Martial Way of the Heavens

Chapter 0007 Over 10,000 Points

Qin Chu and Bai Yu, covered in blood and with torn robes, arrived at the Meritorious Hall of Qingzhu Peak with several bags on their backs.

Uh-huh! All the formal disciples of Qingzhu Peak in the Land of Merit have moved aside. Who wants to get close to these two dirty guys?

Qin Chu arrived at the task release board first, stretched out his hand and started to pull the task list. He picked it up and took down the task items that he already had. A lot of them were pulled down in this snap. .

"Bai Yu, don't you have any?" After finishing his own work, Qin Chu looked at Bai Yu.

"I got the good things back as soon as I saw them. I didn't remember anything. I handed in the mission first. If you have any extra mission items, you can help me take a look at them later." Bai Yu's voice was a little soft. He felt that he was too inferior to Qin Chu. too much.

Qin Chu nodded, "Okay, I'll help you figure it out in a minute!"

"Don't scold me?" Bai Yu was surprised. He was used to Qin Chu scolding him when he was stupid.

Qin Chu smiled and said, "In private, it doesn't matter if we fight and fight. In front of others, we are together. Who can scold you?"

As he spoke, Qin Chu also glanced at the official disciples of Qingzhu Peak around him, "Try scolding me!"

Snapped! Qin Chu put the package he was carrying on the counter, then took out his points card and task list.

"Can you two boys clean up yourselves a little better? Which disciple of our Qingyun Sect's clothes are not neat and tidy?" Looking at Qin Chu and Bai Yu, the law enforcement officer of the Hall of Merit shook his head.

"As a handyman disciple, there is nothing I can do. I will pay attention to it in the future. I will hand in the task now." As he spoke, Qin Chu pushed the task list, carrying the task items one by one, towards the law enforcement officers of the Hall of Merit.

Without saying anything else, the law enforcement officers of the Hall of Merit began to record points for Qin Chu. No matter what level of disciple he was, he would get points if he completed a task. This was the rule of the Hall of Merit.

Finally, Qin Chu took out a task list, which was the task he just took on, which was the fourth-level crystal core. Then he pushed the violent bear's crystal core in front of the law enforcement officer of the Hall of Merit, "This task points , allocate one thousand to this guy!”

"Have you hunted down the fourth-level monster beast?" The law enforcement officer of the Hall of Merit was stunned when he looked at the crystal core in front of him. He could distinguish the condition of the crystal core. The fourth-level monster is difficult to kill. The Qingyun Sect's The outer disciples didn't dare to touch him, and even the inner disciples didn't dare to provoke him easily.

In Qingyun Sect, newly recruited disciples will become outer sect disciples after reaching the second level. After reaching the third level, they are eligible to become inner sect disciples. Therefore, the fourth level monsters are behemoths in front of the outer sect disciples and inner sect disciples.

"How can we kill this violent bear? When we saw this violent bear, it was sick and about to die. Let's take advantage of it!" Qin Chu felt that it was better not to show off and to improve himself in a low voice.

Dang! The law enforcement officer of the Hall of Merit reached out and knocked Qin Chu on the head, "Do you think this law enforcement officer is stupid? The blood in this crystal core is definitely a violent bear at its peak. Although this violent bear is at the bottom of the fourth level, its strength is There is absolutely no discount, this law enforcement will not ask these questions in the future, but don’t talk nonsense!”

Qin Chu stopped talking. He was an expert and couldn't be fooled, so he just accepted it.

This time he completed more tasks, and Qin Chu got more than 7,000 points, which together with the previous ones exceeded 10,000.

After finishing it himself, Qin Chu helped Bai Yu hand over the task.

Bai Yu has three thousand points after completing the mission. The main reason is that he is not as cruel as Qin Chu and can find any medicinal materials. It is simply a waste of time.

"Han Enforcer, what's going on with the mission of the fourth-order crystal core? My mission is to give the sect disciples a chance. If there is no chance, I will go to the sect's treasure pavilion to buy one." An old man in green robes entered the meritorious service. Main hall.

"Tang Alchemist came just in time. Someone just happened to complete this task." The law enforcement officer of the Hall of Merit, Han Enforcement, stood up and handed the violent bear's crystal core to Tang Alchemist.

The old man in green robe, Master Tang, took a look at the crystal core, which was the crystal core that Qin Chu had just handed over, "This is the violent bear crystal core that just broke through to the fourth level. It can be used. It allows me to meet the disciples who have completed the mission." "?"

"It was these two little guys who did it." Han Zhizhi pointed at Qin Chu and Bai Yu, but it was a little embarrassing. The masters of the Pill Medicine Hall from Qingyun Sect's main peak were here. Qin Chu and Bai Yu were a little embarrassed now.

"Common servant disciple? Hunting the fourth-level monsters is good, very good! What I want to ask is, if you kill the violent bear, then the bile and hard work of the violent bear are in your hands, right? Three thousand points are the same, I Everyone took their seats." Master Tang did not look down on Qin Chu and Bai Yu like others.

"Boss, this master takes the courage and hard work of the bear!" Bai Yu was a little excited, because this meant a lot of points.

At this time, Qin Chu was silent. After a moment of silence, he raised his head and said, "Hey! I only handed over the bear bile and gave him the points. I didn't hand over the mission for my hard work!"

In fact, Qin Chu planned to keep the bear bile and painstaking efforts for himself. When he was doing tasks recently, he also collected the materials for his own medicinal bath. The old man went over to prepare him medicinal bath soup for medicinal bath. He wanted to continue, the monster inner bladder The blood of monsters and monsters are the ingredients, especially the blood of blood is the main ingredient.

Master Tang looked at Qin Chu and said, "With a third-level body, how do you use the blood of the violent bear?"

"I'm sorry, this is bear bile!" Qin Chu didn't want to say any more. There were some things he didn't want others to know.

After hesitating for a moment, Master Tang didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he took out his points card and gave Han Zhifa 3,000 points, collected the bear bile and left.

"Boss, I only want one thousand points. If you don't want it, we can only part ways. I, Bai Yu, don't want charity from others. I am serious." When Han Zhihua handed out the points, Bai Yu spoke!

"Okay! What about points? It's important to say it's important. It's not important to say it's not important. Let's continue to earn. Give me two thousand." After Qin Chu patted Bai Yu's shoulder, he gave his points card to Han Zhihua.

When Qin Chu and Bai Yu were about to leave, Law Enforcement Han called out to them, "You two are in such a mess, it damages the image of our Qingyun Sect. Here are two storage belts for you to carry. You can carry some items. Remember Stay tuned, I lent it to you!"

Holding the belt in his hand, Qin Chu didn't quite understand, but he was pulled by Bai Yu and left the Hall of Merit.

After leaving the Hall of Merit, Bai Yu told Qin Chu about the situation. There is space inside the storage belt to carry items, so there is no need to carry large and small bags in the future.

At this time, in the main hall of the Hall of Merit, the formal disciples of Qingzhu Peak began to communicate again.

"Please give this law enforcement officer a rest, do you still have the nerve to talk about it? Among the seven peaks of the Qingyun Sect, our Qingzhu Peak is at the bottom. Master Tang Alchemy and some other senior sects assigned us tasks because of the respect of the peak master and the elders. , Just like today's Master Tang, if the mission is not completed, he will cancel the mission and will not come to Qingzhu Peak again. Does Qingzhu Peak need handyman disciples to carry it? This is the way we see it now! "Judge Han looked very unhappy.

The Qingzhu Peak disciples in the main hall were also dumbfounded by the scolding.

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