Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 395 Inhumans, Mutants and Eternals

"No, you can't handle it well." Stephen Strange, who had seen Wanda Maximoff's power, would believe that Maria Rambo could handle it well, he said, "Unless you give me "Book of Emperor Weishan"."

Facts have proved that Stephen Strange's strategy is correct. If you want to defeat the Scarlet Witch who has practiced "Book of Darkness", it really must be "Book of Weishandi".

So, will there be a "Book of Emperor Weishan" in the light?

In fact, there are.

However, several of the Illuminati members are big bosses, and big bosses generally have a problem, they believe too much in themselves, and it is difficult to trust others.

If at this time they believed Stephen Strange and took out the "Book of Weishandi", then there would not be the ending of being slaughtered by the Scarlet Witch like slaughtering chickens and monkeys.

"We appreciate your concern, but it's not the Scarlet Witch that we fear," said Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards. "The greatest danger to the multiverse is Doctor Strange."

"I'm dying of laughter." Seeing this, James Rhodes couldn't help but say, "Stephen tried hard to tell them about the dangers of Wanda, but everyone agreed that he was the most dangerous existence in the multiverse. "

"Yeah." Tony Stark said, "Mordo drugged him as soon as they met, handcuffed him, and then took him to the Illuminati for trial. It can be seen that he is really afraid of him."

"They already knew that the Scarlet Witch practiced "The Book of Darkness" and could use what sleepwalking techniques to project into their universe, but they still stubbornly believed that Doctor Strange was more threatening than the Scarlet Witch." Bruce Banner continued, "So, that What did the world's Doctor Strange do?"

"Dr. Strange in that world, didn't he sacrifice his life to defeat Thanos?" Sam Wilson said. "As soon as our Doctor Strange arrived in that world, he saw the statue of Doctor Strange."

"Yeah, it's all set up for statues, what an honor this is," Peter Quill said.

"We also had a very difficult time defeating Thanos, and Tony sacrificed his life for it, but we didn't see a statue of Tony," Clint Barton said.

"So that Doctor Strange must have done a lot to protect the people," Sam Wilson said, "but even so, everyone still thinks he is a great threat,

He must have done something else outrageous. "

"Similar to the blackened Doctor Strange, who destroyed the world in order to resurrect his own horse." Scott Lang said, "That Doctor Strange must have done such a world-destroying thing."

"I'm afraid it's not just destroying the world level, but destroying the multiverse level." James Rhodes said, "Didn't you hear the Illuminati say that Doctor Strange is the biggest threat to the multiverse."

"A Doctor Strange, a Scarlet Witch, who destroys the world and threatens the multiverse at every turn," Phil Coulson said. "So it's really scary for these super bosses to make mistakes."

"This Illuminati should be a superhero organization similar to the Avengers, right?" Natasha Romanoff said, "Their heroes include Captain Marvel, Professor X, and Supreme Mage, who look better than us. The reunion is stronger."

"But the name is much worse than the Avengers," Nick Fury said.

"Really? Do you really think so?" Tony Stark said immediately, "The Avengers, don't you think it's the name of a band? Or the Illuminati sounds better."

"The Avengers are like a band? That's the biggest misconception of the century," Nick Fury said. "Nobody thinks that except you, I promise you."

"Actually, I think so too," said Stephen Strange. "The Illuminati is better than the name Avengers."

"When it comes to the Illuminati, is that what you're focusing on?" Natasha Romanoff said. "Shouldn't the members of the Illuminati be more attractive to you?"

"Although there is very little introduction, there is a little more information." Bruce Banner said, "First of all, that Black Bolt, he is the leader of the Inhumans. But we don't know what the Inhumans are."

"From the name of Inhumans, it should be a race that is very similar to humans. This can be known from the fact that Black Bolt and humans look exactly the same." Scott Lang said, "So I think Inhumans may be A race with superhuman appearances that resembles humans."

"Like the Celestials." Peter Quill glanced aside at Circe.

"It does look a bit similar." Circe nodded.

"Compared to the Eternals, I think the Inhumans should be more like X teaching them." Pietro Maximov said, "They are all human beings with super powers."

"Black Bolt is the leader of the Inhumans. From this, it can be seen that Black Bolt is definitely not weak." Natasha Romanov said, "Since ancient times, only the strong can win everyone's respect. Inhumans Since it is a group of people with various superpowers, they will never choose a guy with no strength to be their leader, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe the leaders of the Inhumans are hereditary like some kings." Scott Lang said.

"The system of hereditary may exist in the world of ordinary people, but it is impossible in the race of Inhumans." Natasha Romanov shook her head, "Take yourself to say that you have powerful abilities. , will you accept a weaker guy to rule you?"

"It doesn't seem to be possible." Scott Lang thought for a while and said.

"I don't know if you have noticed that Black Bolt never said a word, and Captain Carter said that he should be glad that Black Bolt didn't speak." Clint Barton continued Natasha Romanoff's words, "So black The ability of Bolt King may be related to his mouth."

"As for that Mr. Fantastic, it's unclear what his abilities are, but we know that he has three companions, who are collectively known as the 'Fantastic Four'." Stephen Strange said, "This is not easy to judge. What abilities and how strong is Mister Fantastic?"

"I don't know where these guys come from, they don't seem to care about Wanda at all," Scott Lang said.

"I have a hunch that their results must be miserable," Peter Quill said.

Star-Lord's hunch was accurate, and they saw the scene of the Scarlet Witch slaughtering the Illuminati in the video soon after.

While several people are chatting hotly here, the video also reveals why the Illuminati see Doctor Strange as the greatest threat to the multiverse.

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