Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 4674: Nothing

In fact, Bai Ming's resource storage is deeper than Yuwen Qiong. He didn't kill anyone on the battlefield here, but he did kill people when he was in Qianjiang Territory, so his means of accumulating resources are more ruthless than Yuwen Qiong.

"This guy's trophy is deep, is it Bai Ming?" Luo Qingyun asked at this time.

Qin Chu nodded, "You guessed it quite accurately."

Luo Qingyun pointed to a green ring in the trophy, "This servant saw that this soul secret treasure was familiar. When fighting with the adults before, Bai Ming seemed to have used it."

After looking at Luo Qingyun, Qin Chu said that whoever needed any secret treasure and resources could tell him, and then everyone started to work.

In the real world, Qin Chu and Luo Qingyun sorted out the resources in the Burial Heaven Coffin for a month before sorting out the resources of Yuwen Qiong, Bai Ming and Sun Wu. Qin Chu's resource foundation has reached a new level, which has reached a level that others can hardly imagine.

Qin Chu's resources are profound, not accumulated from one or two battles, but from multiple battles, killing opponents, and capturing spoils. The biggest gain was the time when he cut off Gong Qingzhu's left hand and plundered Gong Qingzhu's resources. That was the resource collection of a giant in the virtual world. One person surpassed a large force. Not only in quantity, but also in quality, that batch of resources was the highest end.

After sorting out the resources, Qin Chu took Luo Qingyun and the other two back to the real world.

Back in the secret treasure attic, Luo Qingyun made a pot of tea and then stood aside.

"It's also quite hard for the three of you to help me sort out the resources. Sit down and rest and relax." Looking at Luo Qingyun and the other two, Qin Chu spoke.

After listening to Qin Chu's words, Luo Qingyun and the other two sat down at another small tea table, which was where they usually rested. Under the small tea table was a soft animal skin, and it was also very comfortable to sit on it.

Drinking tea, Qin Chu took out a classic book to read, which was the technique obtained from Bai Ming.

When Qin Chu was reading the classics, Yu You came. She had come once before, but left without seeing Qin Chu and the others.

After seeing Yu You, Qin Chu asked her to sit down, poured a cup of tea, and then asked about the situation in recent days.

Yu You said that there had been no movement in recent days, the other party's treasure ship had not appeared, and there was no trend of inviting a battle.

"Not bad, they gave me face during the days when I sorted out the spoils." Qin Chu said.

Yu You smiled, "It's not that they gave me face, but they couldn't solve the violent killing of you, the deputy domain master, and they had to think about countermeasures. By the way, how is the income of the deputy domain master? You didn't call me when you sorted out the war products, which opened my eyes."

Qin Chu said that the income was not bad, and he would definitely call Yu You when he sorted out the spoils next time.

When Qin Chu and Yu You were talking, Zhu Yuntian and Qin Xuanling also came. They had nothing to do and came to talk to Qin Chu.

After being beaten by Qin Chu once, Qin Xuanling became honest, figured out some things, and after letting go of the grudges, he liked to run towards Qin Chu.

Seeing someone visiting Qin Chu, Tang Xuan stood up and asked Qin Chu if he wanted to prepare some food and drinks.

Qin Chu had no idea at first, but after Tang Xuan said that, Qin Chu became interested. Zhu Yuntian and Qin Xuanling also said they wanted to have a few drinks.

Seeing Qin Chu nod, Tang Xuan, Zhen Yuan and Luo Qingyun got up to prepare.

Qin Chu called Luo Qingyun, "The two of them go to make barbecue, you go to the beach to catch some crabs and shrimps, catch more."

As he spoke, Qin Chu gave Luo Qingyun the iron pot he made.

Luo Qingyun bowed to Qin Chu, took the iron pot and went to work.

"The battlefield was dull before, but since you, the deputy domain master, arrived, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield has changed. Except for a few of us who like to sit together and have a few drinks, other legion members also like to have some barbecue when they have nothing to do, and sit together in groups of three or five to have a few drinks." Looking at Qin Chu, Zhu Yuntian said.

At this time, Yu You said that everyone was under a lot of pressure before, after all, the commander was injured, and the atmosphere on the battlefield was depressing, but now it is different. Qin Chu went to battle three times and killed three masters of the other side, which was very encouraging, and everyone was relieved.

While Qin Chu and the others were chatting, Tang Xuan and Zhen Yuan started to barbecue. Behind the battlefield was the vast Tianlan Mountain, and it was easy to catch wild beasts. While Zhen Yuan was grilling, Tang Xuan went to help Luo Qingyun catch seafood.

Soon the barbecue was ready, and the seafood was cooked. When Qin Chu was thinking about whether to call Mu Xuan, Mu Xuan came, bringing Qingteng with him.

"I was just thinking whether to call Commander Mu to join us. You guys are here just in time." After greeting Mu Xuan, Qin Chu also nodded to Qing Teng.

Seeing Qin Chu nod to him, Qing Teng also bowed in return.

Mu Xuan looked at Qin Chu, "I haven't seen you in the past few days. What have you been doing? You didn't even come to me for tea."

Qin Chu smiled and said that he was busy sorting out the spoils.

"After killing three masters from the other side, the deputy domain master has made a lot of money, right?" Mu Xuan asked.

Qin Chu nodded, "Not bad!"

At this time, the few people present looked at Qin Chu with a strange look in their eyes. The lifelong collection of three top masters at the level of Tianshengzun was actually not bad in Qin Chu's eyes?

"Grand Commander, Commander Yuntian, the deputy domain lord has killed no less than 20 Heavenly Saints, and there is also Luo Fenglei, who is in the Void Realm. In addition, Gong Qingzhu, a master of the Void Realm in Qianjiang Domain, had his left hand chopped off by the deputy domain lord, and the Dongtian Secret Treasure was taken by the deputy domain lord, so the deputy domain lord really doesn't think some resources are strange." Seeing the surprised eyes of Mu Xuan and others, Yu You spoke up, because she knew that some resources were really nothing in Qin Chu's eyes.

Mu Xuan smiled, "I shouldn't ask, I'm looking for excitement."

While chatting, the group set up a table outside Qin Chu's Secret Treasure Loft. Tang Xuan, Zhen Yuan and Luo Qingyun put barbecue and crabs and shrimps on the table, and then returned to the Secret Treasure Loft. As a maid, sometimes you have to avoid it.

Qingteng's eyes looked at Luo Qingyun, and then returned to Qin Chu. She was a little puzzled in her heart. Luo Qingyun was in the realm of Heavenly Saint, but now she was doing what a maid should do.

Everyone was in high spirits while drinking and chatting, because the war situation had changed from passive to active, and the other party was in a very bad situation. They could not defeat Qin Chu in a single battle, and they might not have the upper hand in a group battle. The defensive formation of the Tianlan Mountain battlefield had been tested.

During the drinking and chatting, Qin Chu wanted to ask if he could take the initiative to repel the other party, but he gave up after hesitating for a while. Mu Xuan was the commander-in-chief and had a certain analysis and judgment of the war situation. If he asked rashly, it would easily bring pressure to Mu Xuan.

After drinking and relaxing at Qin Chu's place, Mu Xuan and Qing Teng left Qin Chu's station and returned to the command hall.

"Brother, what's the situation with that Tianshengzun? Why is he doing the maid's business?" After entering the command hall, Qing Teng couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

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