Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 166 Iron Man: I actually snapped my fingers to death!

"Tony, congratulations on your marriage." As soon as Thor saw Tony Stark, he quickly stepped forward to thank him, "I know you are married, Heimdall saw it, but I can't get down, the Rainbow Bridge has not been repaired. "

"Thank you Thor." Tony Stark and Thor hugged, "How long will the Rainbow Bridge be repaired? Loki is coming to New York, but time is running out."

"Two or three more months," Thor said. "It should be too late."

"If the future is 'spoiler' according to the answer space, it is indeed in time." Bruce Banner said, "I just hope that nothing changes."

"Banner, I'm really not used to your suits and ties." Thor said to Bruce Banner, "Aren't you going to let Hulk come out for a drink on your big day?"

"I don't want to ruin Tony's wedding," Bruce Banner asked. "What about the dark elves? Does the locator work?"

"The dark elves have been wiped out!" Thor lit up, "The locator is very useful. Although it didn't work in one step, it allowed us to find them. Malekith is dead, and all the dark elves have been wiped out. They are no longer a hidden danger."

"That's good news!" Steve Rogers said as he walked over to Thor. "One less threat to the universe, one less catastrophe for us."

"But don't relax, Malekith is just a 'dessert', and there are still many 'dinners' that have not been served." Stephen Strange said.

"Yeah, we still have many enemies, and Malekith should be the best one to deal with. But I believe we can defeat other enemies together." Steve Rogers asked Stephen Strand Qi, "Stephen, are you a mage now?"

"I'm still a doctor." Stephen Strange shrugged, "So far I haven't seen an opportunity for me to become a mage."

"Don't worry," said Bruce Banner, "that day will come sooner or later."

"Everyone, isn't this a strange place?" Scott Lang watched for a while, and finally couldn't help but say, "Why are you chatting casually there? I was clearly on the street just now, and suddenly Just here. Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

"Come here all of a sudden? Me too!" Peter Parker raised a hand and said weakly, "I was in the classroom, just yawned and came here. The uncles over there. You seem to know what's going on, can you tell me?" Peter Parker walked towards the crowd, his eyes suddenly fell on Tony Stark, he exclaimed, "Iron Man! Iron Man! He is really Iron Man !"

"Shit!" Peter Parker yelled, and Scott Lang also noticed Tony Stark, "It's really Iron Man! God! I actually saw Iron Man!"

"Underwear baby, don't get too excited." Tony Stark asked Peter Parker, "Tell me who you are first."

"I'm Peter Parker and I live in Queens," Peter Parker said.

"You are Spider-Man!" Stephen Strange looked at Peter Parker in amazement, "I didn't expect to be such a child."

"Spider-Man?" Peter Parker was confused. "Me?"

"Yes, it's you, but not the present you, but the future you." Stephen Strange said.

"Will I become a superhero like Iron Man in the future?" Peter Parker was immediately excited when he heard it.

But soon he seemed a little frustrated, "Will there be such a day, if a small child like me can't be bullied by the big guys in school, I can and can become a person like Iron Man?"

"Kid, trust me, you can." Steve Rogers patted Peter Parker on the shoulder, "I used to be thinner than you."

"Thank you for saying that, I'm very happy." Peter Parker looked up at Steve Rogers, "I don't know if it's my illusion, you look like Captain America."

"Kid, it's not like, the one in front of you is Captain America himself." Clint Barton smiled, "and he didn't lie to you, he used to be really thin, much thinner than you."

"I'm sorry, Captain America?" Scott Lang was suffocated on the side, and he hurriedly interjected to ask, "Isn't the captain sacrifice?"

"Luckily, I survived," Steve Rogers said.

"Iron Man and Captain America are in this place, what the hell is this place?" Scott Lang asked.

"This is the answer space, it's an amazing place," Steve Rogers said. "The first thing I want to tell you is that this place is stationary relative to the outside world, and when you go out, you will find that It's the moment you came in, so kid, you didn't skip class, you didn't skip class, you can rest assured, no one knows you've been here except those of us in the answering space."

"I didn't skip class?" Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine, that's fine, I don't want to be scolded by the teacher."

"Is this what you are worried about when you come to this ghost place?" Scott Lang said.

"Then, here you can see the future, and here will give you questions for you to answer." Steve Rogers said.

"Like school exams?" Peter Parker asked.

"It's a lot more fun than a school test," said Stephen Strange. "The questions here are about the future, and if you get it right, you get a reward, and if you get it wrong, there's a penalty. Punishments are usually It's lifespan, one wrong answer, one-year lifespan, and it's been that way until now."

"So what's the right answer?" Scott Lang asked.

"The rewards are also amazing, such as some special abilities or items..." Speaking of which, Stephen Strange looked at Scott Lang, "It seems that you haven't introduced yourself yet."

"Scott Lang." Scott Lang said a name.

"Sure enough, it's Ant-Man," Stephen Strange said. "Another bugger."

"Ant-Man? Am I Ant-Man? Why am I Ant-Man I don't know?" Scott Lang threw a series of questions, not knowing which one to answer, "Wait, what is Ant-Man? What? A monster born from the combination of ants and people?"

"Whether you are an ant or a monster born from life, you should know better than us, because you are Ant-Man." Stephen Strange looked at Scott Lang curiously, "It seems that you haven't yet. Become Ant-Man, let’s talk about the answer space. No matter the answer is right or wrong, the answer space will play the correct answer in the form of a video.”

[The question and answer starts now, please prepare for the answerer! 】

The quiz has begun!

[The first question, how did Iron Man Tony Stark die? 】

[A snapped his fingers and died]

[B yawns and dies]

[C died under the sword of Thanos]

[D died under the sword of Hela]

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded with Mark 45 drawings. If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year]

"I'm actually dead in the future?" Tony Stark was stunned for a moment, then calm, "It's not surprising that with so many powerful enemies in the future, it's normal for my life to be terminated."

"Tony, you're not going to die," Steve Rogers said. "Now that we know that future ahead of time, it's impossible to let it happen."

"Yeah Tony, this future isn't going to happen," said Bruce Banner. "We're not going to allow this future to happen."

"I also believe that this future will not happen. If I can let it happen if I know it in advance, then I will be stupid." Tony Stark pointed to the option and said, "This time the option is very strange, A and B look weird, how could anyone die from snapping their fingers and yawning?"

"And C and D are very reasonable." Thor said on the side, "Whether it is Thanos or Hela, both are very powerful, and they have the strength to kill Tony."

"In the future that is known now, Tony and Thanos have played against him, and more than once." Nick Fury said solemnly, "Especially when he joined forces with Doctor Strange, he was hit hard by Thanos. Hela's appearance was not a big deal. A lot, but she can also see the tip of the iceberg of her strength by squeezing Thor's hammer with her bare hands. She should not be weaker than Thanos. But so far, I haven't seen a video of Tony and Hela fighting."

"Sir, are you trying to say that this question should be a C?" Phil Coulson said.

"I mean, option C is more likely than option D," Nick Fury said.

"Look at you, you didn't rule out A and B," said Stephen Strange. "Do you think there are people who actually have such absurd ways of dying?"

"It's really ridiculous to say these two options alone." Steve Rogers glanced at the AB option, "But when you get this question, will the questioner deliberately choose two to exclude it at a glance. options?"

"Who knows, maybe the person who asked the question was just so boring?" Clint Barton said. "Or maybe the person who asked the question just made it easier for Tony."

"Do you remember when I was fighting Thanos with Stephen, I shot a piece of iron into Thanos' palm?" Tony Stark said suddenly.

"Of course you do," Natasha Romanoff said. "And until now, we don't know why you did it."

"I've never understood it either." Tony Stark pointed his finger at option A. "But after seeing this option, an idea popped into my mind. Could it be that my purpose is to prevent Thanos from snapping his fingers?"

"Really or not? Are you discussing this?" Scott Lang couldn't help but speak again, "I don't know who Thanos is, but he snaps his fingers when he's fighting? Why does he snap his fingers? He's crazy Do you?" Scott Lang touched Spider-Man with his shoulder, "kid, have you snapped your fingers? Did your teacher teach you that snapping your fingers will kill you?"

"I have a video of the previous answer here, you two insects, go and watch it." Tony Stark was too lazy to explain, took off the watch on his wrist and handed it over, " Thanos, Hela, wait, you will get the answer.”

These people present, even Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, who were absent a few times before, watched the video recorded by Tony Stark after answering the questions.

So the ones who really need to "make up" are newcomers Scott Lang and Peter Parker who have just entered.

"Is there a video in the watch?" Scott Lang took the watch and turned it over and over, but couldn't find where to play it. In the end, Peter Parker fiddled with it twice and successfully played it.

"Tano snapped his fingers when he was fighting?" Nick Fury thought about the scene and said, "If it was to stop this, the iron that Tony fired into Thanos' palm did have a reasonable explanation, but why did he How about snapping your fingers in battle?"

"Is it related to the Infinity Stones?" Stephen Strange put forward a guess, "The Infinity Stones are some kind of terrible trick that needs to be snapped to use? Thanos' left hand is wearing several Infinity Stones. "

"The Infinity Stone is the most powerful thing in the universe, there is a possibility." Thor nodded.

"I'm sorry, isn't this question for Tony, why are everyone talking about Thanos?" Clint Barton interjected, "Even if Tony really fired that iron to stop Thanos from snapping his fingers, then it's off the hook. What's up with Tony? Why is Tony snapping his fingers?"

"I can't figure it out now," Tony Stark said, "but through Thanos snapping his fingers, I can know one thing, and that is that something that seems absurd to snap his fingers to death is actually possible. Yes, after all, snapping your fingers can become the enemy's 'killing move', so why can't you kill people with snapping your fingers? We feel ridiculous now, just because we know too little information."

"Tony, don't tell me you want to choose A." Natasha Romanov said, "I feel that the answer to dying under the sword of Thanos is more reliable."

"Natasha, I want to choose A, my feeling tells me that I should choose A. If you insist on giving me an answer, it is fate." Tony Stark made a choice, "I choose A! "

【correct answer! Rewards issued! 】

A stack of blueprints appeared on the ground out of thin air.

"Out of nothing? Create something out of thin air?" Scott Lang, who was watching the video with Spider-Man Peter Parker, caught a glimpse of the process of something suddenly appearing on the ground, and was immediately taken aback.

"The reward is really true..." Peter Parker also widened his eyes, "So everything they said just now is true?"

"It really died from snapping fingers!" Tony Stark said after snapping his fingers a few times, "I really want to know why snapping fingers kills."

"Could it have something to do with the Infinity Gloves?" Bruce Banner guessed, "Usually, snapping your fingers is just an action. Thanos wears the Infinity Gloves and snapping his fingers becomes the 'killing move'. Tony snapped his fingers, didn't he? He was also playing with Infinity Gloves?"

"It's possible." Thor added on the side, "The Infinity Gloves with Infinity Stones, this is a first-class artifact in the universe, not anyone can wear it casually. Thanos wears It's okay because Thanos has a strong physique, and Tony is just an earthling, so it's reasonable that his body can't afford the Infinity Gloves."

"I'm wearing Thanos' Infinity Gloves?" Tony Stark said. "Did I stole Thanos's gloves? Thanos is so powerful, can I do it?"

"Maybe, not Thanos' gloves, but Asgard's gloves." Stephen Strange speculated, "To deal with Thanos, Thor brought the gloves out of Asgard."

"Just gloves are useless, right?" Steve Rogers said, "Infinity Gloves, should be equipped with Infinity Stones to be effective, right?"

"We can also hold the Infinity Stones!" Clint Barton said, "There are only four gems on Thanos' gloves, not all of them at all. Even if he gets the one from Doctor Strange, it's still not all. Maybe it is We put the rest of the gems on Thor's gloves?"

"Isn't the remaining gem on Vision's head?" Nick Fury said, "If the gem is really installed, then Vision sacrificed?"

"A guy as powerful as Vision can sacrifice..." Phil Coulson said, "The future is really tragic."

"In the future, we already have so many strong people, but we still choose to use the Infinity Gloves to deal with Thanos. It can be seen that the Infinity Stones in the Infinity Hands suit is a powerful killer." Stephen Strange said suddenly, "Now We have gloves here, so can we find Infinity Stones in advance and put them on the gloves?"

"It's too risky." Steve Rogers shook his head. "We know that Thanos is also looking for the Infinity Stones. God knows if we do this, are we making a wedding dress for Thanos."

"Yeah, it's too risky. One bad thing is to run errands for Thanos." Bruce Banner said, "If I had a choice, I'd rather destroy the gems so that Thanos can't get it!"

At this time, the space lights up, and the video starts to play.

The picture begins with a ruin, and in the ruins, an infinite glove full of infinite gems is lying there.

Tony Stark pushed an alien corpse aside, and when he turned around, he saw the glove, and he rushed towards the glove, trying to get it, but unfortunately, Thanos was also nearby, and Also rushed towards the gloves.

Seeing that Thanos' fingers were about to touch the Infinity Gloves, Tony Stark swooped and pushed Thanos aside.


Thanos threw Tony Stark into the air with a single punch, landing heavily on the ground.

After solving a guy who got in the way, Thanos stretched out his hand to get the Infinity Gloves, but another guy who got in the way fell from the sky.

This man has a long beard, wears a red cloak, has a storm axe in one hand, and a meow hammer in the other. Who is not Thor, the god of thunder who once fascinated thousands of girls?

Thor's big axe slashed towards Thanos' chest, but was blocked by Thanos with one hand. He added the hammer, and pushed the axe and hammer forward desperately, trying to let the axe blade enter Thanos' chest, but Thanos one With one hand blocking it, it was as motionless as a mountain, and the axe couldn't move forward at all.

"Ah!!" Thor let out a low drink, and thunder and lightning flowed in his eyes, making people feel powerful.

However, it is useless, still can't help Thanos, and the axe still can't break through Thanos' one-handed.

At this time, Steve Rogers suddenly jumped over, jumped on the back of Thanos, stretched his arms from the neck of Thanos to the front, grabbed the axe, and pulled desperately to the chest of Thanos, and staged a lively performance" The strong man locks the man".

Thor and Steve Rogers, the two muscular men, attacked Thanos one after another, but they still didn't work, and they were knocked over by Thanos in an instant.

Then Thanos rolled over to Steve Rogers' side, punched him in the head with a "bang", and Steve Rogers closed his eyes at the time.

The three giants of the Avengers rushed to the street one after another, and Thanos successfully picked up the Infinity Gloves, but before he had time to put them on, a short-haired woman with glowing body descended from the sky and beat Thanos to his knees on the ground.

There is no doubt that this shiny woman is Captain Marvel Carol Danvers.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as Carol Danvers came out, he gave Thanos several punches one after another, and almost all the punches hit Thanos in the face.

Thanos is a bit ugly, but he is really tall. Except for Bruce Banner, who turned into Hulk, the rest are much shorter than Thanos, but Carol Danvers is able to stand up People's heads, and a few fists still hit people's heads from top to bottom.

The reason why this is possible is not that Carol Danvers has long arms, but that she can fly, and she can fight Thanos in the air.

After a few punches, Carol Danvers reached out to grab the Infinity Gloves in Thanos' hands, but Thanos grabbed his wrist and threw it out.

Then, Thanos put on the gloves.

The moment he put on the gloves, the multi-colored lightning-like energy beams emanated from the gloves, destroying his body, and his mouth also screamed in pain. It can be seen that the infinite gloves are not just wearable. of.

After wearing it, Thanos' thumb and middle finger are together, and they will snap their fingers.

But with a flash of light, Carol Danvers flew back and grabbed two of Thanos' fingers to stop the snap.

Carol Danvers grabbed Thanos' glove and wanted to take it off from Thanos' hand. Thanos tried his best and couldn't ask for it. He could only take off the Power Stone and borrow the power of the Power Stone. One punch knocks Carol Danforth into the air.

"Who is this woman? She's too powerful!" Captain Marvel immediately stunned his eyeballs, and Clint Barton was shocked, "She can actually stand up to Thanos!"

" Thanos needs a power gem to repel her!" Thor's voice couldn't help but be surprised, "This is definitely a super strong."

"It's really powerful." Natasha Romanov was also amazed, "I didn't expect that we would have such a powerful teammate."

"This is the most high-end combat power on our side." Tony Stark said loudly, "Find her, you must find her!"

"Sir Fury, is it time to introduce your old friend to everyone?" Phil Coulson said quietly at this time.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Nick Fury. No one thought that this "unremarkable" chief agent compared to other superheroes actually knew such superheroes.

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