"Talk to clan leader Ling Xiao to see how to deal with it. I am worried about the development of the Great Wilderness Palace outside, because in my absence, they can't withstand the attacks of the Heavenly Demon Lord, the Flame Thunder Lord and the Evil King Lord." Qin Chu said.

Then Qin Chu went to the City Lord's Mansion of Suzaku City, met Qin Lingxiao, and told him his plan.

"King, you can't abandon the Suzaku Saint Clan, you are the king of the Suzaku Saint Clan!" Qin Lingxiao was anxious after hearing Qin Chu's words.

"Clan leader, you misunderstood. I didn't abandon the Suzaku Saint Clan. I established the Great Wilderness Palace to pass on the inheritance of my master, and also to manage the people under my command in a coordinated manner." Seeing Qin Lingxiao's anxiety, Qin Chu explained.

After hearing Qin Chu's words, Qin Lingxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and the nervous faces of Qin Shi and Qin Dong standing on the side also relaxed.

"I came to communicate with the clan leader just to know whether it is inappropriate to establish other forces in the Suzaku Saint King City." Qin Chu said the purpose of his coming.

"Nothing is inappropriate. The forces formed by the king cannot be called other forces. They are our own people. Besides, there are other families and forces developing in our Suzaku Saint King City. If the king wants to form a force, I will study a place to make a base later." Qin Lingxiao said.

After hearing Qin Lingxiao's words, Qin Chu was relieved. The conflict point was resolved, and the next thing would be easy to handle.

"Don't worry, the king, I will help the king deal with it soon." After pouring a cup of tea for Qin Chu, Qin Lingxiao said.

"Thank you for your hard work, clan leader." Qin Chu was very grateful for Qin Lingxiao's generous cooperation. If Qin Lingxiao was unwilling, it would be difficult for him to deal with it. He couldn't ignore the Suzaku Saint Clan, and he couldn't not form the Great Wilderness Palace.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Qin Chu arrived in the Suzaku Saint King City and bought some robes and combat boots for his wife and children. These family members might not lack them, but his heart.

After returning home, Qin Chu relaxed and calmed himself. The establishment of the Great Wilderness Palace was on the agenda, so he was not anxious. Maybe Wuwang, Huijin, Baiming, Qi Miaozhen and Yaoruo had no one under their command, but they all had roots in the lower realm. His combat clones could bring some core members back once they went back, and he could also recruit some people in the heaven.

When Qin Chu was thinking about this problem, Wuwang, Huijin, Qi Miaozhen and other old subordinates of Qin Chu came and told them about their own people. The establishment of the Great Wilderness Palace was imminent, and they couldn't be alone.

After a brief exchange, Qin Chu's combat clone took a few people and went back to the lower realm to bring people.

Qin Chu planned to establish the Great Wilderness Palace, but he had not yet decided to let the Qinglong Saint Clan and the Xuanwu Saint Clan come over, because they were different in nature. The Great Wilderness Palace was his direct subordinate and could be arranged around him, but the Xuanwu Saint Clan and the Qinglong Saint Clan were not, and they had to develop independently.

Knowing that Qin Chu wanted to establish his own power, Prison Feather Overlord and White Tiger Overlord Shang Qianmo were both supportive. Qin Chu was a signboard of the heavens, and it was normal for him to establish his own power. The Suzaku Saint Clan was Qin Chu's people, but in dealing with some things, it was still not as comfortable as the power Qin Chu established himself.

On the fifth day after Qin Chu and Qin Lingxiao had a good communication, Qin Lingxiao found Qin Chu and chose a piece of land for Qin Chu on the east side of Suzaku Lake.

"This place is called East Lake. It used to be the location of another power. After the Suzaku Saint King City was hit, they never came back. I think it is very suitable for you to build a base here." After taking Qin Chu to the location and taking a look, Qin Lingxiao made an introduction.

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