Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4128 No rules

"Well, I understand. My opinion is naturally the same as yours. Just let everything take its course. The inheritance of special bloodline is difficult, but the heirs are all excellent, and this is enough." Xian Wuyue did not hesitate and told Qin Ziyu directly This is her attitude, which is also the attitude of the two of them in their future lives.

After listening to Xian Wuyue's words, Qin Ziyu smiled and said, "Don't worry, my parents have excellent blood, but they also have our brothers and sisters, it's nothing."

"I understand that our marriage has been decided. If we have anything to do in the future, we can just communicate directly. If we have something to bear together, there will be no pressure if the two of us bear it together. In other words, there is still some inexplicable pressure to see your father. Besides, Do you have any taboos in your family? You need to tell me these in advance so that nothing ugly happens," Xian Wuyue said to Qin Ziyu.

"Don't mention it yet. I really need to tell you something. In addition to my mother and aunt, my father also has several women. For some reasons, they cannot enter the Qin family, but as children of the Qin family, it is important for them to What needs to be respected is respect for the father." Qin Ziyu told the situation of Tang Xuan, Zhen Yuan and Ling Fei.

Xian Wuyue stretched out her hand and twisted the soft flesh on Qin Ziyu's waist, "If you hadn't told me about such a big thing earlier, it would have been so embarrassing if my words were inappropriate."

Qin Ziyu smiled and shook his head, "No, you are very measured in what you do. There would be no inappropriate words."

"I just think you are complimenting me." Xian Wuyue leaned on Qin Ziyu. In the past years, she had been living under the pressure of the Yuxian Palace's pursuit, and now she felt much more relaxed.

"One more thing, you know the aerial viewing platform of Shanshui Palace. The largest platform area is nothing. There is a chair under the ancient tree on the circular platform next to it. Don't sit on it because no one in my family knows how to do it. Go and sit, that's father's seat, it's not a taboo, it's a habit!" Qin Ziyu mentioned one more thing.

Xian Wuyue nodded, "Actually, I noticed that no one in the family goes to that seat, so naturally I won't mess around."

"Okay, that's all." Qin Ziyu said.

After Qin Ziyu finished speaking, Xian Wuyue was surprised, "That's it? No other family rules or clan rules?"

Qin Ziyu shook his head, "Family rules? There are no family rules. What I said before is just what you need to pay attention to. My father, mother and aunt didn't set any family rules. As for clan return, my family is from the Suzaku Saint Clan, but it has nothing to do with the Suzaku Saint Clan. "Duo, my father is the Suzaku King of the Suzaku Holy Clan, but he never mentioned his clan affiliation to us."

"Okay! It's such a relaxing atmosphere." Xian Wuyue said to Qin Ziyu.

After chatting for a while, Qin Ziyu sent Xian Wuyue back to the palace. Although the wedding date had been set, he would not mess around.

Staying in the Shanshui Palace, Qin Chu relaxed himself. He had been practicing nervously for some time before. He needed to calm himself down and ease his emotions so that he could quickly enter the next wave of practice. To Qin Chu, the high-level Yuan Shengzun was just a During the transition, his goal is to enter the level of the True Saint.

Qin Chu spends every day happily with his wife. He loves his wife and feels that he has little time to spend with her. Now that he has time, he naturally wants to spend more time with her. As for Qin Ziyu and Xian Wuyue's marriage, he doesn't need to worry about it. Shu Yu and others have arranged some things. In addition, palace officials will also arrange some details, so he doesn't have to worry about it. He drinks tea every day and spends time with his wife. take a walk.

One month passed and Yu Wu came back. She told Qin Chu that some things had been arranged. Yu Wei had also been sent to the Immortal Saint World and to Qing Yu Realm Master. If anything happened, Yu Wei would be the first to do it. notify.

"Yu Wu, I'm really sorry for something. I dragged you into the water. In fact, I shouldn't have taken you there, but I didn't take you there. Without your tracking skills, I couldn't find Ziyu and Zi Le." After hearing this, Yu Wu After Wu's words, Qin Chu sighed with emotion. He was helpless about some things. He really didn't want his family affairs to involve others.

After Qin Chu finished speaking, Yu Wu smiled and said, "You're getting acquainted by chatting like this. In addition, I also told Master Qingyu what I thought. Although she didn't say it clearly, I knew she would buy some time for us. , you also need to know that from her perspective, there is only a limit to what can be done, after all, we have leveled the mountain gate. "

"It's a sign of love that you can buy us time, because what we need most is time." Qin Chu said to Yu Wu.

After chatting for a while, Yuwu went to the villa where she lived. She also needed a rest after a long and dusty journey.

After talking to Yu Wu, it was confirmed that Qin Ziyu's marriage was still two months away. Qin Chu took Xuannv and Tang Xuan into the world of the Sky Burial Coffin, took out the alchemy furnace and started refining the elixir. His cultivation level was improving rapidly. He also consumed a lot of elixirs. Now he needs to refine some elixirs to make some supplements. He must hoard more elixirs.

Tang Xuan and Xuannv helped Qin Chu sort out the materials. Qin Chu was refining elixirs while chatting with the two women, so it wasn't too boring.

In two months in the real world, and ten months of elixirs were refined in the world of the Burial Coffin. After the elixirs were accumulated again, Qin Chu ended the elixir refining, mainly because Qin Ziyu's wedding was approaching, and he Need to officiate at my son's wedding.

After returning to the real world, Qin Chu found that red lanterns were hung in the Shanshui Villa, and he was already full of joy.

"Husband, you've only been busy for two months. I'm going to find you in the Sky Burial Coffin World. I can't delay my child's marriage." Seeing Qin Chu appear, Shang Shuyu said.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "How could I miss my child's wedding? I know it well. How is the matter handled?"

Shang Shuyu told Qin Chu that some things had been taken care of, and he was just waiting for the right day to come. Because Xian Wuyue did not have a natal family, he picked up the bride from the palace, performed the ceremony directly in the palace, and then sent her to Qin Ziyu's mansion, where the new house was. .

"Have you discussed some rituals and arrangements with Wu Yue? You must fully respect other people's opinions." Qin Chu said to Shang Shuyu.

"Husband, we have discussed this with Wuyue. She has no objections. Recently, she and Ziyu often come here and get along well with our family. I also took her and Ziyu to meet their parents. Both father and mother like it very much. No moon." Shang Shuyu said to Qin Chu.

After chatting with Shu Yu, Qin Chu knew that there was no problem and he could just wait for the wedding date.

At night, the Qin family held a family banquet, but an outsider slipped in, and that was Yu Wu. Recently, she has been staying at the Shanshui Villa. In addition to her own meditation practice, she also gave guidance to Qin Zile's practice.

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