Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4480 You are very good

Looking at Duanmu Qing, Qingyu Realm Master and Qingtian Saint, Qin Chu was a little confused. He thought that after defeating Lilong, everyone would have a chance to enter. But now it seems that it is not the case. Lilong's attitude is very firm and Duanmu Qingsan will not be allowed. People enter the rear area.

"Qin Chu, go in! We'll wait for you." Noticing Qin Chu's tangled emotions, Qingyu Realm Master also spoke.

At this time, Lilong spoke, "You are not qualified to enter my master's dojo, but I will give you a chance. There is a dojo thirty thousand miles to the east. The owner of that dojo is also a practitioner with a very high level of cultivation. , there may be some opportunities, so hurry up and go! Don't participate in the opportunities here. If there is no chance, it's hard to say whether he will get the opportunity. If it doesn't work well, there will be a crisis! "

After listening to Lilong's words, Duanmuqing, Qingyu Realm Master and Qingtian Sheng bowed to Lilong, said thank you, then nodded to Qin Chu, then turned and left. The opportunity here has nothing to do with them, so they We have to look for other opportunities, and we can't waste time. If it's too late, other practitioners will arrive, which will involve competition.

Watching Qingyu Realm Master and the other three leave, Qin Chu looked at Lilong, "Senior, can I go in?"

"You can go in, but I want to remind you that the previous blockage by me was just the first test. I will not stop you anymore, but you will have to go through some difficulties on your own. For example, the God-killing Formation of Destruction blocking the road, If someone else breaks in, I will activate the attack state. Because if you win, I will not activate the attack state, but you will trigger the defensive state after entering. It is up to you whether you can survive. , if it doesn't work, don't be brave, don't throw your life away if you don't get the opportunity. You must know that with your talent and qualifications, you will rise faster if you have the opportunity, and you can rise if you don't have the opportunity. The difference is the length of time. It's just a matter of achievement, there's no need to force it." After listening to Qin Chu's inquiry, Lilong said.

After listening to Lilong's words, Qin Chu hugged his fists and said, "Qin Chu knows, thank you for reminding me, senior."

"Go! Don't be anxious. You are different from the three of them. The three of them need to compete for time and avoid competition from others, but you don't need to. If you want to compete with you, you must first have the talent and qualifications. The talent and qualifications must be achieved first. After reaching the qualifications, you still need to defeat me. I won't let you go, it would be blasphemy to my family, so you have a lot of time," Lilong said to Qin Chu.

Holding fists against Lilong again, Qin Chu walked towards the energy smoke.

Moving forward, he protected the body in the realm of the early Qin Dynasty and also inspired the immortal body. At the same time, he put on the Great Sage's robe. Lilong said that next he would pass through the God-killing Formation of Destruction, so defense was very important.

Qin Chu entered the energy-smeared area, thunder exploded, and black thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air, bombarding Qin Chu. ..

Releasing the realm to the maximum, Qin Chu walked forward with the sky-burial coffin in his left hand. The destructive lightning entered the realm. Qin Chu used the energy of the realm to pull. His realm is the realm of destruction. He can indeed pull the divine thunder of destruction. The bombardment of the God of Destruction was missed.

He is holding the Sky Burying Coffin in his hand. When he feels it is necessary, he can use the Sky Burying Coffin to carry thunder. The Sky Burying Coffin is a secret treasure of luck. The energy of luck can weaken the energy of thunder and lightning. Moreover, the defense of the Sky Burying Coffin is also strong. Withstand some attacks.

Controlling the realm and moving forward against the bombardment of the God of Destruction, Qin Chu was not threatened. The main reason was that the power of the realm of destruction was strong. He controlled the energy of the realm and pulled the direction of the thunder and lightning's bombardment, pulling a little deviation. Just don't hit him.

Outside the smoky energy, Lilong looked at Qin Chu's advancing figure, and then nodded. He knew that Qin Chu's ability to defeat him was indeed a demonstration of strength, not a fluke. For example, this destructive divine thunder was not an ordinary practitioner. It can be resisted, but it does not pose a threat to Qin Chu.

He clearly saw the dangerous mountain area hanging upside down, and the distance was not big, but Qin Chu walked forward for a quarter of an hour and still did not reach the edge of the mountain. This made Qin Chu understand that the energy of the formation changed the space. Although it was a short distance, the formation The magical energy stretched the space, making it difficult for him to approach the upside-down mountain.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Chu drew the Evil-Destroying Sword, used the rules of time and space to bless the sword energy, and slashed forward, and then used the sword body technique to charge forward.

He slashed out a sword energy and charged forward once. After five times in a row, Qin Chu rushed out of the smoke energy area. To be precise, he rushed out of the area of ​​the Destroying Gods Array.

Looking back, Qin Chu found that he could see out from the inside. He saw Li Long watching him from outside.

Qin Chu nodded to Lilong and then walked towards the dangerous mountain hanging upside down.

Arriving in front of the dangerous mountain hanging upside down, Qin Chu saw the spiraling steps. Now he had two choices, one was to walk up the steps, the other was to fly up.

Out of respect for the master of the dojo, Qin Chu came to the steps without flying and walked up the steps.

After walking for an hour, Qin Chu followed the steps to the platform hanging upside down on the dangerous mountain.

Qin Chu appeared on the platform, and at this time Lilong appeared, "You chose to come up, that's great! Why not choose to fly up?"

"Qin Chu feels that this dojo is left by the seniors and must be respected. You should come up and pay homage to the mountain. Even if the owner of the dojo is absent, you still have to have the proper etiquette." Qin Chu said.

Lilong nodded, "Your decision is right. If you fly and enter the space outside the Hanging Mountain, you will be teleported away. You will be teleported to a very evil place, and the result will be death. If you don't respect your seniors, don't say that you have nothing." If you are qualified to be here, you are not qualified to live; you have passed the most dangerous second level, and what is left is the third difficulty. The path of destiny is illusory. What do you think? "

Qin Chu frowned. He still needed to answer the question. Is there an accurate answer? One hundred people have one hundred perceptions.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Chu spoke, "What you can control is destiny, what you can't control is elusive. I don't know what answers the seniors left behind."

"What you can control is fate. Your answer is right. In fact, it doesn't matter if your answer is wrong. Just answer it within five breaths. If you are indecisive, you will be sent away and will not be qualified to move forward. Now you can continue Go forward and get the opportunity you deserve! Don't do any damage to this place. My lord is no longer here, and there are many things I have to think about. I will continue to guard you until you leave." After Qin Chu said something, Lilong left the suspended mountain platform.

After Lilong left, Qin Chu looked at the platform carefully. It was a large platform with flowers, plants and trees, but it could be seen that they had grown wildly and had not been taken care of. There is a bamboo building in the middle area. Although it is made of bamboo, it has not been corrupted. Even after a long period of baptism, it still looks very stable.

Stepping forward, Qin Chu came to the bamboo tower.

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