Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 0673 There is great turmoil

"I don't care about these things. After I go back, I will be busy attacking the Venerable Realm!" Qin Chu said. He really wanted to be quiet. The next thing should be a battle between the two forces. Although he is a law enforcement officer Captain, but he didn't want to rush anymore. This time he had already hit the front line.

Yang Taishang did not refute Qin Chu's words, but he knew in his heart that Qin Chu, as the law enforcement captain behind Xianwu City, had the strength to kill the intermediate lord, so it would not be a waste if he did not fight!

The beast chariot was driving at great speed. At night, Qin Chu and Yang Taishang stopped camping. The monster rested, and Yang Taishang took Qin Chu to fly.

After five days, Yang Taishang and Qin Chu returned to Xianwu City.

When they arrived at Xianwucheng, Qin Chu and Yang Taishang separated. Yang Taishang went to attend to important matters, while Qin Chu had to go home.

Upon entering Da Qin Courtyard, Qin Chu felt the festive atmosphere. He walked directly towards the courtyard where his parents lived without asking any questions.

When he arrived at the yard where his parents lived, he saw the baby hanging to dry laundry, and he knew he was late.

Entering the room, Qin Chu saw his mother, father and wife holding his sister.

Awkward! Qin Chu apologized to his parents a little embarrassedly.

"I know you have something going on, it's okay." Zhen Xueyan said, she was very happy because she now has a son and a daughter.

After chatting with his parents for a while and looking at his sister, Qin Chu and his wife left and returned to their yard.

Shang Ruoyu told Qin Chu that his sister was six days old.

After a moment of silence, Qin Chu explained the circumstances of his trip and the reason for his late return.

"Is the matter so serious?" Shang Ruoyu looked at Qin Chu in surprise.

"Yes, this is a crisis. It's hard to say whether it's an outsider or an insider, but it must be cleaned up. We don't have to worry about this matter. The Yangtai and the city lord will handle it. It's nothing if it doesn't matter to us. I'll do it later. In retreat." Qin Chu said.

Qin Chu was still a little anxious about the breakthrough. Being able to defeat and kill the Venerable had nothing to do with whether he was a Venerable. He wanted to enter the level of the Venerable Realm. The King's Realm and the Venerable Realm were at different levels.

"Husband, are you ready?" Shang Shuyu looked at Qin Chu and asked. She hoped that Qin Chu would be more stable.

Qin Chu nodded, "Actually, I was able to break through a long time ago. I have been holding back just to make my accumulation thicker. There is no need now. Holding back any longer is a waste of time and has no meaning."

Shang Shuyu and Shang Ruoyu looked at each other and nodded. They knew Qin Chu's situation and there was no point in further warning.

After taking a bath and sleeping comfortably, Qin Chu entered the secret room of Da Qin Courtyard.

"Sister Yu'er, when do you plan to break through?" Shang Ruoyu looked at Shang Shuyu and asked after watching Qin Chu enter the secret training room.

"I can't do it. There is no problem with my vitality cultivation, but my soul power is still lacking. I plan to continue to settle down. Sister Ruoyu, don't worry, I won't be anxious just because my husband is going to make a breakthrough. I will be stable." Shang Shuyu said, and the family Having lived together for so long, she knew what Shang Ruoyu was worried about.

After listening to Shang Shuyu's words, Shang Ruoyu breathed a sigh of relief, but she was worried that Shang Shuyu would not be able to stabilize.

The Daqin Courtyard is very stable, but Xianwu City is not peaceful. After Yang Taishang communicated with City Master Gu for a while, he sent someone to send a message. This incident is an overall matter for Xianwu Continent, and she needs to inform Some people came over to do some research and found out that there were even monster kings within the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are a restricted area for human cultivators. They are not allowed to enter at will. If you enter without permission, you will be easily hunted. However, it is also relative. The top human cultivators can still enter. The saints can enter. Seventh-level monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Can you stop it?

However, no capable cultivator will enter indiscriminately, because the two parties have some agreements. This is also because after the accident of the bloodthirsty silver wolf group, they only occupied the Tongtian Mountains, which is the dividing line between Shiwanda Mountain and human cultivators, and no one crossed the boundary. The reason is that the dividing line is a dividing line. If it is crossed, things will not be simple.

City Master Gu, who knew the situation, had a confrontation with Venerable Wuxin, but retreated after only a brief contact. He was showing weakness to the enemy in order to let Venerable Wuxin stay in the Xianwu City area and not return to Wuliang Mountain. He Heyang Taishang was worried that Venerable Wuxin would find something wrong when he returned to Wuliang Mountain.

Soon, some powerful people from Xianwu Continent rushed to Xianwu City one after another. They all received a letter from the Lord's Mansion of Xianwu City. The letter was written by Yang Taishang, saying that for the sake of Xianwu Continent, even Qi The safety of Wu Dalu needs to be communicated.

That day, the master of the black prison appeared in black robes and came to the Daqin Courtyard.

After learning that Qin Chu was in seclusion, the master of the black prison stayed directly. He also received a message from Yang Taishang, but he was not in a hurry. He came, and Yang Taishang must know that if things were urgent, Yang Taishang would come to him. of.

In fact, the day after the arrival of the Black Prison Master, Yang Taishang arrived at the Daqin Courtyard. She wanted to explain the situation to the Black Prison Master first. The Black Prison Master was different from other strong men. She did not have to trust other strong men. , but you must trust the master of the black prison, because the black prison guarded by the master of the black prison is more important than the entrance to another world in Wuliang Mountain.

In the pavilion by the lakeside of Daqin Villa, Yang Taishang met the master of the black prison.

"Sir Yang Tai, what makes you send this message so solemnly?" The master of the black prison looked at Yang Tai and asked.

Without any hesitation, Yang Taishang said that she and Qin Chu had gone to Wuliang Mountain to explore the situation in Xuanwu World, and also explained the reasons why Wuliang Mountain had to deal with it.

"The Patriarch Wuliang is both an outsider and an inside ghost, so what role does Venerable Wuxin play? However, it is certain that his mind is not correct. He is trying to overthrow the rule of Xianwu City, so he should not!" The face of the master of the black prison was filled with tears. Leng Se, he guards the Black Prison for the sake of the peace of the Qiwu Continent, and Wuliangshan's behavior threatens the safety of the Qiwu Continent.

"This matter must be resolved, because the door to another world cannot be in the hands of despicable people. I am not making any moves now because I don't want to alert the snake." Yang Taishang said.

"Does Yang Taishang think Venerable Wuxin knows the inside story?" The master of the black prison asked, looking at Yang Taishang.

"You should know that it is impossible for him not to investigate the portal to another world, so he should be an insider. If nothing else, he must know the Heaven Seizing Formation!" Yang Taishang said.

"When the others arrive, we will have a meeting to study and see how to deal with it. Venerable Wuxin must be killed." The master of the black prison said.

"The trouble now is what if the Xuanwu World attacks the Qiwu Continent? The four saints are a big threat. The Holy Spirit said last time that there will be great turmoil in the Xianwu Continent." Yang Taishang said.

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