. To look down on the handyman disciple was to look down on him, and he felt a little conflicted in his heart.

Ling Yunzi was stunned for a moment. Qin Chu, a handyman disciple, actually spoke to him rudely. No one in Qingyun Sect had ever spoken to him like this in the past.

"In the future, you no longer want to be an outer disciple or an inner disciple. Just be your handyman!" Ling Yunzi said angrily.

"The handyman disciples are also very good!" Qin Chu didn't care anymore. Resources can be exchanged, skills can be changed, and handyman disciples can also rise. He doesn't care about the difference between handyman disciples and inner disciples. If inner disciples bully others, then Done.

Mo Daozi waved his hand to stop Qin Chu from saying anything more, "If you want to do something with me, you must first be qualified. You should first choose the outer disciples and inner disciples of Qingyun Peak and then talk to me!"

Bowing to Mo Daozi, Qin Chu turned around and left. If someone wants qualifications, he must show qualifications that make others take him seriously.

"Senior brother, this little guy has a bad temper!" Ling Yunzi said as he looked at Qin Chu's leaving figure.

"Those who have a temper will be successful. This is not bad." Mo Daozi went to his futon and did it. He was still looking forward to Qin Chu. Qingyun Sect also needs such a tormenting disciple, because the current Qingyun Sect disciples are not Know what stress is. "M..

Back at the Miscellaneous Hall, Qin Chu beat up a few outer disciples who were looking for trouble, and then returned to the cliff to continue meditating. There were still four months left before he could challenge the outer disciples of Qingyun Peak. He planned to upgrade his cultivation to the second level of Yuan Condensation before he went there. By then he would have the confidence.

Qin Chu has no habit of looking down on his opponents. If Qingyun Peak has a more violent outer disciple, he will lose face. It was okay to lose face before, and he would fight back after losing, but now it is no longer possible. Mo Daozi has made a request , he couldn't defeat the outer disciples and inner disciples of Qingyun Peak, so Mo Daozi would not care about his affairs.

Qin Chu came out of the cliff wooden house every once in a while and defeated the Qingzhu Peak outer disciples who came to kick the gym.

After winning again that day, Qin Chu threw back the Yuan Juan Dan left by the outer disciple of Qingzhu Peak, "I'm going to be more generous this time and won't ask for the battle trophies. I'll go back and tell the person who informed me about the challenge. If you want to challenge me, Qin Chu, bring me the Yuan Ning Dan. If you don’t want the Ju Yuan Dan, I’ll use my weapons and take off my clothes!”

shameless! The thoughts in the minds of all the onlookers are, what does it mean to be grand? It was obvious that Qin Chu had too many Juyuan Pills and couldn't use them all, so he planned to grab high-end products.

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