Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4296 A secret move

The woman in black is the controller of the formation in this area and is also the confidant of Lord Qingyu.

Qingyu Realm Master looked at Qin Chu, "Can you let her enter your cave world, and then open the cave world to her and let her control the formation in the cave world? We will stay in your cave world to communicate with her. It’s also more convenient.”

Qin Chu agreed. This was indeed more convenient for communication, and it also made it easier for the woman in black to control the formation. When the war started, it was better not to hide, as the woman in black would be easily affected.

After seeing Qin Chu's agreement, Qingyu Realm Master asked the woman in black to take her and Qin Chu around the formation area and introduce the formation's situation.

It took the woman in black and some formation masters more than half a year to set up this formation. The effect was not aimed at lethality, but mainly psychedelic and siege effects.

The area covered by the formation is very large. Once the formation is activated, it will be difficult for even the Heavenly Saint to rush out.

After thinking for a while, Qin Chu looked at the woman in black, "If some special energy is released in the formation area, can it be controlled so that it does not spread? And try not to be noticed."

"It can be done. As long as the energy gathering array in this formation is activated, most of the energy can be controlled from spreading. It is more difficult to completely prevent the energy from spreading, because it requires completely activating the formation, which will alert the enemy." The woman in black Said to Qin Chu.

Qin Chu nodded, "Then activate the Qi Gathering Formation to ensure that the energy in this area does not spread as much as possible."

After listening to Qin Chu's words, the woman in black looked at Qingyu Realm Master again. She was Qingyu Realm Master's subordinate, and all her actions obeyed Qingyu Realm Master's orders, even if she knew the relationship between Qin Chu and Qingyu Realm Master. good.

Noticing the look in the black-clothed woman's eyes, Qingyu Realm Master spoke, telling the black-clothed woman to follow Qin Chu's wishes, and Qin Chu's words were equivalent to her orders.

With the words of Qingyu Realm Master, the woman in black waved her arms and shot out a few Xuan Crystals towards the west of the area where several people were standing.

Qin Chu was right. The woman in black used Xuan Jing. High-end formations could no longer be supported by Xuan Jing. Important areas needed Xuan Jing.

Following the movements of the woman in black, the atmosphere in this area changed somewhat, and then became quiet again.

"Let's enter the cave world!" Qin Chu said to Qingyu Realm Master and the woman in black, and then led them into the sky burial coffin world.

After entering the world of the Sky Burial Coffin, Qin Chu told Qin Guan that the blockade would be opened to the two of them so that they could observe the situation outside at any time. Then he took out the Cave Heaven Ring containing the Zuisheng Yuan and found a suitable location. The drunken kite raised in the mysterious jade pool was transferred out and placed under a big tree in the real world.

"Qin Chu, your Zuishengyuan is in good condition!" Seeing Qin Chu's Zuishengyuan transferred to the real world, Qingyu Realm Master spoke.

Qin Chu smiled and said that he had been raising this Drunken Kite for a long time and kept it with spirit stone and spirit fluid, so it had good effects.

"Is the specific impact big?" Qingyu Realm Master asked again after thinking for a moment.

Qin Chu said that the last time he used it, it seemed that when he was in the Xuanshengzun realm, he had a confrontation with two elders of the Eternal Holy Land and used the energy of Zuisheng Yuan to influence them.

After Qingyu Realm Master thought about it for a while, he decided to try it himself. Anyway, it was still early for Qingtian Saint to lure Luo Qingyun and Eternal Saint Lord.

Qin Chu didn't object to Qingyu Realm Master. Qingyu Realm Master was the Heavenly Saint. She could make the most accurate judgment by feeling Zuisheng Yuan's energy.

After arriving in the real world, Qingyu Realm Master came to Zuisheng Yuan, then closed his eyes and meditated, as if Zuisheng Yuan did not exist.

Within a quarter of an hour, Qingyu Realm Master opened her eyes because she was affected, but she did not move and stayed there for a while.

After staying for half an hour, Qingyu Realm Master stood up and returned to the world of Sky Burial Coffin.

Returning to the world of the Burial Coffin, Qingyu Realm Master continued to sit cross-legged and meditate, and stood up after half a day. "It had a great impact. After absorbing the energy of the Zuisheng Yuan for a quarter of an hour, the movement of the energy of the blood and blood was stagnant, and the movement of the soul was also affected to some extent." The impact will leave 80% of the combat effectiveness, and you will notice it at this time; if you absorb it for half an hour, the flow of qi and blood will drop drastically, and the muscles and veins will be numb and unconscious, not to mention the impact on combat effectiveness. I think if you absorb more, I guess I can’t move.”

"As long as the effect is good, let Zuisheng Yuan continue to release energy." Qin Chu nodded.

After chatting for a few more words, Qingyu Realm Master planned to go see Qingtian Saint again and tell Qingtian Saint about the situation, in order to lure Luo Qingyun and Eternal Saint Master here to delay as much time as possible.

Qin Chu did not move and stayed here. Qingyu Realm Master left the world of Burial Coffin and went to Cangshan City to meet Saint Qingtian.

After Qingyu Realm Master left, Qin Chu meditated cross-legged, with time accelerating more than ten times. If he could practice more time, he should practice more time. The woman in black stood aside and observed the situation outside. Except for the enemy, In addition, she also has to watch out for other intruders.

"Don't let your soul power come into contact with the energy released by Zuisheng Yuan. It will be affected. I will go out for inspection later. If there are monsters or cultivators affected by Zuisheng Yuan, I will deal with it." Qin Chu said.

The woman in black nodded to show that she understood. She couldn't see through Qin Chu's cultivation, but she understood that being able to be with her master and gain his respect must be more than a simple role.

After spending some time, Qingyu Realm Master returned and directly entered the world of Sky Burial Coffin.

"Qin Chu, there's something wrong with the situation!" Looking at Qin Chu who was meditating, Qingyu Realm Master spoke.

"What's the deviation?" Qin Chu stood up while meditating.

Qingyu Realm Master said that when she came back, she noticed that some wild beasts had entered the formation area and had already been knocked over by Zuisheng Yuan. She cleaned it up and moved out of the formation area, but there would be more beasts coming next. Yes, this is trouble. Once Luo Qingyun and the Eternal Holy Lord see it, they will be alert.

After thinking for a while, Qin Chu came up with a way. He opened the lid of the jade bottle containing Soaring Snake essence and blood and took it into the real world. In this way, the breath of Soaring Snake essence and blood could drive away some wild beasts and monsters. As for cultivation, If you are just passing by, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"This is a good idea. When I went back, Saint Qingtian was shopping in Cangshan City. I communicated with him and asked him to go for a walk outside. Don't just stay in Cangshan City fishing. Once the other party appears, he will crush me. Soul Crystal, we will have enough preparation time," Qingyu Realm Master said.

After chatting for a while, Qin Chu continued to meditate, because Qingtian Saint's fishing would take some time, and he could still practice for a while during this time.

Qingyu Realm Master stood with her hands behind her hands. Her mood was not as calm as Qin Chu's. The fight between her and Luo Qingyun might be coming to an end.

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