
Secret locations of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Team America, Black Widow, and Thor sat on either side of a long table in a room.

Located in the very center is a virtual projection of Nick Fury.

“Thor, long time no see.” Nick Fury looked at Thor and nodded.

“It seems that I am not here, and your life is not very comfortable.” Thor looked at Nick Fury, put the hammer in his hand on the table, leaned back against the chair and said lightly.

Thor first came to Earth because of Loki.

At that time, Loki, who was Thor’s younger brother, joined forces with the Chitari to attack Earth and create chaos on Earth.

Saul deserves to capture Loki back to Asgard for trial.

That’s why I met the Avengers.

And joined the Avengers.

Later, because of Asgard, there are also things about the Nine Kingdoms of God Domain.

Thor has been busy and has no time to care about Earth.

Only now, he seems to have some free time.

In addition, Nick Fury did not know what method to use, but learned that his E-mall account sent him a message, telling him that the earth was in danger.

So here he is.

“It’s hard to imagine. Asgard will have E-mall. I originally thought it was just a spoof, but I didn’t expect it to really be your email number. Nick Fury avoided Thor’s question and joked with Thor.

“Of course, Asgard is a god domain, not as backward as you think. In fact, if we wanted to, we could build things on Earth, even more advanced than Earth. Thor said a little proudly.

This made Nick Fury and Black Widow bow their heads and smile.

“If you come, this matter will be much easier.” Team America’s expression remained serious.

He looked at Thor and said seriously.

It seems that for these problems, the American team is not as optimistic as Nick Fury and Black Widow think.

“Of course, I’m here to solve everything, including the clown you mentioned earlier.” Thor said to the three with a smile.

When he mentioned the clown, the faces of the three seemed to be a little wrong.

Even Black Widow and Nick Fury, who were originally laughing, sank their faces.

“You seem to be afraid of him?” Thor looked at the faces of the three of them and frowned, “Oh, it’s okay, my friends, but just a mortal, you have to believe me.” ”

Thor said, raising the hammer on the table with his hand and saying, “I believe he can’t hold me a hammer.” ”

“I think you’re right.” Nick Fury smiled and nodded.

Indeed, in terms of ability alone, Thor is likely to be able to kill the Joker.

But the problem is, there’s a good chance that the Joker won’t fight with Thor at all.

What was he thinking, what to do next.

Indeed, Nick Fury couldn’t guess.

But the problem is that the Earth is becoming more and more turbulent now.

A few people from the American team alone cannot solve the problems of the earth at all.

Nick Fury could only find Thor.

“In fact, there is not just a problem with clowns on Earth right now.” Nick Fury looked at Thor and said, “Not long ago, an unknown object broke into the earth, and after finding out in the data center of country M, it was inferred that those things came from other planets. Because of the recent disagreement among the top officials of country M, within a time when those things appeared, they were brought back to the laboratory by the Life Fund for experiments. ”

“Then, on the streets of Washington, such an outlier appeared.”

Nick Fury said, and a virtual picture appeared next to him.

The picture shows the grin of Venom’s teeth.

“Isn’t this the monster that looks like a parasite just now.” Thor looked at the venom in the picture and looked at the American team and said.

“He said his name was Venom.” The black widow on the side looked at Nick Fury and said.

“Yes, I heard it too, and it seems to be with the Joker.” Team America glanced at Black Widow, and then said to Nick Fury.

These words made Nick Fury look surprised.


Alien organisms??

These two words don’t sound like anything to do.

Actually linked?

“We were given the task today to go to Eddie Bullock’s house. But we didn’t see Eddie Bullock, I only saw the Joker. ”

“We were going to catch him. However, Venom appeared behind him. ”

“Immediately after, Venom attacked us, and the Joker left in front of us.”

Seeing the expression on Nick Fury’s face was a little surprised, Black Widow quickly explained to Nick Fury.

From the tone of Black Widow’s words, it can be seen that Black Widow also rejects in her heart.

Nick Fury was silent after listening.

If Venom is associated with the Joker…

This problem seems to be even more troublesome.

“Oh, this is just right, we have found them one by one, all at once, I can solve them all.” Thor looked at the silent three, suddenly laughed, and said while laughing.

Quiet room.

Only Thor looked happy, everyone else looked worried.

“Strictly speaking, that’s not a good thing. A cunning person like the Joker, now with such a powerful alien creature as a helper, may be even more troublesome. Nick Fury said with a frown.

“When the clown left before, he said that starting tonight, more and more people will die.” Team America seemed to remember something, looked at Nick Fury and said.

This sentence made Nick Fury look surprised.

The heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

What does the Joker want to do?

Tonight starts… Will more and more people die?

So what exactly is his purpose?

“Trouble.” Nick Fury shook his head and muttered softly.

“There’s nothing wrong with that! Nick! Thor looked at the three people with a silent look and a solemn look, picked up the hammer and stood up directly, facing Nick Fury: “I’ll solve him!” ”

“Thor!” Seeing that Thor was impulsively leaving, the American team quickly stood up and stopped Sol.

“We think that the matter of catching clowns may be better discussed. We need a plan, otherwise, Sol. I suspect, you probably, simply cannot find where the clown is. ”

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