Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4241 Too Courageous

Jin Yu woke up after his hands were broken by Qin Chu, but he couldn't struggle, and was then hung by Qin Chu on an iron pillar and locked up.

"Who are you?" Looking at Qin Chu, Jin Yu's eyes were full of fear, because Qin Chu was not only powerful but also relatively ruthless.

Qin Chu pulled off the black silk mask, "My name is Qin Chu. You may not know me, but I can make it clear. Decades ago, you humiliated and plotted against a couple. The woman was angry. She is my mother, so you should understand some things now. By the way, I might as well tell you that I destroyed the great luck formation and Beifeng in your Eternal Holy Land."

"You deserve to die!" After hearing Qin Chu's words, Jin Yu roared, because he knew that the recent troubles were all because of Qin Chu.

Qin Chu sneered, "It doesn't matter whether I die or not. What matters is that you are dead, so you shouldn't have any ideas."

As he spoke, Qin Chu kicked Jin Yu in the middle of his legs. It was a kick with destructive energy, which directly annihilated the manly thing in Jin Yu. This bitch had an idea for Zhen Xueyan. With this tone, Qin Chu Gotta go out first.

After destroying Jin Yu, Qin Chu took away Jin Yu's weapons, also grabbed all the secret treasures hidden in Jin Yu's body, and then wiped out the soul marks in the weapons and secret treasures in front of Jin Yu. .

After collecting the battle supplies, Qin Chu called Qin Guan.

Following Qin Chu's shout, Qin Guan, the spirit of the sky-burial coffin, appeared and called him "sir."

"Guan Qin, it's up to you to take care of this prisoner. If there is any mischief, just deal with it directly. You don't have to think about the consequences. Just give it a breath. If there is no other way, behead him. Having a body is also an apology to his mother." Qin Chu said to Guan Qin. .

Qin Guan bowed to Qin Chu, "Don't worry, sir, my subordinates will keep an eye on him. If there is a little energy fluctuation here, I will know it."

After talking to Qin Guan, Qin Chu took Tang Xuan back to the real world, and then continued on his way. This trip went smoothly and he successfully captured the main enemy. As for Luo Qingyun, who was said to be the master of Jinyu, he couldn't handle it yet. , things should be done little by little, problems may easily arise if you take big steps.

"My lord, you feel very happy! Don't you need to recover for a while?" Tang Xuan followed Qin Chu and spoke.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "It is indeed very satisfying. I have relieved my mother and father. As for recovery, it is really not necessary. The previous battle was quick and there was no consumption. Next, we will go to the dynasty stronghold and fight with the stronghold." Say hello, and then we can go back to Cangshan."

Tang Xuan smiled and nodded. She stayed in the world of the Burial Sky Coffin. Although she did not participate in the battle, she watched the details of the process when the Sky Burial Coffin did not stop her.

Because it was night, he had been traveling for some time and when he arrived at a place with beautiful scenery, Qin Chu stopped and said, "It won't be too late to start our journey again at dawn. Let's take a rest first."

Deciding to rest, Qin Chu got firewood and lit a bonfire, while Tang Xuan took a tea seat and brewed a pot of tea.

"Sir, the body of luck is really not simple. Let's take the four people before. They were rescued by you in critical moments. Isn't this also the blessing of luck?" After pouring a cup of tea for Qin Chu, Tang Xuan said.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "What you said does make sense. They did survive a crisis. By the way, you have been with me for some time. Have you received the blessing of this kind of luck?"

"Some of it! My cultivation has improved a lot, which was something I couldn't achieve in the past countless years. Moreover, my subordinates want a stable and peaceful life now, but the adults don't pay enough attention to it, so it's not strong enough. Tang Xuan said.

"Then I'll pay attention to you again." Qin Chu pulled Tang Xuan up and asked her to hold the trees beside the bonfire to watch the moonlight.

Qin Chu didn't get much rest that night. After dawn, Tang Xuan was asked to rest in the cave world, and he continued on his way.

After spending some time, Qin Chu returned to the stronghold of the Suzaku Dynasty. He told the personnel at the stronghold that he would continue to inquire about the Eternal Holy Land, but he had to be more steady. The safety of personnel was the first priority. If he found any information, he would send it to Cangshan City. He will know immediately.

After arranging some things, Qin Chu left the stronghold and headed towards Cangshan City. This trip completed the set goal and successfully captured the Golden Territory. This was a big gain. It also accumulated for himself and prepared for a breakthrough.

After two days of traveling easily, Qin Chu returned to Cangshan City.

When he arrived at Cangshan City, Qin Chu first went to the city lord's palace to meet Qin Lanfeng and Yu Jing, and told him that he had fought in the Eternal Holy City and the Eternal Holy Land had suffered a great loss. Next, he would pay attention to collecting information and inform him if anything happened. .

Everything was explained clearly. Qin Chu returned to the other courtyard, and his wife stayed in the other courtyard. The other courtyard was home.

After being teleported to another courtyard, Qin Chu transferred Tang Xuan out to the Burial Coffin World, "Take a good rest next, and call me if you need anything."

Looking at Qin Chu, Tang Xuan smiled and nodded. She was very happy to go on a trip with Qin Chu, because she was sure that Qin Chu didn't hate her and was more interested in her, which gave her some confidence.

After letting Tang Xuan go to rest, Qin Chu came to the lobby of the other courtyard.

In the lobby, Qin Chu saw Shang Shuyu and others, who were waiting for Qin Chu.

"My husband is back, is everything going well?" Shang Shuyu asked when he saw Qin Chu.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "It went very well. Everything that needs to be done has been done, but it makes you worry."

After sitting down, Qin Chu drank tea, chatted with Qin Zi, and then talked about his trip.

"Seize the body of luck and deprive it of the power of luck to use as the base of the formation. This Jinyu deserves to die! Being punished by your husband now is retribution." Xuannv cursed.

Qin Chu shook his head, "About retribution, I have never thought about it. He planned to retaliate against his mother and father, and he must pay the price. Later I will return to the Tianling World to let my parents take revenge with their own hands. In addition, I should visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law. "

Seeing that Qin Chu was happy, Xuannv went to the kitchen and arranged for a banquet. When Qin Chu came back, the couple wanted to have a drink. This was an emotional exchange.

When the banquet was set, Qingyu Realm Lord came, which surprised Qin Chu. The Immortal Saint World is unstable now. Qingyu Realm Lord still has time to come?

"Qin Chu, did you go to the Eternal Holy City to cause trouble?" After sitting down, Qingyu Realm Master looked at Qin Chu.

"The Boundary Master collects information so quickly. I just returned home today. You received the news and rushed over again without telling me." Qin Chu did not deny that he went to the Eternal Holy City.

The Lord of Qingyu Realm looked Qin Chu over and said, "I guessed it was you, but you are too courageous. They are a five-star immortal force with two Heavenly Saints."

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