After chatting for a while, Qin Chu took the two women back to the real world.

The cultivation environment of the lakeside cottage is very good, and it is the same for Lord Huiyue to heal his wounds outside. As for Zhen Yuan, Qin Chu wanted her to relax in the real world.

Although he planned to go to war, Qin Chu was not in a hurry and stayed at home with his family.

Lord Yanlei and Lord Tianmo had been waiting for news of the battle in Zhuque Shengwang City, but no news came for a long time, which made them puzzled, because this was not right. According to the speed of the progress of Lord Xiewang and others, the war should have started long ago, but no news came out. Without news, they could only wait. They were not in good condition. If they acted rashly, it would be fatal.

Time slipped away little by little, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Lord Yanlei received a message from the spy he had planted in Lord Xiewang's camp.

After reading the letter, Lord Yanlei staggered, because the content of the letter made him feel depressed.

The Lord of the Heavenly Demons took the letter and looked gloomy after reading it. It was clearly written on the letter that a Lord beside the Evil King was killed by Qin Chu, and another half-step Lord fell. It can be said that the attack of the Lord of the Evil King on the Holy King City of Suzaku was a failure.

"How could this little bastard kill a cultivator at the Lord level? Is the Lord beside the Evil King a waste? He didn't know how to run, so he was killed? He had to give him a Lord-level Godhead?" After a moment of silence, the Lord of the Heavenly Demons exploded, because the Lord of the Evil King and others sent it thousands of miles away, which would increase the strength of Qin Chu's camp again.

The Lord of the Flame and Thunder was also so angry that he shook his head. He had sent the Godhead of the Lord of Divine Power back to Qin Chu before, which had already made the situation unfavorable to them. Now the Lord of the Evil King and others sent another one.

"The situation is very bad. In the past, we joined forces to suppress the Heaven Realm, and eroded some of the seven Lords of the Heaven Realm. The luck of the Heaven Realm has been low. Now it is not good for us." The Lord of the Heavenly Demon said.

"But what can we do? We are in a low state, so we can't fight hard, and the Lord of the Evil King and his people are not doing well." The Lord of Flame and Thunder looked very ugly, because the situation was too unfavorable for them.

After pacing back and forth and thinking for a while, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon shook his head, "We can't move. The Lord of the Evil King and the Heavenly Evil Realm have suffered. They will definitely not be done. Let them fight and consume. We will continue to wait and see, and recover ourselves by the way."

"For now, this is the only way." The Lord of Flame and Thunder sighed. Although he was full of reluctance in his heart, he had no choice but to stabilize himself first.

After resting for half a year, his cultivation level stabilized a bit. After saying hello to Prison Feather Lord and White Tiger Lord Shang Qianmo, Qin Chu took Zhen Yuan and quietly left the Suzaku Saint King City.

After leaving the Suzaku Saint King City for some distance, Qin Chu released the Void Flying Boat.

"Sir, instead of cleaning up the Tianxie Realm camp to which the Evil King Lord belongs, why don't we clean up the two scumbags, the Heavenly Demon Lord and the Flame Thunder Lord?" Zhen Yuan said after brewing a pot of tea for Qin Chu.

After looking at Zhen Yuan, Qin Chu shook his head, "From an emotional point of view, I want to kill the Heavenly Demon Lord and the Flame Thunder Lord more, but these two scumbags don't have a fixed territory and area to settle down now, so it's hard to catch them. It can be said that if they don't come out, we can't catch them; but the Evil King Lord and others are not like that. They have a foundation in the Evil King Valley. Just a defeat will not make them give up their foundation, so we can catch people in the past, and we will earn one if we kill one."

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