Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 0418 I can’t get out of here

Staying in the seventh-level Sword Intention Zone of Tianjian Mountain, Qin Chu used spiritual stones to practice. He entered the sixth level and could refine sixth-level elixirs, but that took time. He was too busy recently and had no time to do so. To touch the refining of the sixth-level elixir.

Many people have estimated that Qin Chu could refine sixth-level elixirs, but none of them mentioned it. So what if he could refine sixth-level elixirs? Materials are hard to find!

In the world of practitioners, it is difficult to refine elixirs, but what is even more difficult is to find the materials.

Back then in Nanyanzhou, several major forces were at odds with each other because of the main ingredient of the fifth-level elixir, Heavenly Herb. This showed that there was a shortage of resources, let alone the main ingredient of the sixth-level streamer elixir, which was even more rare.

However, Qin Chu collected a large number of streamer flowers in the forbidden area of ​​Jianbei Forest, but they had not been refined recently.

When Qin Chu entered Tianjian Mountain to practice, some actions in Tianjian City began. Liu Gucheng arranged for people from the Liu family to pass the news back to the Liu family. There was no news about the master of the black prison. Shang Ruoyu lived in Tianjian City. There was no movement in the inn, and Qin Chu entered Tianjian Mountain.

The members of the Liu family did not know that Liu Gucheng was under control. Everything was as usual. Qingyi stayed in the stronghold of the Liu family and watched Liu Gucheng to prevent him from tipping off the news.

While the Liu family was delivering the news, Shang Ruoyu entered Tianjian Mountain at night and reached the seventh-level Sword Intention Zone.

The location where Qin Chu lives is relatively remote, but easy to find, because he is holding a flame crystal in his hand and cultivating the Suzaku Holy Fire, which is very conspicuous in the night.

After looking at Qin Chu, Shang Ruoyu left a distance and hid on the edge of the eighth-level sword intention zone. Because of the flames on Qin Chu's body, she could lock onto the situation around Qin Chu.

Qin Chu practiced very hard because he could feel his progress. As for ambushing Qi Qingqing, he just used it as a bait. The rest of the things had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't fight against them. .

The information from the Liu family was transmitted quickly. After Qi Qingqing got the news, she came out of the Liu family. What's the matter with Tianjian Mountain being close to Tianjian City? Take action quickly and retreat quickly without any problems.

Both Suzaku Villa and Qinglong Castle are preparing for weddings. The Suzaku Saint Clan's wedding reception and the Qinglong Saint Clan's send-off ceremony are all taking place in Tianjian City.

Qi Qingqing arrived outside Tianjian City, used spirit stones to clear the way, and asked people to inquire about the information. After confirming that the information investigated by the Liu family was correct and reliable, she was ready to take action.

After Qi Qingqing entered Tianjian Mountain, uncle Tianye and Su Mu got the news.

There are people from the Qinglong Saint Clan in Tianjian Mountain's portal area and primary sword intention area. They are observing the movements of Tianjian Mountain. When Qi Qingqing enters Tianjian Mountain, they discover it and then pass it on to Shang Shutian. Ye and Su Mu.

After getting the news, Uncle Tianye and Su Mu took action. They did not guard the portal area of ​​Tianjian Mountain and went to the east area.

Tianjian Mountain is a ring-shaped mountain with a larger front area. Qin Chu told them that after he entered, he would go to the east. Fighting also occurred in the east, so they could intercept it in the outer area to the east. Su Mu's The breath was sharp, he stayed farther away, and Shang Shu Tianye leaned closer.

Qi Qingqing entered Tianjian Mountain and rushed directly to the sixth-level sword intention area. She did not find Qin Chu in the sixth-level sword intention area, so she entered the seventh-level sword intention area.

After entering the seventh-level Sword Intention Zone and searching for a while, Qi Qingqing discovered the location of Qin Chu. The Suzaku Holy Fire was very conspicuous.

After approaching Qin Chu, Qi Qingqing laughed, "Qin Chu, are you still planning to run?"

Hearing Qi Qingqing's laughter, Qin Chu stood up and said, "Run!"

Seeing Qin Chu's decisive answer, Qi Qingqing flicked the cloak covering her head, "Run? Then I will break your legs, not your legs, but completely cut off your legs."

"That won't work!" The power of Qin Chu's bloodline burst out, activating the holy fire sword wings, and began to fly back. He is now a sixth-level King Realm practitioner and can fly.

While flying back, Qin Chu's Qingling Sword took action and launched a sword attack at Qi Qingqing. He knew that Shang Ruoyu was around, and Shang Ruoyu would appear if there was any movement, unless it was Shang Ruoyu himself.

Qi Qingqing flew to pursue, and at the same time she stretched out the long sword in her hand, and the ninth-level sword intention burst out, shaking Qin Chu's sword intention and sword energy away, and a sword energy cut towards Qin Chu's legs. She was now She really wanted to cut off Qin Chu's legs, so that Qin Chu wouldn't be able to run away and would be caught in her hands.

Suppressed by the ninth-level sword energy, Qin Chu could not move. He could only watch Qi Qingqing's sword energy flying towards his body. At this time, he could only pray that his sister Ruoyu could take action in time, otherwise From now on he will be confined to a wheelchair.


A sharp sword energy appeared and scattered Qi Qingqing's sword energy. It was Shang Ruoyu!

Qin Chu's prayers worked. His sister Ruoyu arrived at the critical moment and blocked Qi Qingqing's vicious move.

"Shang Ruoyu!" Seeing Shang Ruoyu appear, Qi Qingqing roared. She knew that she had been tricked and it was another ambush.

Shang Ruoyu didn't care what Qi Qingqing's name was, he just went to kill Qin Chu. She could move Qin Chu, but others couldn't!

The angry Qi Qingqing cursed. She saw that Shang Ruoyu was not a girl, so she understood that Shang Ruoyu's man might be Qin Chu.

The thing is very simple. Shang Ruoyu was still a girl in Youwu Continent, but she became a woman when she came to Shengwu Continent. During this period, the person she had the most contact with was Qin Chu.

"I'm not as mean as you. There is a bottom line in what I do." Shang Ruoyu's voice was very calm. Maybe he had a strong sense of frustration before and felt that he had been slighted, but it turned out that Qin Chu had feelings for her. , this is a recognition for her.

"Aren't you cheap? If you don't get married, your innocent body will be ruined by others?" Qi Qingqing cursed.

"What is waste? Is there anything wrong with the union of like-minded people? Qin Chu likes me, but he doesn't like you. You can't be mean even if you want!" Shang Ruoyu said with a smile, and it was her intention to hit Qi Qingqing. willing.

Qin Chu surrendered, but Shang Ruoyu just threw him out. What could he do? There was nothing he could do, who asked him to provoke others, and not just once.

Suppressed by Shang Ruoyu, Qi Qingqing used Rakshasa Kung Fu.

Qi Qingqing, who had used the Rakshasa Kung Fu, had a coquettish and terrifying aura about her body. Her eyes became narrow and long, the corners of her eyes and mouth were red, and her combat power also increased. However, it was of no use to Shang Ruoyu. Shang Ruoyu, who had inspired the White Tiger Soul, was still suppressing Qi Qingqing. This was the background of the number one person in Youwu Continent. Qi Qingqing, who had practiced Rakshasa Kung Fu, was still no match.

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