At this moment, the falcon, which had been silent, spoke.

As soon as his words fell, a huge roar sounded from S.H.I.E.L.D.

And, what is good to die is that the Joker’s live broadcast is now playing the picture of the launch of the helicopter mothership.

“Is this the mothership that is going to kill us?”

“Oh my God, I don’t want to die…”

“Fak! Have the ability to kill Lao Tzu! On what basis do you say that if you kill us, this world will be at peace?! ”

At this time, people’s emotions have reached the extreme of anger.

The streets were filled with shouting, riots, and cries.

They don’t know where to hide.

I don’t know who I should believe at this moment.

People ran wildly, and no one had time to watch the Joker’s live broadcast.

However, unlike this, it was Luo Bing, who was sitting on the fighter jet and laughing madly at the moment.

Pierce, who was suspended from the fighter, was now stiff as if he were a sculpture.

His body was covered with a thin, frost-like thing.

With his eyes closed, he didn’t feel a little angry.

Luo Bing stopped the fighter on the platform of Stark Industries.

Immediately afterwards, he left the fighter with a doppelganger.

He hoisted Pierce from the Stark Industries building, connected to the fighter.

Like a warning.

It seems that thinking about it is terrifying.

At this time, Tony Stark and the three had already flown towards the helicopter mothership.

They were going to blow up the propulsion turbine while the helicopter carrier was still just starting.

The three flew towards different helicopter carriers.

It’s like seizing the last moment.

“Falcon, help me!” Team America said to the flying falcon in the sky.

The Falcon didn’t make a sound, just flew in the direction of the American team.

Now that the helicopter carrier has been launched, the American team cannot fly, so it can only rely on the Falcon.

However, before the three approached the helicopter carrier, they were surprised to find that all three helicopter carriers were parked in the air.

“What’s going on?” Team America said to himself with some surprise, and stopped.

The falcon, which was flying towards the American team, also seemed to notice something wrong and landed on the side of the American team.

“I want to… Maybe I know what’s going on…” Tony Stark replied with difficulty over the contact.

Just now, Tony Stark found himself unable to move.

Such a familiar feeling…

If Tony Stark guessed correctly…

“It’s the North Star,” Tony Stark continued.

His words made Nick Fury stunned.

Originally…… That’s what the clown is for.

His live broadcast this time does not need to be watched by people around the world at all, only Polaris needs to watch alone.

At this time, standing in the center of the street and looking around in a panic, Polaris, who had not said a word for almost three days, had a look of hatred in his eyes.

Harley Quinn on the side felt her anger, and her anger, in this instant, almost all burst out.

“Lorna… You calm down,” Halle Quinn said with some trepidation.

Then, after she said this, all the metal objects in the entire New York street…

It doesn’t matter if it’s people, objects or helicopter motherships.

But where there are metal objects…

All floated in mid-air and stopped.

Just Luo Bing’s live broadcast, Pierce’s talk, and the launch of the helicopter mothership.

Everything is stimulating the North Star.

Once the North Star thought how beautiful the world was.

Now she found that these good things are just the skin of real evil.

She used to think that most people were afraid that mutants would be too capable and would endanger social security.

So as long as she hides her ability and pretends to be weak.

Even if you are occasionally bullied, it doesn’t matter.

At least in this way, it will let the M country zhengfu see that in fact, every mutant, every person with superpowers is being careful.

I want to gain the approval of the world.

At that moment, however, Polaris realized that she was wrong.

There will always be careerists in this world.

They don’t care if anyone lives or dies.

They only care if they can rule the world.

They only care if the world is the same as they imagined.

The death of her parents is just a victim of careerists seeking to become stronger.

It’s not just her parents.

To those careerists, the entire planet looks like ants in their eyes.

Just make up a reason and you can kill.

For example, you have hindered peace in this world.

The most ridiculous thing is that they are still monitoring everyone’s every move.

Once Polaris thought that S.H.I.E.L.D., country M, at least in her opinion, was for the sake of the people.

So after Polaris killed so many S.H.I.E.L.D. people.

She will feel guilty, and she will be silent.

will consider themselves guilty.

Luo Bing said that millions of people died, in her eyes, just to comfort her.

Or cover up the fact that Luo Bing used himself to kill people.

But I didn’t expect that this was true.

So all along, it was never Luo Bing who used her.

It’s these careerists.

They wrap everything as a beautiful lie, using morality and law to bind everyone.

Yet they themselves are doing those hypocritical and dirty things under the cover of everyone.

The funny thing is that I still believe it.


A roar came out of Polaris’s mouth.

At this time, the North Star’s whole body is surrounded by green-like laser-like fluctuations.

With the roar of the North Star, there were bursts of explosions all around.

The electric tower collapsed in an instant.

All displays exploded.

Street lights smashed into the street.

The parts of the three helicopter carriers were dismantled, unable to continue flying, and fell directly to the ground, smashing the S.H.I.E.L.D. tarmac abruptly.

The absence of foundations for S.H.I.E.L.D. is a little shaky at the moment.

The Manhattan Bridge, erected in the heart of New York, was being destroyed little by little.

All the anger that erupted in an instant, the North Star, burst out all the energy in his body at this moment.

This terrifying power has almost surpassed the power of Magneto at its peak.

“They never cared about us, they never thought about us, they all wanted us to die… So why should we, and even consider them? ”

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