After being disturbed, Qin Chu's speed slowed down again. This was the effect he wanted, because he was getting closer and closer to the ambush site. He wanted to make the Flame Thunder Lord and the Sky Demon Lord feel that it was reasonable for him to stop fighting.

"Little bastard, today is your death." After sending out a fierce sword, the Flame Thunder Lord cursed.

"Shameless old bastard!" After cursing back, Qin Chu's body drew an arc, fell to the ground and ran, and the ambush area was in front.

Under attack, he ran for another half a cup of tea, and Qin Chu entered the ambush formation he had arranged.

When he passed more than half of the ambush formation, the Flame Thunder Lord and the Sky Demon Lord entered the center of the ambush formation, Qin Chu waved his left hand, and dozens of fairy crystals fell into the formation, and then the power of the soul was activated to activate the psychedelic trap formation.

The ambush formation was activated, and energy smoke rose, directly covering the area.

After the formation was activated, Qin Chu pulled open the cloth bag on his waist, and then his soul power trembled, impacting the cave treasures of Wuwei Dean, Prison Feather Lord and White Tiger Lord, and also threw the Heaven Burial Coffin into the air. .

Because they were worried about being discovered by Yanlei Lord and Tianmo Lord, Wuwei Dean, Prison Feather Lord and White Tiger Lord Shang Qianmo did not dare to use their soul power to explore the situation outside. They had been waiting for Qin Chu to send a message. Now Qin Chu notified them that they could start the war. Controlling the Heaven Burial Coffin to take off, Qin Chu wanted to let Qin Guan, the spirit of the Heaven Burial Coffin, control the formation, assist his side, and suppress the local area.

After notifying Wuwei Dean, Prison Feather Lord and White Tiger Lord Shang Qianmo, Qin Chu turned around and rushed towards Yanlei Lord and Tianmo Lord. He had been chasing him for a long time, and now it was time for him to vent his anger.

When the ambush formation was activated, Yanlei Lord and Tianmo Lord had a bad premonition, but Qin Chu did not give them time to think and had already counterattacked.

Turning back to attack, Qin Chu's destructive sword energy enveloped the Lord of Flame and Thunder and the Lord of Heavenly Demon. Next, it was time to see who was stronger and more ruthless.

The formation appeared, and Qin Chu suddenly counterattacked, which was completely beyond the expectations of the Lord of Flame and Thunder and the Lord of Heavenly Demon. Originally, they expected that Qin Chu would not dare to fight them hard, and would keep running away, and would be injured and killed in the constant escape, but now Qin Chu actually counterattacked.

In this situation, the Lord of Flame and Thunder and the Lord of Heavenly Demon could only fight.

At the same time that the Lord of Flame and Thunder and the Lord of Heavenly Demon fought, the head of Wuwei Academy, the Lord of Prison Feather and Shang Qianmo also appeared from the cave treasure. The three of them were not affected by the formation, and quickly surrounded the Lord of Flame and Thunder and the Lord of Heavenly Demon who were affected by the formation.

This is the effect of Qin Chu's formation. It is impossible for a half-step master god-level formation to attack and restrict a master realm cultivator. However, the unexpected impact will not give the Flame Thunder Lord and the Sky Demon Lord the opportunity to run away immediately. You must know that if a master realm cultivator runs away immediately when he finds something wrong, he will be hard to be killed regardless of the cost.

The battle started, the sword energy broke through the air, the knife aura was fierce, and the formation collapsed under the impact.

The half-step master god-level formation could not withstand the splashing energy emitted by the master realm cultivator, but everyone's attack splashing energy was controlled at this level, which was within the tolerance range of the heaven. Once the splashing energy intensity exceeded the master god realm, it would hurt the heaven. This is also the reason why the master god realm cultivators are subject to quota restrictions.

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