After seeing the various black technologies of Wang Wei’s scientific magic.

Tony also plunged into his research room, vowing to come up with something that could be used!

I don’t know why, in front of Wang Wei, Tony always feels as if he is not a genius!

Take a look at the field Wang Wei has set foot in? Medicine, biology, now there is a mystic, this is not to mention, people also play intelligence, mechanics, and now they are studying energy.

“Jarvis, do you need a few assistants?”

In this basement, Tony, who thought of Wang Wei’s research assistant Taihu, suddenly asked Jarvis.

“Sir, why do you say that?”

As Tony’s personal butler, Jarvis is a little confused at this moment!

Big brother, you said to get me a few assistants to come out, are you sure you didn’t get a few helpers out yourself?

“Nothing, just felt the need to get different kinds of assistants out”

While thinking, Tony began to study it!

First and foremost are intelligent assistants that can be applied to combat.

Jarvis was great. It was really great to be your own personal butler!

However, Tony also needs to get an assistant who specializes in combat! 、

“Rub, what’s going on with this magic circuit?”

After dismantling that big guy magic puppet, Wang Wei was a little confused.

This special lady really deserves to be a big treasure of the landlord’s family.

The magic circuit above alone is enough to study it yourself.

Not to mention making it!

“You brought Odin’s war puppet?”

While Wang Wei was pondering, that familiar and unfamiliar voice sounded in Wang Wei’s ears again!

Upon hearing this voice, Wang Wei was a little speechless.

The owner of this voice is none other than someone else. Exactly the biggest boss on Blue Star right now.

Supreme Mage, Ancient One!

“Big guy! Can we discuss something? In the future, you will come to me, can you go to the main entrance? I give you permission! Give you unobstructed access! ”

With a dark face, Wang Wei said weakly to the middle-aged bald woman dressed in a golden mage robe!

“Alright! Next time I’ll walk through the gate and come in! ”

The ancient mage who also knew that his behavior was a bit rude couldn’t help but nod slightly!

“Would you like something to drink?”

Although it is in the research room inside this umbrella building!

Some necessary things, Wang Wei is still very well prepared!

“A cup of cool white open, thank you!”

While speaking, Gu Yi Mage unceremoniously sat directly on the seat on one side and quietly looked at Wang Wei, who was a little busy!


Saying that, Wang Wei, who handed a cup of cold white to Master Gu Yi, softened himself a cup of good hair!

“Tell me, big guy, why are you here this time?”

Wang Wei, who had calmed his mind, began to ask about the ancient mage!

In this Marvel universe.

Unless you can break the dimensional wall, or you can directly control the ability to time and space, timeline and so on.

Otherwise, you will always be a younger brother.

There are countless more people who are stronger than you.

But what makes Wang Wei a little depressed the most is why so many characters in the universe are staring at this planet?

What’s so good about this planet?


“Nothing. It’s just that you feel a little incomprehensible to Odin’s magic circuit. Just come and take a look! ”

Gently took a sip, this supreme mage Gu Yi smiled at Wang Wei and explained!

“I can’t understand it, I can’t talk about it! After all, whether it is magic or magic magic, or scientific energy. In the end, you can’t get rid of so many factor points! ”

“Transmission lines, energy conversion, and energy release are just a few problems!”

If you can’t understand it, it may just be that you don’t know a power system of divine magic!

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, directly said the reason for the problem that he couldn’t understand now!

After all, the energy of this magic magic, Wang Wei really has never seen it!

Is there any super strength in the 108,000 magic of scientific magic?

Yes, nothing else. There are hundreds of scientific magic that can destroy stars alone!

Problems also arise. None of these hundreds of star-destroying scientific magic can be used by Wang Wei now!

The reasons for this are a few points!

The cost, and the lack of their own hardware!

“Odin’s divine power is actually not a strange ability. If you explain it according to your scientific theory, it is probably equivalent to a sublimation of matter! ”

“It is just a conversion from iron ore to iron, then from iron to refined iron, and finally from refined iron to iron essence!”

“It’s just a huge compression of energy! Give it transcendent power! It’s just a power that people can’t look up to! ”

Using easy-to-understand words, the ancient mage slowly explained to Wang Wei!

When this explanation was followed, Wang Wei also understood a little in his heart!

Compression and sublimation of energy!

If this is the case, this magic puppet really deserves to be a big treasure of the landlord’s old wealth!

“Thanks for the pointers!”

Sometimes, it’s not that it’s not unclear, it’s getting into a dead end.

After Gu Yi Mage said this, Wang Wei also instantly understood how to deal with this magic puppet!

Not a big problem!

Let’s study all the research first!

Then just start working on things!

“You’re welcome.”

The ancient mage who smiled slightly stood up directly and disappeared into this research laboratory again!

“The behavior of these big guys is weirder than the other!”

Wang Wei, who had a slight corner of his mouth, started moving again!

After completely dismembering this war magic puppet.

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