Crack, bang!

The crisp sound was the sound of the broken sword in the hand of the evil king shattering, and the muffled sound was the muffled sound of the evil king's right hand protecting the body and the burial coffin.

Qin Chu's violent attack caused the evil king to suffer more than the first time. The half of the broken sword was smashed into pieces, leaving only the handle in his palm. In addition, the bones of his right arm holding the sword were broken in many places. The energy carried by the burial coffin also hit his chest. The multiple impacts directly knocked the evil king away.

After knocking the evil king away, Qin Chu's flame energy body resisted the evil king's energy clone, and the original body killed the evil king.

"Speaking of my qualifications, don't you see what kind of garbage you are!" Approaching the evil king, Qin Chu's twelve-system destruction realm suppressed, and the sword of killing evil opened again.

As the evil king flew back, he waved his arms, and several half-step masters appeared and began to besiege Qin Chu. These were the people he brought with him.

Before, the Evil King thought that he didn't need his men to take action to deal with Qin Chu, but now the situation is not good. He was injured by Qin Chu before he did anything, so he needed his men to contain Qin Chu.

Seeing that the Evil King released his men to stop him, Qin Chu's sky-devouring black water in his dantian space burst out and merged with the twelve-series destruction realm to defend.

As the sky-devouring black water entered Qin Chu's realm, several black dragons appeared and circled in the thick energy of his realm.

After making good defense and avoiding the interference of the Evil King's men, Qin Chu used the cutting body method to approach the Evil King and began to attack him. He attacked the Evil King together with his original body and combat clone.

In this case, the half-step masters under the Evil King could not interfere with Qin Chu. Qin Chu's twelve-series destruction realm had strong suppression power, and those half-step masters could not get close to him. The sword energy and knife aura were also blocked by his realm.

"I am a scumbag, not qualified for you to investigate? Why don't you look at what kind of rubbish you are!" Another sword energy hit the Evil King Lord, and Qin Chu cursed. He was very angry. Since he debuted in the martial arts world, he has many enemies, but no one has looked down on him. The Evil King Lord didn't take him seriously, which he couldn't stand.

The Evil King Lord wanted to greet Qin Chu's family women, but he couldn't open his mouth. It was a fact that he was injured, and Qin Chu slapped him in the face with facts. In addition, Qin Chu's sword energy attack not only annihilated the blood and qi in his body, but also attacked his soul. This made him a little puzzled and didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, a Lord who was attacking Huiyue Lord and Zhenyuan changed his tactics, shook off the entanglement of Huiyue Lord and Zhenyuan, and rushed towards Qin Chu. The Evil King Lord was their leader and couldn't get into trouble. If something happened, they would not be able to explain to Tianxie Emperor after returning to Tianxie Realm.

In this situation, Huiyue Lord and Zhenyuan were quite anxious, but they could not support Qin Chu, and the half-step Lords under the command of the Evil King Lord came to attack them.

The other two Lords of the Heavenly Evil Realm also held back the Prisoner Lord and the White Tiger Lord Shang Qianmo, creating a situation for the Evil King Lord and another partner to kill Qin Chu together.

After a low roar, Qin Chu swung the Heaven Burial Coffin with his left hand, repelling the Evil King Lord, and shattering the world barrier behind the Evil King Lord, repelling the Evil King Lord into the turbulent void.

In a one-on-one situation, Qin Chu could perfectly control his energy and not harm the Heaven Realm, but the next situation would be one-on-two, and he could not consider these if he wanted to fight freely.

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