Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4189 Terribly strong

"Son, don't be reckless. Your mother is fine. Don't be anxious about some things. You must stabilize your position." After listening to Qin Chu's words, Qin Zhanye spoke. He doesn't talk much on weekdays, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care. My son is just not good at expressing himself.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "Don't worry, father. My son understands some things. He has a large family behind him and will not act recklessly."

After looking at Qin Chu, Qin Zhanye nodded. He was very relieved that his son was doing things.

After staying with his parents for a while, Qin Chu left the manor.

Not act recklessly? Qin Chu shook his head. He was indeed cautious in the past, but this time he went to break the Luck Seizing Formation, which was a bit forceful. This was because Qingtian Sage took action and gave him the opportunity to break the formation and retreat calmly. If not, Qingtian Sheng, then he can only attack forcefully. He is sure that there will be no problem in breaking the formation, but he may not be able to retreat safely. He really doesn't know, because Luo Qingyun is really strong, terrifyingly strong.

While thinking, Qin Chu returned to Shanshui Palace.

Qin Chu returned to Shanshui Palace, and Shang Shuyu and others were happy. Qin Chu was not at home, and the family had no backbone.

Sitting with his wife, Qin Chu's mood rarely relaxed. His mother's crisis was resolved and he was no longer anxious about some things. As for revenge, Jin Yu couldn't run away, so he could do it anytime.

"Husband, can you stay at home a little longer this time?" Shang Shuyu asked, holding Qin Chu's arm.

Reaching out and pinching Shang Shuyu's pretty face, Qin Chu smiled and nodded. He really had to stay at home for a while because his cultivation level was not enough. He needed to improve his cultivation level. As for the world of Immortals and Saints, Development matters are not rushed in one or two years, and in one or two years, he can advance for a long time in the world of Burial Coffin.

At night, Qin Chu came to Shang Shuyu's residence. The two had been together since they were teenagers, and Shang Shuyu was his wife, so he came here first.

Seeing Qin Chu's arrival, Shang Shuyu's face turned red, "Husband, you can go to the other sisters first."

"We must come to Senior Sister first. Let's not talk for a while and do something first, okay?" Qin Chu pulled Shang Shuyu to the window of the room, so that Shang Shuyu could hold the window lattice and watch the moonlight while he did something behind. , is also more convenient and has a unique atmosphere.

After resting at home for a few days, Qin Chu arrived at the Suzaku Imperial City, met with Qin Lanfeng, and told Qin Lanfeng about his plans to develop in the Immortal Saint World later in the day.

"Emperor Master, I have also learned about the Immortal Saint World. There are many big forces there. After we go there, those local snakes may attack us." After listening to Qin Chu's words, Qin Lanfeng expressed her worries.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "Auntie, do you know who is the biggest and most ruthless local snake in the Immortal Saint World?"

Qin Lanfeng thought for a moment, "The Immortal World Group is different from ours. Every realm there has a Realm Lord, and the biggest local snake is the Realm Lord."

"Auntie is right, but it is Qingyu Realm Lord's intention that we go there to develop the branch. She welcomes us there. Although the overall situation in the Immortal Saint World is a bit chaotic, Qingyu Realm Lord should be the biggest The most ruthless force, so we didn't have much problems in the past," Qin Chu said.

After Qin Chu finished speaking, a look of joy appeared on Qin Lanfeng's face, because Qin Chu had solved some problems, and the Suzaku Dynasty and the Suzaku Saint Clan needed such opportunities, needed to be exposed to high civilization and high levels. Resources, developing in the Immortal Saint World is the best opportunity.

"Auntie, get ready. When I'm done, we'll go over as a group." Qin Chu said to Qin Lanfeng.

Qin Lanfeng nodded, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will make arrangements here and arrange a group of people."

After communicating with Qin Lanfeng, Qin Chu went to the street, and then came to the palace of Concubine Ling. Concubine Ling was also his woman. If possible, she could not be ignored.

At Concubine Ling's palace, Qin Chu also met Ruo Linxuan.

In the past few years, Ruo Linxuan and Ling Fei had conflicts, but since they came to Qin Chu's side, their relationship has become better, because they are sisters who share the same weapon, and they can also be regarded as a team. To keep warm, the relationship between Yu Jing and them is a little bit different. They are either repulsive or the relationship is not that good.

Concubine Ling and Ruo Linxuan were very happy when Qin Chu came over. Qin Chu's coming over proved that he cared about them and did not forget them.

"Sir, you are back from your trip." Concubine Ling took Qin Chu's arm. When in front of others, she needs to be more solemn, because she is the crown prince of the Suzaku Dynasty. It doesn't matter if she is behind others. Behind others, she is just Qin Chu. A young woman doesn't have to worry too much. Ruo Linxuan is much more solemn. She was once the queen of the Wu Dynasty, and she still has some control over her temperament and momentum.

Looking at Ruo Linxuan, Qin Chu shook his head, because in addition to his own Queen of the Suzaku Dynasty, he had also harmed the queens of other families, and not only Ruo Linxuan, Wu Xinrou was also a queen in the past.

"Sir, what's wrong with me?" Ruo Linxuan's eyes showed confusion when she noticed Qin Chu looking at her and shaking his head.

Qin Chu waved to Ruo Linxuan and asked her to sit down next to him, "There's nothing wrong. I just remembered that you were once a queen. I'm a bit of a disaster."

"What are you talking about, sir!" Ruo Linxuan's face turned red when Qin Chu said this.

Qin Chu smiled and pulled Ruo Linxuan into his arms. Then he saw a maid in the lobby, and then he pulled Ruo Linxuan and Ling Fei towards the backyard of the mansion. Suddenly he became a little angry. Needs a little storm.

After a long time, the wind and rain finally passed. Qin Chu took a bath and changed his clothes.

"Sir, if it's not your own woman, why can't you use her well?" Ruo Linxuan said after helping Qin Chu tidy up his robe.

Qin Chu smiled sheepishly. His movements were indeed a bit loud before.

After helping Qin Chu tidy up his robe, Ruo Linxuan hugged Qin Chu and said, "Although I can't enter the Qin family, she is still your woman. You can't just cherish your own women and then come to harm us and treat us as tools."

"I understand. I'll try my best to keep it away from now on. Concubine Ling, take care of her." Qin Chu said to Ruo Linxuan after taking a look at Concubine Ling who was still resting.

Ruo Linxuan nodded, and then sent Qin Chu out of the mansion.

After leaving Concubine Ling's residence, Qin Chu thought for a while and then came to Ling Wudao's residence.

We haven't seen each other for a while. Qin Chu plans to have a drink with Ling Wudao, and then return to Shanshui Palace to practice in seclusion and work hard to improve his cultivation. His current strength is on the same level as Luo Qingyun and the Eternal Holy Lord. The masters cannot touch it and have some shortcomings.

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