Tony Stark opened the steel mask on his face and said a little helplessly.

It seems that Tony Stark now has only this one way left.

After all, more and more things make Tony Stark not know how to face it.

However, what surprised Tony Stark himself.

In this case, Tony Stark can obviously do it directly without silence.

But he actually said it.

And he said it to Luo Bing.

Saying something like this is more like a negotiation.


It’s like negotiation.

Because in this way, it sounds like there is no threat at all.

“This is your choice, is it possible, the great CEO of Stark Industries, do you still need me to teach you this?” Luo Bing shook his head and said with a smile.

The way he spoke, the expression, he looked like a madman.

Madness made it difficult for Tony Stark to stretch his furrowed brows.

Even, there is a trace of disgust in my heart.

You know, what Luo Bing said was too direct and too explicit.

Some of the words were even hard for Tony Stark to accept.

“I know, you moved to kill.” Just as Tony Stark looked directly into Luo Bing’s gaze.

Luo Bing’s sudden opening made Tony Stark’s hand move.

But it didn’t lift up.

Tony Stark didn’t know what he was thinking or what he was waiting for.

At this time, the best choice is obviously to kill Luo Bing directly.

But why, he hesitated.

Is Luo Bing difficult to deal with?

Tony Stark asked himself in his heart.

It’s actually not difficult to deal with.

It’s not difficult to deal with at all.

He’s just an ordinary person.

Tony Stark can study a lot of things that will make Luo Bing die thousands of times.

Nick Fury can too.

But why did he live to this point?

And it is inextricably linked with the Avengers, with S.H.I.E.L.D., and even with Mrs. Gao and the high-level of Country M?

Tony Stark was a little confused for a moment.

But he also seemed to understand something.

From the beginning.

Luo Bing shows himself as a clown, and he does something that is not painful for country M.

Even did something that didn’t hurt Tony Stark and didn’t go to death.

Kill people, bomb banks.

These are not worth mentioning in the Marvel world where aliens invade and biochemical weapons are everywhere.

Such criminals emerge every day.

They have all kinds of reasons and excuses to do those bad things.

What Luo Bing did.

It’s not even worth being investigated by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe it’s because of such clown makeup, such a bad thing to fight and fight.

Let everyone relax their vigilance against Luo Bing.

Everyone felt that he was just a petty criminal and could not make much waves.

After all, there are many more dangerous people in this world than him.

The earth will be destroyed at every turn, and millions of people will be sacrificed, and things are happening every three to five.

So no one will put all the care on Luo Bing’s body.

For his occasional petty fights, or naked provocations.

Although the Avengers were annoyed, it was impossible to concentrate all their firepower against him alone.

That’s why he was given a chance.

It gave him a little chance to infiltrate the Avengers and disintegrate the Avengers.

Gave him the opportunity to learn about the Avengers.

On the bright side.

Everything Luo Bing did seemed to be just a simple crime.

But think about it.

Almost everything he does can be connected to achieve one goal.

That is to disintegrate the Avengers.

He made everyone love and hate such a person with clown makeup.

He moves between the various forces with ease.

Messing up everything that seems unconnected, he makes good use of people’s hearts.

It’s not just about using forces.

Also take advantage of the New York masses.

He does things exaggeratedly and is not subject to rules.

Behavior is weird and insane.

He is a criminal through and through, beyond doubt.

Everyone thought he was a crazy criminal.

From another point of view, Luo Bing did nothing wrong.

It’s just that some of his tactics are excessive.

From contempt at the beginning, to now.

Tony Stark already had to face Luo Bing squarely.

In many cases, Tony Stark suspected that he had not an anxiety disorder, but a neuropathy.

“Little Pepper, did you blow it up.” There was a long silence before Tony Stark asked such a sentence.

He asked and sat down on the ground.

Tony Stark vowed.

He and Luo Bing are definitely not the kind of relationship where they can sit and chat.

But now, Tony Stark can’t help it.

Many things, he will feel helpless.

If it is an ordinary villain, kill and kill.

However, this villain is different from other villains.

He doesn’t have any superpowers that are very good at speaking.

His only weapon is the human heart.

Sometimes, fighting with Luo Bing and fighting with Luo Bing is like fighting with himself.

Unless you can beat your heart.

Otherwise, it is difficult for someone to fight the clown.

“Oh, is Pepper dead? This is really surprising. Seeing Tony Stark sitting on the ground, Luo Bing shrugged and replied.

The expression on his face looked shocked.

As if, Pepper was not a bomb tied to him at all.

“Pepper has the bomb you made for him strapped to him! And that bomb also exploded! Tony Stark was a little angry.

He accentuated his tone.

One mention of Pepper and his father.

Tony Stark is easily agitated, and emotions can easily become tense.

“I’m not going to make bombs.” Luo Bing had a stunned expression, and he paralyzed his hands.

This expression made Tony Stark a little confused.

“You know what the truth is.” Tony Stark stood up at once and looked at Luo Bing, at this time, he was a little eager to know about Pepper.

He wanted to get it out of Luo Bing’s mouth.

Know the whole thing.

“Then you have to think about what you exchanged with me.” Luo Bing said with a smile: “You know, I am a criminal and not a philanthropist. ”

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