Eddie Bullock wore a hat and walked briskly on the road with his hands in his sweatshirt pockets.

Yesterday nine dead lives, today was fired.

Eddie Bullock didn’t know how he was supposed to look at all this.

It seems that the source of all bad luck began when he met the Joker.

However, what is good to die is not to die.

Whether it’s on the streets of New York or Washington.

Eddie Bullock could always see or hear all kinds of news about the Joker.

This annoyed him at the moment.

Just want to get back to the rental house quickly.

At least he has a girlfriend waiting for him.


“Eddie, maybe we can think about it again, I can’t accept my boyfriend going through my computer at will to get my company’s secrets.” As soon as he entered the door, Eddie Bullock saw Anne Wayne who was packing.

Before she said this, she was Eddie Bullock’s girlfriend.

“What? Anne, I hope you’re kidding me. Eddie Bullock looked at Anne Wayne, a little unacceptable for a while.

“Just kidding? No, no, no. Eddie, maybe you don’t know how it feels. Anne Weying looked at Eddie Bullock and said seriously: “This is not a joke. ”

Anne Wayne said as she packed her luggage.

“Annie, why now, you can change the time.” Eddie Bullock said a little helplessly, he looked very haggard.

“Does it take a fixed amount of time to say this kind of thing?” Anne Weying looked at Eddie Bullock in disbelief and said, “You don’t understand, Eddie, you have changed recently.” No, not recently, since you became a good journalist, you have changed. You work hard in journalism, and then you start to have some egotos and a bad attitude towards everyone. I thought I could change you, it’s just a matter of time, but I didn’t expect you to look through my company secrets?! ”

“Annie, but we’re engaged!” Eddie Bullock said a little helplessly.

There was anger inside him.

But he also understood that if he wanted Anne Weying to stay.

“Everything will be fine, okay?” Eddie Bullock said weakly.

“I’m sorry.” Anne Wayne pulled the zipper of the box up, looked at Eddie Bullock and shook his head: “I think we need time to calm down.” ”


Everything became dead silent –

Eddie Bullock and Anne Wayne looked at each other.

Anne Weying seemed to be waiting for something.

She looked at Eddie Bullock.

The gaze is somewhat longing.

She could have left long ago.

She didn’t have to wait until Eddie Bullock was about to get back to pack her bags.

But she did.

Like waiting for something.

“Well, do you need me to send you.” Eddie Bullock shrugged, don’t overdo it, and said lightly.

Anne Wayne was a little stunned.


Anne Weying walked out of the room and closed the door slammed.

Eddie Bullock stood in place, the sound of the door closing echoing throughout the room.

“Shett!” Eddie Bullock cursed weakly and shrugged helplessly.

He doesn’t even know what kind of mood he is in now.

“Yesterday, someone spotted the presence of a clown over Tony Stark’s villa… This incident also proves that the Joker was not caught by Tony Stark…”

On the TV, the latest news is played.

The face with the clown mask appeared in front of Eddie Bullock again.

“Is the world crazy? Why pay so close attention to a desperate maniac? Life Fund is so dangerous, no one pays attention !? Eddie Bullock said to himself with some anger.

He walked to the TV and raised his fist, looking at Luo Bing’s face as if he wanted to smash the screen.

However, after thinking about it, he put his hand down again.

Picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned off the TV.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Eddie Bullock’s eyes lit up, and he quickly ran to open the door.

However, it was a strange woman who appeared outside the door.

“Hello, my name is Dora and I am a researcher at the Life Foundation.” Dora said to Eddie Bullock standing outside the door.

As she spoke, she seemed to be watching something.

Eddie Bullock originally thought she was a salesman or something, and she was going to come to the door to harass her.

But, when Dora said the words “Life Fund”.

Eddie Bullock’s expression changed slightly.

“Come in.” Eddie Bullock said lightly.

“No, I’m pressed for time. I just wanted to tell you. The Life Fund is doing very dangerous human experiments. The world is in chaos right now, and I know you’re investigating them. Dora said hurriedly, looking like she wasn’t willing to stay here for another second.

“How do I know you’re not lying to me?” Eddie Bullock looked at Dora with a somewhat serious expression.

Although Dora said these things, many whistleblowers have already told him.

But he now needs Dora to give him proof.

You know, because there is no evidence, he has been fired from the company.

He won’t commit this stupidity again.

“Tonight, I’ll take you to the Life Fund’s lab, where you have the evidence you need!” Dora looked at Eddie Bullock and handed him a small note.

After that, she lowered her head and left in a hurry.

Eddie Bullock looked at Dora and opened the small note, which showed a string of numbers.

If Eddie Bullock guessed correctly, it should be the contact method.

It’s just that Eddie Bullock is a little confused right now.

He has already been fired.

Not a journalist either.

The matter of the Life Fund logically has nothing to do with him.

So why should he care about this now?

Even if he takes care of these things.

Who should he tell?

Who would think that he is doing what is righteous?

For this damn thing, he has already lost his job once!

Now another bunch of troublesome things have not been solved!

Eddie Bullock frowned and casually dropped the small note to the ground.

Then he sat back on the couch.

He spread his legs and supported his head with his hands.

It’s like contemplating something.

After a moment of silence, he got up and walked to the door, crouching on the ground as if looking for something.

“This damn life!”

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