Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4156 There is a lot of movement

"Holy Lord, this conflict may be a personal enmity. It is aimed at a certain person. It is not an attempt to be an enemy of our Holy Land." The old man who followed the Seven Lords Holy Land spoke. He is the Supreme Elder of the Seven Lords Holy Land. Li Zhen.

The Holy Lord Seven Lords did not speak. He took Li Zhen back to the real world, and then looked at the destroyed hall area.

"Holy Lord, this is the training residence of Bai Nin. The opponent may be targeting Bai Nin." Looking at the destroyed hall area, Li Zhen spoke.

When Li Zhen opened his mouth, someone else came over. One of them reported to the Seven Lords and Li Zhen that the soul crystal stored in the Soul Palace by Elder Bai Ren was black.

After listening to the report, Holy Master Seven Lords frowned, "Who did Elder Bai Ren offend?"

Li Zhen thought for a moment and looked at the Holy Lord Qijun, "A few years ago, Bairen and Qiuyuan, as well as the law enforcement officer Qianshuhe, left Qijunxia once. That time Qiuyuan and Qianshuhe fell, and Bairen... After being severely injured, Bai Ren went into seclusion after returning. The sect wanted to ask him about Qiu Yuan, but he refused because he was in poor condition. He must have offended someone before. "

With a cold snort, the Seven Lords Holy Lord stood up and went to the Seven Lords Hall. Li Zhen and the senior officials of the Seven Lords Holy Land who had gathered there also came to the Seven Lords Hall.

Sitting on the main seat in the main hall, the Holy Lord Seven Lords glanced at the people in the main hall, "The fall of Qiu Yuan and Bai Nin is a major event. It must be investigated clearly. I want to know who they have offended and who brought them to justice." Behead him. If you dare to go to Qijun Gorge to commit murder, you are not taking this seat and Qijun Holy Land into consideration."

After the words of Holy Lord Qijun, all the members of Holy Land of Seven Lords in the main hall bowed to accept the order, and then went down, but Li Zhen was still there. He is the Supreme Elder of Holy Land of Seven Lords, and one of the Taoist Lords of Holy Land of Seven Lords. First, he has a very high status. Some major matters in the Seven Lords Holy Land are decided by him and the Seven Lords Holy Land through consultation.

"Holy Master, this matter needs to be investigated, but after investigation, we must treat it with caution. This person can go deep into our Qijun Gorge to kill people. It can be said that he is bold, but if you analyze it carefully, it can be said that he is not afraid of us, so we still need to be cautious. ." Li Zhen said.

The Holy Lord Seven Lords nodded, "We do need to be careful. The other party can kill Bai Nin with lightning speed under our noses before we rescue and launch the defensive formation. He is very powerful and we can't catch him." The superior also explained this point. Another important point is that if the other party is only targeting Bai Ren, then the matter is not too troublesome. If it is targeting our Seven Lords Holy Land, then the matter will be serious, and we will easily be unable to withstand it. I also want to meet the Qingyu Realm Master, she knows a lot about some of the masters in the Immortal Saint World."

While Holy Lord Seven Lords was communicating with Li Zhen, Qin Chu moved some distance within the turbulence of the void, and then returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Qin Chu found that he was far away from Qijun Gorge. After all, he had moved a relatively large distance in the void turbulence.

After exploring some of the surrounding environment and making sure it was safe, Qin Chu placed the Sky Burial Coffin under a boulder and then ducked into the Sky Burial Coffin.

"Is it safe? This is too exciting." After seeing Qin Chu come back, Yu Wu said excitedly. She didn't participate in the battle, but she watched it from beginning to end, as if she had participated.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "Fortunately, it went relatively smoothly."

Not in a hurry to recover, Qin Chu made a pot of tea to relieve his nervousness.

"Master Yu Wu, according to your analysis, how will the Seven Lords Holy Land react next?" Qin Chu asked after pouring a cup of tea for Yu Wu.

"Investigate! The noise you made this time is quite big, and they must be very upset. They must know that you entered the hinterland of their sect and killed their True Saint Elder, and their Holy Lord and Supreme Supreme Being chased you but did not pursue you. "I must be afraid that you will target the Seven Lords Holy Land, because it is difficult for them to defend you in this way," Yu Wu said to Qin Chu.

Qin Chu nodded, "There was a lot of movement, but it was difficult for them to investigate. At the end of the battle, I shattered the opportunities for the combat area and hiding area, and they couldn't deduce it. As for my infiltration route, they couldn't. It can be deduced that I was sneaking in the dark night and perfectly controlled my aura, so there was no big problem. "

After chatting for a few words, Qin Chu went to meditate to recover.

When killing Bai Nin, Qin Chu didn't consume much. It can be said that it was a quick victory. The consumption was caused by his shuttle in the void turbulence. Because of the pursuit of the Seven Lords and Li Zhen, he went deep into the void turbulence. , withstood the impact of the violent void turbulence, so the consumption was relatively large.

After meditating for a day, Qin Chu returned to his peak state.

After chatting with Yu Wu, Qin Chu returned to the real world and rushed towards the mountain gate of Yuxian Palace. Qin Chu had no intention of taking action and rushed over just to understand the current situation of the people in Yuxian Palace.

There is no intention to take action because Qin Chu feels that there is no advantage in fighting against the Yuanli Sculpture. Moreover, Qin Chu is not in a hurry now. Yuxian Palace needs to wait for the follow-up troops, and he also needs to improve his cultivation level to catch up. It used to be just understanding.

After a few days, Qin Chu and Yu Wu arrived at the mountain gate of Yuxian Palace.

Standing outside the gate of Yuxian Palace, Qin Chu saw that the mountain gate of Yuxian Palace that he had destroyed had been restored, but it was very deserted. After being attacked by him twice, some of the people from Yuxian Palace no longer dared to come back, but later The men and horses were stationed here.

"Qin Chu, you can't take action. You just took action at the Seven Lords Holy Land. If there is any movement here, it will easily trigger some bad associations." Looking at Qin Chu, Yuwu spoke. She was afraid that Qin Chu would be impulsive.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "I have no intention of taking action. I just came over to take a look. Now I understand that they are very low-key, so I can turn around. But I think I need to see the Qingyu Realm Master. I told her about Bai Bai before. The matter of tolerance is settled now, so I need to tell her to avoid causing turmoil in the situation. "

Yuwu supported Qin Chu's idea, which was also a sign of respect for Qingyu Realm Master.

After leaving Yuxian Palace, Qin Chu and Yu Wu headed towards Qingyu Realm Master's dojo.

It took two days for Qin Chu and Yu Wu to arrive at Qingyu Dojo. Yu Wu told the guard and asked someone to report them.

Shortly after the announcement, Lu Qing came and brought Yu Wu and Qin Chu to the lobby of the dojo.

In the lobby of the dojo, Qingyu Realm Master was sitting cross-legged on a futon, with sandalwood lit on the tea table in front of him.

Entering the dojo lobby, Qin Chu and Yu Wu clasped their fists in greeting to Qingyu Realm Master.

"You are here, sit down!" Qingyu Realm Master said to Qin Chu and Yu Wu.

After sitting down on the futon on the side, Qin Chu told the reason for his visit. He told Qingyu Realm Master that the Hundred Ninjas in the Seven Lords Holy Land had been killed by him.

"Killed? You were really fast. Did you get there by squatting?" Qingyu Realm Master spoke.

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