Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4028 They are scared

The cultivation level of the Holy Son of Daoxiangong is the Perfect Grand Master Realm, which is considered very good, but he is not enough to see in front of Dong Li Wuxin, and is directly blocked by Dong Li Wuxin, suppressing the attack. At this time, everyone else in the Daoxian Palace was running away, and the two half-step holy master realm practitioners had no time to care about him, they both wanted to run away by themselves.

Therefore, the Holy Son of the Immortal Palace was miserable. He was beaten to the ground by Dongli Wuxin and stepped on by Dongli Wuxin. At this time, the cultivators of the Saint Realm who were suppressed by Qin Chu were also at their wits end, and their Dantian was also suppressed by Qin Chu. After the first break, there was no way to run. Qin Chu did not accept his begging for mercy at this time, and directly killed him. He destroyed the spirit-killing flame of the Qi Shi Soul Infant, and took over the task of killing the second Soul Infant. As for the other one, he did run away, and Qin Chu's Suzaku Flame Body failed to stop him.

At the end of the battle, except for those who were killed, all the men and horses of Daoxiangong ran away, with the exception of the Holy Son of Daoxiangong, who was captured alive.

After collecting the battle trophies, Qin Chu turned around and took a look. He found that the people he brought with him were only wounded but not dead. This was a very good result.

After confirming that there was no problem with the personnel, Qin Chu came to the Holy Son of Daoxian Palace and asked, "Where are we?"

According to the previous news, the men and horses in the stronghold were captured. It is still unknown whether they are dead or alive, so Qin Chu was quite anxious.

"Don't worry, sir. They are all alive, but they are just being imprisoned." After hearing Qin Chu's inquiry, the Holy Son of Daoxiangong answered anxiously.

After the Holy Son of Daoxiangong finished speaking, Dong Li Wuxin kicked him directly, "Then why don't you lead the way quickly?"

Dong Li Wuxin took the Holy Son of Daoxiangong to find someone, and Ling Wudao accompanied him. This was to prevent the other party from playing tricks. Only Dong Li Wuxin could not defend himself.

Dong Li Wuxin and Ling Wudao went to find someone, while Qin Chu found the resource secret library of Daoxian Palace and began to move resources.

Yuwu was right about one thing. Qin Chu did have the habit of ransacking homes. He felt that since the war had begun, there was nothing to be polite about. Could he still leave resources for the other party? That's not grand, that's foolish.

Because he was not tidying up for the time being, he was just moving away. Qin Chu moved very quickly and quickly emptied the resource library of Daoxian Palace. This was a very pleasant thing for both body and mind. It was a great harvest. The foundation is also very deep, and they are reluctant to use many high-end resources themselves, and now they are cheaper for Qin Chu.

After coming out of the resource secret storehouse, Qin Chu found the life secret storehouse and emptied the contents.

Qin Chu gathered resources. Dong Li Wuxin and Ling Wudao also brought the arrested spies of the Suzaku Dynasty out of the formation dungeon of Daoxian Palace. Several of them were scarred and suffered a lot. Fortunately, All alive.

After waving his hands to use energy and stabilizing the injuries of several spies, Qin Chu looked at the Holy Son of Daoxian Palace, "How dare you insult our Suzaku Dynasty? You must eat the stone tablet."

As he spoke, Qin Chu took out the stone tablet that he had put away before and threw it in front of the Holy Son of Daoxian Palace. Then he ignored him and helped the seriously injured spy heal his injuries.

Qin Chu arranged these things, and the three kings of Ling Fei, Ling Wudao and Zi Yihou began to implement it. The Holy Son of Daoxian Palace insulted the Suzaku Dynasty, which was tantamount to insulting them. The stone tablet must be eaten to achieve the Great Master Realm. With his cultivation level, the Holy Son of Dao Immortal Palace still has some teeth. How dare he not eat it? That tooth will be useless if it is left in place, so we need to extract it first. If you dare to bite the Suzaku Dynasty with your teeth, you must be punished.

After stabilizing the injuries of several secret agents, Qin Chu saw that under the control of Concubine Ling and others, the Holy Son of Daoxian Palace began to chew on the stone tablet. Naturally, he had to carry the sins he had done on his own.

At this time, the Holy Son of Daoxiangong regretted it very much. When making the stone tablet before, if he had found a smaller stone, he would not have suffered so much.

Half an hour later, the Holy Son of Daoxiangong ate the stone tablet, but Ling Wudao did not give him a way to survive. Such a despicable villain, if he did not solve it completely, he would bite someone secretly and deal with it directly. Simply put, Qin Chu couldn't ask for anything.

After the matter was settled, Qin Chu left the gate of Daoxian Palace with his troops, and then waved his hand to smooth Daoxian Mountain. He said before that if Daoxian Palace did not give an explanation, Daoxian Mountain would be wiped out, and he would do it.

"It went relatively smoothly. If nothing happens, we will turn around. After all, we are not here to attack the Immortal Soul World. If we stay too long, other forces will panic, so there is no need. We are just doing what we should do." After Daoxian Mountain, Qin Chu said that he had too much ambition and had no idea of ​​grabbing the territory. He rescued the spies of the Suzaku Dynasty and cleaned up the Daoxian Palace. The matter was successfully concluded.

After returning to the previous stronghold, Qin Chu told Ling Fei and others that if he did not give up this stronghold and continue to develop here, he would like to see which other forces would have trouble with him.

Concubine Ling rearranged the personnel again, and when she came this time, she brought quite a few people.

After the personnel were arranged, Qin Chu spoke, "If you are attacked, you don't have to resist. Just send the news back. I will rush over as soon as I get the news."

The few people who were arranged to stay bowed to Qin Chu. They knew that the possibility of being attacked was low, and they were not afraid if they dared to stay. The Dao Immortal Palace had been destroyed, who else would have trouble with the Suzaku Dynasty? What?

If there is no deep hatred, it is really not necessary. Furthermore, do other forces dare to take action rashly? If you look for trouble rashly, the result may be the same as Daoxiangong. Daoxiangong, a two-star immortal force, was wiped out by Qin Chu. With lessons learned from the past, will other forces continue to act without any brains? Everyone thinks it won't. After all, people in the world are smart people and they can't do certain things. Daoxian Palace didn't investigate the situation clearly before, which led to today's result.

After some arrangements were made, Qin Chu returned with his troops.

Qin Chu left, but what happened before caused an uproar in the Immortal Soul World. You must know that Dao Immortal Palace is the top force in the Immortal Soul World. It was defeated in one day. Who doesn't need to pay attention? Because maybe it will be the next one.

As the results of the investigation came out, some forces were reassured. Because it was Daoxian Palace that did it first, it attracted strong attacks from Qin Chu and the Suzaku Dynasty.

Some forces are secure, but some are not. They are always afraid of being attacked by Qin Chu. For example, the Zhong family is very afraid because they have offended Qin Chu before and have a grudge against Qin Chu. If Qin Chu wants to attack, the Zhong family will definitely not be able to withstand it, because the strongest person in the Zhong family is only a half-step saint. Sir, how can you resist Qin Chu’s attack? The Daoxian Palace was indeed strong, why wasn't it destroyed by Qin Chu?

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