Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4247 Easily obliterated

After recovering, Qin Chu accompanies his wife every day. Sometimes he takes his wife for a walk in the city, or to places of interest in the Cangshan City area. He is a person who understands life and wants to do his best to give his wife happiness. In the past, he was fighting outside and his wife was scared. Now that his life is a little more stable, he should give as much tenderness as he can.

Shang Ruoyu and others were very happy with Qin Chu accompanying them. They rarely lived like this in the past.

Another half month passed and Shang Shuyu came over. She told Qin Chu that some things had been arranged.

"It's a good thing that my father-in-law and mother-in-law are willing to stay. In the future, we don't have to worry as much as before. Zixing can also see his grandpa and grandma at any time. Ziyang and others do not have this blessing." Qin Chu said.

Some things can't be helped. Shang Ruoyu has no relatives except his clan members. The same goes for Wu Xinrou. Concubine Shi Qing has a father, uncle and grandfather, but they are guarding the sect and will not come over. However, Qin Chu told Concubine Shi Qing , I have to go back and take a look when I have time, and there is no shortage of financial support; Jun Wan doesn’t have any relatives, she is from a tribe, she doesn’t go back often, but she helps her tribe a lot.

Long Xianyu is a loner, but now he relies on the Qinglong Saint Clan.

Xuannv's natal family belongs to the Xuan Dynasty, but she is of a higher generation and has no close relatives. Her descendants include Lord Xuancheng and King Xuandu, who occasionally move around, so speaking of it, the happiest one at the moment is Shang Shuyu.

After Qin Chu finished speaking, Shang Ruoyu glanced at Qin Chu dissatisfied, "You don't understand the situation too much. When Ziyang went to his uncle and aunt's place, he was treated like a grandson. When you were not at home some time ago, our family In the past, the children were treated the same way.”

Qin Chu smiled and apologized quickly. He had overlooked some things.

Then Qin Chu told several women around him that if there was concern, he should take over the matter. The Immortal Saint World was indeed not good and the overall situation was unstable. There was no problem in the Tianling World.

However, Shang Ruoyu and others shook their heads. They all had a consensus that they should help, but not interfere with those people's lives.

Qin Chu did not dissuade him from this matter. Everyone's destiny is different. If they are close relatives, then it is no problem to help in any way. If they are far away, then forget it. There is no need.

Qin Chu's life was very stable. One day he was fishing by the pool and planning to get some grilled fish for his wife when the Lord Qingyu came over.

"How do you feel?" Qin Chu turned around and asked.

Shaking his head, Qingyu Realm Master took out a chair, sat down, and started fishing.

"No gain? That means this road is blocked and we need to consider other directions." Qin Chu said.

Qingyu Realm Master turned to look at Qin Chu, "Who said this road is impassable? I shake my head to mean that there is no breakthrough. It's not that there is no gain, it's just a little short of success. I will still have to work hard for you next."

"Okay! My life is quite miserable, and my blood and energy are all targeted." Qin Chu smiled.

At this time, Qingyu Realm Master glared at Qin Chu angrily, "Are you suffering a fate? Don't act like a good boy even though you get an advantage. It seems that you are suffering from this matter, but what is the reality? Can I not care about your affairs in the future? You It’s like having a great supporter at the Heavenly Saint level!”

Qin Chu grabbed the fishing rod and collected a fat fish, "Boundary Master has overthought things. You should understand the kind of person I, Qin Chu, am. I will do my own thing and I won't cause any trouble to you."

Qingyu Realm Master also picked up the fishing rod at this time. Unfortunately, the small fish she caught was too small and had to be let go. Then she looked at Qin Chu and said, "What you said makes sense, but everyone's position is different. , You Qin Chu have your own position, and so do I. I am very grateful that you are true. "

"I understand, I just hope that you don't feel any pressure, since we are friends, we should help each other. I am not a rookie, I have the ability to solve some problems." Qin Chu said to Qingyu Realm Master, he is not Shi Those who want to repay their kindness need to explain some things clearly to Qingyu Realm Master.

Qingyu Realm Master nodded, she understood what Qin Chu meant.

After giving the fish in his hand to Qingyu Realm Master and asking her to take it back, Qin Chu entered the deserted area. He planned to go hunting and get some delicious food for his wife.

Thanks to Qin Chu's efforts, the food in the evening was very rich. Everyone was very happy to drink and chat. The same was true for Qingyu Realm Master. This retreat was used to refine Qin Chu's qi and blood energy. Although there was no breakthrough, the harvest was very great. Da, she already felt like she had a breakthrough. She felt that refining Qin Chu's Qi and blood energy would be enough.

After resting for a few days, Qin Chu once again sent some blood energy to Qingyu Realm Master. Qingyu Realm Master went into seclusion to practice, while Qin Chu seized the time to restore his condition to its peak.

After restoring his condition to its peak, Qin Chu just left the burial coffin and found Lu Qing coming. Lu Qing wanted to see the Qingyu Realm Master, but was blocked by Tang Xuan.

Qin Chu brought Lu Qing to the lobby of the other courtyard, "The world master is practicing in seclusion and cannot be disturbed for the time being, but what's the big deal? If we can stabilize, then just wait."

"There are two foreign Taoist Saints who are a bit arrogant. Three of the Iron Guards under the Realm Lord are in the Immortal Martial World, and only one is in the dojo. Only one Iron Guard can't solve this matter. I'm here to invite you. Order, go and bring back the iron-clad guards from the Xianwu Great World and ask them to kill those two arrogant Taoist Lords. "Knowing that Qin Chu had a good relationship with Qingyu Realm Master, Lu Qing did not hide it and told her. The purpose of coming here.

After thinking for a while, Qin Chu said that there was no need to mobilize the Iron Guards, but that the two Dao Saints were causing trouble and he could solve it.

"How can I trouble the Emperor Qin?" Lu Qing was surprised. She didn't expect Qin Chu to be willing to help. She didn't doubt Qin Chu's strength. Qin Chu could cause trouble in the Eternal Holy Land and easily kill the Taoist Saint of the Yuxian Palace, which showed his strength.

Qin Chu shook his head, "It's not a big deal. I just need to go there and find someone to lead the way for me."

Seeing that Qin Chu really wanted to help, Lu Qing said that she could lead the way herself.

Because the matter was urgent, Qin Chu followed Lu Qing directly and headed towards the target. Lu Qing also told Qin Chu the details. Although the two arrogant Taoist Saints did not reveal their identities, judging from their skills, these two guys were from the Sky Palace, a five-star immortal force. In the past, the Sky Palace was relatively low-key. This time, there was a move, which might be a test for the Lord of the Qingyu Realm.

"Who cares if he is testing or not, just solve the problem, and wait for the Lord of the Realm to come out of retreat before talking about other things. Didn't you decide this before?" Qin Chu said.

This task was not difficult for Qin Chu. He did not reveal his identity. He took action with a black silk mask on and easily killed the two Taoist Saints who were causing trouble.

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