Looking at the circle of people, Qin Chu showed his attitude.

After praying to the heavens and announcing his attitude with the Suzaku Saint Clan, Qin Chu looked at Qin Yingjie, whose residual soul was about to dissipate.

"Suzaku Saint Clan, Elder Qin Yingjie pays homage to the Suzaku King! Thank you, sir, for letting me see this scene. I can go home with peace of mind next." Noticing that Qin Chu was looking at him, Qin Yingjie's residual soul bowed to Qin Chu. He thanked Qin Chu for seeing everything he wanted to see and the future of the Suzaku Saint Clan when his soul was flying away.

Looking at Qin Yingjie, Qin Chu sighed, "Fifth Elder, Qin Chu will send you to the Hall of Heroes!"

As he spoke, Qin Chu took out a piece of jade, waved his hand to carve an inscription, and then walked towards the Hall of Heroes.

Qin Chu walked in front, followed by Qin Yingjie's residual soul, Qin Lingxiao and Qin Shi followed behind.

Qin Chu entered the Hall of Heroes, arranged Qin Yingjie's tablet, and Qin Yingjie's residual soul also dissipated.

Some things are helpless. Qin Chu looked up and exhaled. He left the Hall of Heroes and came to the viewing seat. The next thing was handled by Qin Lingxiao. He believed that the experienced Qin Lingxiao would handle it well.

Seeing Qin Chu coming back, Prison Feather Overlord and Shang Qianmo clapped their hands.

"Auntie is here. I didn't go to greet her. Please don't be offended." Seeing Shang Qianmo, Qin Chu bowed and greeted.

"Don't be offended. What you said just now was very good. The fittest survive. The forces around the Suzaku Saint King City should show their attitude. If they are not on the same side, then stay away." Shang Qianmo said.

Qin Chu took a seat. Next, he was also a spectator.

Qin Lingxiao came to the big tripod in the square and announced the return of the Suzaku Saint King City. He talked about the rules of the Suzaku Saint King City. The Suzaku Saint King City welcomes practitioners to come and develop, but they must abide by the rules of the Suzaku Saint King City. In addition, the half-step overlords who rule the various circles around the Suzaku Saint King City should retreat when they should, and fight if they don't!

Qin Lingxiao's attitude was firm and not polite at all, but the onlookers understood that it was normal for the Suzaku Saint Clan to raise these questions. How could others sleep soundly on the couch? Whoever it was would make such arrangements!

Besides, this was the territory of the main Suzaku Saint Clan. Before, the Suzaku Saint Clan was in decline, and some half-step masters came here to rule the world. Now that the Suzaku Saint Clan has returned, it is naturally impossible to gain a foothold.

No one refuted Qin Lingxiao's words. If you open your mouth to refute at this time, it would be a declaration of war.

There would be no good results if you declare war. Everyone saw how strong Qin Chu was.

After the opening ceremony, Qin Lingxiao invited the spectators who participated in the opening ceremony to stay for the banquet. It was true that he wanted to stay for the banquet, and it was also true to talk about things afterwards.

Qin Chu didn't care about these things. If there was a need to fight, Qin Lingxiao would tell him. Besides, no one would be stupid enough to force the Suzaku Saint Clan. The Flame Thunder Master and the Sky Demon Master did not dare to jump around with the Suzaku Saint Clan, let alone the half-step master!

After the banquet, the leaders of the major forces did not leave, and the two half-step masters who came to attend the opening ceremony also stayed. They stayed only to talk about things and had no other ideas. Not to mention that Qin Chu, Qiu Yu and Shang Qianmo were all there, even Qin Lingxiao was not much worse than them.

A day later, Qin Lingxiao brought a half-step master to the lakeside cottage.

"My lord, this is the master of Hanjiang. He wants to continue to stay in this area and is willing to assist our Suzaku Saint Clan in its development." After bringing the master of Hanjiang to Qin Chu's residence, Qin Lingxiao spoke.

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