Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 0660 What a bastard

"I heard that you bought a property, how are you doing now?" Yang Taishang said after sitting down.

"Leave it to others to take care of it," Qin Chu said.

Yang Taishang nodded, "You really don't have time to take care of the property now. Just buy it. If you buy the property handled by the City Lord's Mansion, you will only make a profit without losing any money."

"Why did I buy it? Your Majesty still doesn't understand? You want me to have a sense of belonging and care about you; as for me, I want you and City Master Gu to be more at ease!" Qin Chu said.

"Haha! You guys always speak so directly, can't you save some face for me?" Yang Taishang smiled.

"Uh...then I should say this, thank you His Majesty the Supreme Being and City Master Gu for taking care of me." Qin Chu got stuck for a while and then changed to a chat mode.

"Come on, you should follow what you said before! It's too hypocritical to say this now, and I can't stand it!" Yang Taishang waved his hand.

Qin Chu poured a cup of tea for Yang Taishang, "Why do you want to come here?"

"If I can't come, you can't come either! How about making some barbecue for lunch?" Yang Taishang looked at Qin Chu and asked.

"No problem, let my wife accompany you, and I'll buy some materials!" Qin Chu stood up, left his yard, went to his mother's place, called Shang Ruoyu and Shang Shuyu over to accompany Yang Taishang, Then he went to the street and bought some game and some good wine before returning to the courtyard.

Shang Shuyu, Shang Ruoyu and Yang Taishang were chatting happily, and laughter could be heard from time to time.

After Qin Chu made a fire, he grilled the game, then set the table. Several women chatted together, and he could only work by himself.

After finishing the barbecue, Qin Chu called everyone to come over and eat.

"Qin Chu, so are you. Why didn't you introduce them to me earlier? I don't have many friends, and I don't have anyone to talk to." Yang Taishang looked at Qin Chu and said.

"It's my fault!" Qin Chu apologized quickly, but felt a little depressed. You were cold and cold before, with a face that kept strangers away from you. Who would dare to introduce people to you?

After eating and drinking, Qin Chu and his wife accompanied Yang Taishang for a walk around the lake and Cuizhu Mountain.

"It was a correct decision to give you this lake and Cuizhu Mountain. You did a good job." Taishang Yang was very satisfied with Qin Chu's construction of the Great Qin Villa.

He stayed in the Daqin Courtyard until evening before Yang Taishang left.

"Husband, Yang Taishang is also very easy to contact! You are not as cold as when you were fighting Qianjun." Shang Shuyu said.

Before Qin Chu could speak, Shang Ruoyu spoke, "Now, she has undergone some changes. She was cold before."

"She was like that for some reasons. Now there are indeed some changes. What makes people different from other creatures is that they have seven emotions and six desires. Communication is one of human nature." Qin Chu said. He did not go into details, but just briefly mentioned it.

Yang Taishang's arrival at Daqin Courtyard was just an interlude. Qin Chu's life was still the same, sometimes walking around the law enforcement team camp, sometimes visiting the property he bought.

Under the leadership of Qing Han, the industry has changed into a new look, but it is still in the preparatory stage.

When Qin Chu finished practicing his boxing skills that day, Qinghan came over and said, "Young Master, the restaurant is almost done. I hired several cooks at a high price and they are all very skilled. In addition, I also hired a special winemaker. ”

"What does special winemaker mean?" Qin Chu looked at Qinghan and asked.

"It's a winemaker I met in a tribe a long time ago. That tribe is deep in the mountains and isolated from the outside world, but their wine is very good. I went there two days ago and invited people over. , so that after our restaurant opens, it will have something different from other restaurants, and business will be easier," Qinghan said.

"That's good, just watch and deal with it." Qin Chu said, leaving the property to Qinghan, who felt relieved.

"The restaurant doesn't have a name!" Qing Han said the reason for her visit, and she asked Qin Chu to name it.

Qin Chu called Shang Ruoyu and Shang Shuyu over and asked them to help come up with ideas.

A few people thought about it and finally decided on a name, Xian Lai Restaurant.

After picking up the name, Qinghan went to work while Qin Chu continued to practice.

A few days later, the Xianlai Restaurant opened. Qin Chu thought that the opening of the restaurant was not a big deal, but many guests came. The most popular guests were City Lord Gu and the Deputy City Lord of Qianzhongshan. In addition, there were various titles from the Alchemist Guild and weapon refiners. Master Guild Qu Xuanhai also arrived, and Deputy City Lord Tang also came with several elders to congratulate him. This let the people of Xianwu City know that Xianlai Restaurant was not an easy one and they could not cause trouble.

Qin Chu accompanied the guests. When the unique wine of Xianlai Restaurant was served, the guests were very satisfied because there was no such wine in Xianwucheng before. .

When City Lord Gu and Deputy City Lord Qian left, they each packed two altars, as did Qu Xuanhai and Zhu Feng.

After settling the matter of opening the restaurant, Qin Chu prepared two jars of wine and came to Muguang Garden.

Entering Muguang Garden, Qin Chu saw an interesting scene. Yang Taishang was barbeque, but it was not very good. The roasted pheasant was blackened by the smoke.

"This..." Qin Chu was a little speechless.

"Come here quickly and help me do it!" Yang Taishang stood up, looked at Qin Chu and shouted, completely unaware that there were black handprints on his cheeks.

"You... have never survived in the wild before?" Qin Chu shook his head helplessly.

"There are people who can survive in the wild, but they always bring Bigu Pills with them." Yang Taishang's voice was a little soft. Originally, it was easy for her to watch Qin Chu barbecue, but when she did it herself, it was not very good, and the smoke was billowing directly.

After Qin Chu took over, he waited until the wood was almost burned and turned into charcoal before he started roasting the pheasant. Fortunately, Yang Taishang had just been operating for a while, so the pheasant could still be saved.

After drinking the wine Qin Chu brought, Yang Tai was very satisfied and said, "Qin Chu, you have to teach me how to do this barbecue."

"You don't need to learn anything. If you want to eat it, just go find me. My restaurant has opened, and the winemaker the housekeeper found is pretty good. This wine is now the only one in Xianwu City." Qin Chu said with a smile.

"It is indeed the only one. You have to keep an eye on the winemaker and don't get poached. In the business field, just like the battlefield, you will do whatever you can." Yang Taishang said.

"I don't provoke others. If others provoke me, I won't have a good temper. Yang Taishang, please eat slowly while I go back first." Qin Chu stood up and wiped his mouth.

After Qin Chu left, Yang Taishang looked at the delicacies on the table and felt that she was really not good enough.

He wiped his face with a handkerchief. When he saw the black color on the handkerchief, Yang Taishang's face was full of shock. Then he took out a small mirror and took a look.

Seeing himself in the mirror, Yang Taishang patted the table, feeling embarrassed and eating with Qin Chu.

"You look so dark but don't say anything, what a bastard!" Standing up, Yang Taishang let out a sweet roar.

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