Because of this, this eighty-first order Tinder Source Rubik’s Cube was actually consumed by a wave of tinder energy!

“It’s all dispersed!”

With a wave of his hand, Wang Wei directly let these gathered timespace mining vehicles also disperse!

If those Transformers before were members of the main battle faction! The Chrono Mining Truck is a diligent farmer! And armed mining vehicles, are prickly farming players!

That’s it! No problem!

“Go back and dismantle a few Chrono Mining Vehicles for me! I want the time-space teleportation principle in it, even if I dismantle one or two mining farms! ”

I don’t know why, since he met Supreme Mage Gu Yi, Wang Wei felt a sense of crisis!

The invasion of the three princesses is the countdown to Marvel’s purple potato essence snapping fingers!

This feeling is getting closer!

Forces, must be formed, must!

When the three princesses invaded, they would beat them back. On the one hand, announce the energy of the Umbrella Group to the world! On the other hand, it is also to make a name for itself in this universe!

Wang Wei, who returned to the interior of the hive base, directly began another round of retreat development road!

As for Mary Jane’s various attempts at Umbrella’s headquarters to meet Wang Wei, without exception, all of them were over!

Not only that, Natasha, who wanted to have a good chat with Wang Wei a few days ago, was also taken aback!

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed!

And this month passed because of Tony Stark’s invitation!

“What did you invite me to do?”

With a puzzled face, Wang Wei opened the polar silver fox that was tinder to Tony and asked!

The two people directly launched a round of drag racing on this road with endless traffic!

In this month’s time, Wang Wei has not been making scientific magic equipment!

Also because of the appearance of heavy equipment, Xu Mu Wu and Alice and others gradually felt at ease with Wang Wei!

Xu Mu and the five also began to sit at the headquarters of Umbrella Group after that!

Alice is the head of the security department of Umbrella Group! Oversee the security companies owned by Umbrella around the world, or members of the Security Department!

As long as Alice is willing, she can pull out an army of nearly 10,000 superpowers anytime and anywhere!

But none of these things matter now!

The important thing is that Tony said that he is going to take Wang Wei to meet the market?


Children, I have a lot of question marks right now!

What else do you mean by seeing the market?

Wang Wei, who was curious in his heart, followed Tony to a remote official building!

Looking at the sign on this building, Wang Wei was a little clear!

It’s really a glimpse of the market!

“So, what did you get me here for?”

While speaking, Wang Wei, who got out of the car and followed Tony inside, was a little puzzled!

As for Wang Wei’s Polar Silver Fox, and Tony’s Dark Knight automatically ran towards the parking lot! No one has to worry about it at all!

“Well, let’s put it this way, although I somewhat hate the institutions of this place. But there are times when this agency can get you some elemental resources you want! ”

After a slight pause, Tony Stark, who didn’t know how to explain, muttered a little uncomfortably to Wang Wei!

“You hate this place, what are you doing here?”

Wang Wei, whose eyes were confused, also muttered!

If this institution is an unpopular government department, it is only the appearance, but inside it is used by people! Busy!

After all, this is where the world’s evil elements most want to blow up, and there is no one. S.H.I.E.L.D.!

“Haven’t you been making your scientific magic gear lately?”

As soon as he heard this person who demolished the platform, Tony’s whole person was a little bad, and he directly turned his gaze to the side and chanted aimlessly!

“Okay then! Let’s go! ”

As soon as he heard this, Wang Wei’s eyes directly measured!

After all, there are a lot of exotic metals in the Marvel universe that Wang Wei paper towels can’t find!

To put it another bad thing, the Marvel World is a hanging world. Directly overturned the periodic table that Wang Wei once knew!

Go to the uncle’s!

“Mr. Wang, Mr. Stark, welcome to Homeland Strategy..”

The moment he saw Wang Wei, Coulson had a little surprise, but he was directly interrupted by Wang Wei before he finished speaking.

“Okay, don’t say your name that can water more than ten words, isn’t it S.H.I.E.L.D.? I know! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei waved his hand nonchalantly!

While thinking so, Wang Wei was secretly observing S.H.I.E.L.D

Long ago, Wang Wei sent large numbers of spies to various parts of the world every week.

Among them, there are a few organizations where Wang Wei sends the most spies.

First and foremost is Hydra.

In particular, Wang Wei still remembers that Hydra once attacked and killed Wang Wei.

But now Wang Wei is not panicked at all, although the hydra is deeply hidden, the various hydra branches are also old and dead!

But even so, Wang Wei found out the location of the three Hydra branches through spies. It is constantly injected into the inside!

For this largest hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D., Wang Weina is even more attentive.

Wang Wei never worried about whether he could kill the other party. Wang Wei only wanted to kill them all, so that there was no room for them to fight back.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Wei has not made a move, and it is not the time. After all, the current Hydra is wearing the coat of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The second is this S.H.I.E.L.D., AS THE SAYING GOES, S.H.I.E.L.D., the institution that the world’s terrorists want to kill the most, but there are countless double-sided spies and even generalists, including some peers and fellow spies!

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