Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 0670 Should be destroyed

Yang Taishang knew exactly what was going on, her body trembled, her face was flushed, she couldn't hold on anymore, her legs were weak.

Biting his lips, Yang Taishang exploded with ice energy, in order to wake himself up and to cool down Qin Chu.

The ice energy hit, and Qin Chu's anger decreased.

After Yang Taishang released the ice energy, some of her own throbs were suppressed, and Qin Chu's condition became better. .

"Be still and concentrate, release your energy with all your strength!" Yang Taishang shouted to Qin Chu.

Qin Chu released energy in his arms, and then he didn't care about anything, leaving everything to Sun Taishang to handle.

At this time, Yang Tai moved up, waving his arms and legs, and began to crack the formation of the portal to another world.

Just between two breaths, Qin Chu felt a little dizzy, mainly because the tremors were too severe. In two breaths, the Yangtai moved more than a thousand times. This frequency was too high.

"Okay!" Yang Taishang breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Chu was dizzy and his body was a little weak, so he lay on Yang Taishang. At this time, something happened again. It took two breaths for Qin Chu's anger to subside.

Yang Taishang didn't say anything, but bent down to untie the tendons of the beast under his feet. The result was that everything was so beautiful...

Reluctantly enduring it, Yang Taishang untied the beast's tendons and then stepped forward.

Watching Yang Tai move forward, Qin Chu noticed water patterns on Yang Tai's skirt.

I'll go... Qin Chu's head will explode.

Yang Taishang also felt something was wrong, because the wind was blowing, and she felt cold. She reached out and touched it and knew what was going on, and then turned around quickly.

As soon as he turned around, Yang Taishang saw Qin Chu's piercing eyes, "Shameless man, turn around here!"

Qin Chu turned around quickly, he did not expect this situation.

Qin Chu turned around, and Yang Taishang was helpless. How could he change clothes without a beast cart? She can't enter the formation either. Without the suppression of yin and yang energy, she can't enter the formation. What should I do? She couldn't change her clothes.

"Qin Chu, I want to change my clothes, but there is no way to do so. Can you withdraw your soul power and stop probing?" After thinking for a while, Yang Taishang spoke.

Qin Chu nodded, "I won't investigate. Your Majesty, you can change it boldly and safely."

Concerning Qin Chu's promise, Yang Taishang believed him and without hesitation, he started changing his clothes from the inside out!

After changing, Yang Taishang asked Qin Chu to turn around.

"Qin Chu, can you forget everything that happened just now?" Yang Taishang looked at Qin Chu and asked.

Qin Chu nodded, "I know, I will try my best to forget."

After taking a look at Qin Chu, Yang Taishang went to study the portal to another world.

Qin Chu took out a jar of wine and took a big sip. He said it was a lie to say that there was no impact. The situation just now had a strong impact on him. He is a normal person with seven emotions and six desires.

After Yang Taishang studied the portal to another world for a while, he nodded to Qin Chu, "This portal no longer has the label of Wuliang Mountain."

"Then what to do next? Destroy the formation outside, and you will set up a formation of your own?" Qin Chu asked.

"It's not appropriate. We only moved the inside, not the outside, so we won't be discovered. If we break the formation outside, we will definitely be discovered by Wuliang Mountain's subordinates." Yang Taishang thought for a moment and said.

Afterwards, Qin Chu and Yang Taishang had a conversation, and the two of them also reached some consensus, that is, they should not move outside the formation, but go to the portal to explore the other world to see what is going on in the other world. After studying it, they felt confident in their hearts. Go back when you are at the bottom, seize the opportunity to kill Venerable Wuliang, and then take over the rule of Wuliang Mountain.

"This is more appropriate, but we have captured Wuliang Mountain. How to deal with it in the future is also a big problem." Yang Taishang said.

"That's the follow-up. Let's first explore the portal to this different world and see what's going on inside." Qin Chu said.

Yang Taishang nodded, pulled Qin Chu's arm, and asked Qin Chu to release energy. Then he also released energy and merged with Qin Chu's energy to activate the Tiangang Yin and Yang Formation.

As the formation was activated, the stone door rose, and a dark cave passage appeared.

"Enter!" Yang Taishang went forward and led Qin Chu into the cave passage.

After entering the cave passage, Qin Chu's energy surged and he was ready to fight. Who knows what will happen next.

"Don't arouse energy, restrain your aura, and don't let other creatures be noticed." Yang Taishang pulled Qin Chu.

Qin Chu exhaled and followed Yang Taishang.

Qin Chu walked behind him, Yang Taishang's heart palpitated, and the scene a while ago came to mind again.

After advancing for a while, light appeared, which was a hall. The hall was very empty, and there was a statue in the middle of the hall.

"The statue of Infinite Patriarch?" Yang Taishang frowned.

"What do you mean?" Qin Chu looked at Yang Taishang.

"Wearing a Taoist robe, this is obviously the Infinite Patriarch, how come he is enshrined here?" Yang Taishang was a little puzzled.

"It is possible that they worship Wuliang Patriarch in a secret place on the territory of Wuliang Mountain here," Qin Chu said.

Yang Taishang walked around and around the statue to watch. After watching it for a while, her expression suddenly changed.

"Shameless person!" After turning around in a circle, Yang Taishang cursed.

"What's wrong?" Qin Chu was a little confused as to why Yang Taishang suddenly became angry.

"There is a Heaven Seizing Formation here. What is a Heaven Seizing Formation? It is a formation that robs luck and origin. When we came here, we noticed that the Wuliang Mountain area was desolate, unpopular, and the development of various forces was sluggish. I thought it was The problem with Wuliang Mountain’s management now seems to be not only a problem with management, but also related to the fact that luck and origin have been robbed,” Yang Taishang said as he looked at the statue.

Qin Chu still didn't understand, "Your Majesty, I didn't see anything!"

"Your formation cultivation is not enough, and the aura of the formation is not clear enough. Please wait a moment!" Yang Taishang spoke, and with a wave of his arm, a ray of extreme cold appeared and froze the sculpture.

At this time, Qin Chu saw clearly that there were some thin dark red lines on the sculpture, and if he looked carefully, there were some subtle energy flows on it.

"Wuliangshan, shameless people who are just fishing for fame, they have been doing shameless things these years." Yang Taishang was very angry. What Wuliangshan did on the surface was completely different from what it did behind the scenes. Does it have a transcendent status? Such forces should be destroyed and should not exist in the world.

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