Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4160 The Suzaku Holy King

Qin Chu and Qin Lanfeng arrived at the main hall of the Suzaku Dynasty's palace.

Qin Chu entered the palace hall. Everyone in the hall stood up and greeted Qin Chu with fists in his hands, calling him King Suzaku.

Facing the greetings from the senior officials of the four major saint clans, Qin Chu returned the greetings and then sat down on the main seat.

After Qin Chu sat down, Qin Lanfeng introduced the senior leaders of the four major saint clans to Qin Chu one by one.

After the introduction, Qin Lanfeng sat down in his seat.

"Seniors, I called everyone together just to inform all clans about something, but I didn't expect the seniors to arrive." After Qin Lanfeng finished the introduction, Qin Chu said.

"King Suzaku has something to say to you, and our four major saint clans must pay attention to it." Shang Zhengbing from the White Tiger Saint Clan said.

After Shang Zhengbing finished his words, everyone else present also paid attention to the meeting held by Qin Chu.

"I'm notifying you this time because I want to summarize some things. The catastrophe brought by the Spiritual Palace to our four major saints is divided into two parts. The first part is human beings. The scourge of the Master of the Spiritual Palace was caused by me a few years ago. After killing, the senior staff of the Spirit Hall were almost wiped out, and the human problem was solved; the second part is about the evil method of Immortal Changchun Kung. A month ago, I killed the last key figure who understood the Immortal Changchun Kung, so this part It can be considered the end. I dare not say that the crisis caused by the catastrophe of the Soul Palace has been completely resolved, but the development environment of the four saints is no problem. In the past, they were suppressed for a long time, and the development of the four saints lagged behind. In the future, they can quickly Development. Of course, you will also encounter some problems of this kind. If you have any problems, come to me at Zhuque Dynasty. We will solve the problems that can be solved. We will find a way to solve the problems that cannot be solved. "After everyone calms down a little. , Qin Chu expressed his opinions and attitude.

After Qin Chu finished speaking, the senior officials of the four major saint clans were very happy. The four major saint clans had returned to the world some time ago, but they were still cautious in the process of development. After all, they could easily turn into materials if they were not careful.

"In the development of the four major saint clans, it is normal for some rivers and lakes to fight. But if there is a crisis of destruction, such as the emergence of forces like the Spirit Palace, you must tell me immediately. In addition, Aunt Lanfeng, take these four pills The medicine is distributed as a token of my appreciation." Qin Chu took out four pill bottles, which contained longevity pills.

After Qin Lanfeng received the elixir, he gave it to the leaders of the four holy clans.

"Now that we've finished talking about the business, seniors, let's chat and communicate more about the next developments, but don't leave in a hurry. I'll host a banquet for you later." After finishing the matter, Qin Chu stood up.

Qin Chu stood up, and everyone in the hall also stood up and sent Qin Chu off respectfully. Qin Chu's seniority is low, but his strength is enough. Qin Lanfeng has already told about Qin Chu's achievements before. Both the True Saint and the Dao Saint were killed. Is it appropriate to disrespect him? In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected, and it was Qin Chu who allowed the four major saints to return to the world.

Qin Chu left the palace hall and came to the imperial garden of the palace.

"Sir, do you have any arrangements?" After Qin Chu arrived at the Royal Garden, Qin Muyun came to Qin Chu's side.

"Let someone prepare a banquet! We will receive the seniors of the four holy clans later." Qin Chu said to Qin Muyun.

After bowing to Qin Chu, Qin Muyun went to make arrangements.

Arriving at the pavilion in the Imperial Garden, Qin Chu made a pot of tea and thought while drinking tea. Killing Bai Nin solved the hidden danger, but did it really eliminate the existence of the Immortal Changchun Kung?

Qin Chu knew that it was not absolute, because he could not guarantee that all the people who knew the Immortal Changchun Kung would be killed. When he attacked the Ling Palace before, there might be some elders of the Ling Palace who were defeated, but one thing is certain, that is, these people are all The Immortal Changchun Kung cannot be spread, and if it cannot be spread, the crisis it brings is not great. Because among the troops in the Ling Palace, except for the master and deputy master of the Ling Palace, the cultivation level of others is relatively low. Furthermore, the supreme leader and elders who have entered the Great Master Realm have also been killed. The remaining people want to It is basically impossible to kill the members of the four holy clans to obtain blood essence, and they do not dare to reveal their identity.

While Qin Chu was thinking, Shang Shuyu, Shang Ruoyu and Long Xianyu came over and came to Qin Chu's side.

"Senior sister, Ruoyu, Xianyu, are you here? It just so happens that the top leaders of the four holy clans are here. I will take you over to meet them." Qin Chu stood up. He felt that it was necessary to introduce Shang Shuyu and others to him. Members of the Four Saint Clan, because they also belong to the Four Saint Clan.

As soon as Qin Chu stood up, Shang Ruoyu pulled Qin Chu to sit down, "When we came here just now, we saw Manager Mu Yun. She said that she would prepare a banquet to receive the members of the four holy clans. You can take us to see her at the banquet. That’s good, people may be talking about things now, and it’s easy to disrupt the rhythm if we go there.”

"Well! Ruoyu, what you said makes sense, then I will arrange for Rushuang and Xinrou to be called over, so as not to make them feel uncomfortable." After thinking for a while, Qin Chu said.

After listening to Qin Chu's words, Shang Shuyu shook her head. She told Qin Chu that when she, Shang Ruoyu and Long Xianyu came over, they called Xuan Nu and Wu Xinrou, but they didn't come. After all, this time It was considered a gathering of the four holy clans, and they did not intend to participate.

Knowing the thoughts of Xuannv and Wu Xinrou, Qin Chu did not force them. As for Jun Wan and Concubine Shi Qing, they were still practicing in the Sky Burial Coffin.

After Qin Chu left the Suzaku Palace, the top leaders of the four holy clans began to communicate and discuss development issues.

In the past, the four saint clans advanced and retreated together. After experiencing the catastrophe, they were more united than before. The great elder of the Xuanwu saint clan proposed that the four saint clans usually develop independently, but when necessary, they should do things under Qin Chu's orders, because Only with Qin Chu's leadership can the four holy clans stabilize the situation.

After the chief elder of the Xuanwu Saint Clan finished speaking, the patriarch of the White Tiger Saint Clan made a further suggestion, that is, Qin Chu should be the Saint King of the four major Saint Clan and the Suzaku Saint King who is respected by the four major Saint Clan.

"Clan Chief Shang, isn't this bad? Our clan, Mr. Qin Chu, has no such idea." Qin Lanfeng spoke. At this time, she addressed Qin Chu as "sir" because today was a meeting of the four major saint clans. She You cannot call the Emperor Lord, but in the Suzaku Holy Clan, all clan members must call the Suzaku King "sir." M..

"I know Lord Qin Chu's style and that he cares about some things, but if our four saint clans want to continue to develop, we must have rules. I don't have much life left. Before I die, I can twist the four saint clans. Becoming a rope can be regarded as making some efforts for the four holy clans," the leader of the White Tiger Holy Clan said.

"Clan Chief Shang, Sir Qin Chu didn't give life-enhancing pills to all clans. What he just gave to everyone is also life-enhancing pills." Qin Lanfeng said.

After listening to Qin Lanfeng's words, the White Tiger clan leader smiled and said, "The longevity pill is a good thing, but it can only be used by different people, so it is of little use to me. Lanfeng, you know, I am older than your father. These I have been in seclusion for years, just to ensure that I am alive, but my life is very meaningful, and I have seen the current situation, so I hope everyone will support my proposal. "

After the White Tiger Clan Chief finished speaking, the members of the Xuanwu Saint Clan and the Qinglong Saint Clan stood up and supported the White Tiger Clan Chief's proposal. Under this situation, the Suzaku Clan Chief, Qin Lanfeng and others could only agree. Avoiding suspicion also depends on the situation. Now it is obviously not the case. suitable.

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