Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4152: Helping in times of need

"One more thing, if there is any movement, share the information with Yuwu. As for how she arranges it, that is her business." Looking at Lu Qing, Qingyu Realm Master explained again.

After hearing Qingyu Realm Master's arrangement, Lu Qing was stunned, "Sir, do you need to support him like this?"

Qingyu Realm Master glanced at Lu Qing and said, "Your mentality is a bit wrong. In your heart, do you look down on him a bit?"

"My subordinates don't look down on him, and even say they value him, but as an adult, there is no need to support him like this. He is just a true saint." Lu Qing said.

Qingyu Realm Master pointed to the futon on the side, "There is nothing to do today. Sit down and I will tell you a few more words."

"Subordinate, just stand and listen." Lu Qing did not sit down, but stood aside politely.

"You are my confidant, and you often represent me, so you must have foresight in handling some things. Let's talk about Qin Chu first. I think he will have great achievements, so I am willing to be friends with him. It's a good thing that we are willing to provide him with some conveniences. Maybe if he doesn't grow up, it won't be a big loss for us. But once he grows up, this is a favor. The world of cultivators is cruel. Strength is king, doesn’t it require worldliness? He still needs it. Now that he is a true saint, it is better for us to give him help in times of need than when he becomes a dao saint or a heavenly saint." Qingyu Realm Master said to him! Lu Qing said.

Lu Qing nodded, "I understand what you mean. There is no problem for him to enter the Taoist Saint. However, for many years, no new Tianshengzun has appeared in the world of Xianzi."

"But after so many years, no one can cross the level of the Saint Realm to kill, right? You have to know what the concept of cross-level killing is. After he enters the Dao Saint Realm, even the Heavenly Saint It is difficult to kill him, and once he reaches the level of Tianshengzun, he will be the overlord among Tianshengzun." Looking at Lu Qing, Qingyu Realm Master explained why he liked Qin Chu.

Lu Qing exhaled, "My subordinate is short-sighted. I will take care of some things next."

Time passed by little by little. Qin Chu had been practicing in the world of the Burial Coffin, working hard to improve his cultivation. As for the outside world, he was not worried. The Suzaku Saint Clan had opened a branch in the Immortal Saint World. Any news will be sent back as soon as possible, and Shang Shuyu and others will notify him.

Yuwu, who had guided Qin Zile to practice for some time, also entered the world of the Sky Burial Coffin to practice. Qin Zile was no longer able to do it and could only practice in the Shanshui Palace. This is Qin Chu's request for his children. He feels that the children's foundation must be laid solidly. They do not need to speed up time. If their mood is not enough, using time to speed up their cultivation will easily lead to unstable foundations.

As time went by, Shang Shuyu, Shang Ruoyu and others came out of seclusion, but Qin Chu had always stayed in the world of the Burial Sky Coffin. His soul power was deep and he could continue to practice in the core hall of the Sky Burial Coffin. .

While Qin Chu and others were practicing, the four major saint clans were also recovering rapidly, and some clan members continued to make breakthroughs and grow rapidly. In the past years, they had no resources and could not improve their cultivation, but their realms were very high. After receiving the resources provided by Qin Chu, they were like mushrooms after a spring rain, making continuous breakthroughs and growing rapidly.

This made Qin Lanfeng, Shang Yuelan and others very happy. In the past years, the four major saint clans had been bullied miserably by the Spirit Palace. Fortunately, Qin Chu appeared and changed the situation.

While Shang Yuelan was listening to reports from his tribe, Ling Wudao came to the White Tiger Saint Clan's stronghold.

After nodding to Ling Wudao, Shang Yuelan patiently listened to the tribe's report, and then came to Ling Wudao.

"Why do you want to come here?" Shang Yuelan asked after coming to Ling Wudao.

Ling Wudao smiled and said, "I have nothing to do if I stay at home. I just came over to see you. I will go shopping with you after you have settled the clan affairs."

"Okay! The matter has been settled, let's go!" Shang Yuelan said with a smile. She liked her current life very much. The great hatred within the clan was avenged, and her life was also very happy.

After going to the street, Ling Wudao bought some tea and then walked around with Shang Yuelan.

"Husband, you haven't been to the Shanshui Palace recently? You should go see Emperor Qin." Standing next to Ling Wudao, Shang Yuelan said.

After listening to Shang Yuelan's words, Ling Wudao smiled and said, "Don't worry, the batch of wine I brewed before is almost done in the cellar. When it comes out of the cellar, we will visit with the new wine."

"Okay! Then listen to your husband." Shang Yuelan nodded. She knew that her man had no problem with being sober. She just reminded him, mainly because Ling Wudao didn't have many friends, and she didn't want Ling Wudao to be alone. .

"Yuelan, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you." After hesitating, Ling Wudao said to Shang Yuelan.

Shang Yuelan was surprised, "It would be nice if my husband could tell me something."

"Yuelan, you know, I am the Xiaoyao King of the Zhuque Dynasty. Although Qin Chu does not need me to care about anything, can I really not care about anything? It is not appropriate, so I plan to go to all places in the Zhuque Dynasty. Let’s go on a tour of the stronghold. I want to take you to see the customs and customs of all walks of life and see different scenery." Taking Shang Yuelan's hand, Ling Wudao expressed his thoughts.

After Ling Wudao finished speaking, Shang Yuelan nodded, "That's very appropriate. I will accompany my husband there and also check out some of the strongholds established by the White Tiger Saint Clan."

In fact, there were some things that Ling Wudao didn't say. He also wanted to go out and see if there was any chance. He was the Great Master of Perfection, but he was also influenced by some Shouyuan. Although he and Shang Yuelan were of the same era, but His bloodline talent is not good, so he has some problems with longevity. He took Qin Chu's longevity pill, but what happened after the longevity pill's effect?

Qin Chu didn't know these things and had been staying in the Sky Burial Coffin trying to improve his cultivation.

When his body strength and vitality energy hit the bottleneck and could no longer be improved, Qin Chu stood up and ended this wave of practice. Next, he needed to settle for a period of time, and then he could improve his cultivation level to the true level. The middle stage of the Holy Lord.

After finishing the training, he checked the world of the Sky Burying Coffin and found that Concubine Shi Qing, Wu Xinrou, Zhen Yuan and Tang Xuan were practicing in the Sky Burying Coffin.

Without disturbing the girls, Qin Chu returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Qin Chu asked Shang Shuyu where he lived because he saw Shang Shuyu practicing swordsmanship.

"Husband, you are out of seclusion!" Seeing Qin Chu appear, Shang Shuyu sheathed his sword and quickly came to Qin Chu's side.

"Now that I'm out of seclusion, I'm practicing swordsmanship." Qin Chu smiled.

Shang Shuyu smiled and said, "No need to interrupt. I am studying your husband's martial arts scriptures and have some ideas. I am studying new sword techniques."


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