Otherwise, this cell will fall directly into the deep sea below 10,000 meters!

“Hahaha, seeing the gods? Mortal, if you release me, I will give you a chance to follow the gods! The very smelly Third Princess laughed at Wang Weiyangtian!

“It’s true, praise you for being fat, you’re still breathing!”

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, directly picked up the spiritual scepter that was set aside and studied it!

“Taihu, analyze!”

He didn’t pay attention to the third princess who was screaming and putting down in the cell.

Wang Wei directly activated the spiritual scepter of Taihu Analysis on his head-up glasses!

To be honest, it was impossible for Wang Wei to have no idea about this spiritual scepter!

After all, even if he planted it in his previous life, he hadn’t watched much of Marvel’s movies and television dramas.

I have more or less understood the six gems of this world.

The Mind Scepter seems to say that it is a Mind Gem, right?

But that’s weird.

What is worth Wang Wei’s strange point is that he vaguely remembers that the third princess seems to have borrowed troops from purple potato essence.

Well, yes, it’s that Zitaguri army.

If the third princess had the Soul Gem in her hand, would the gem-controlled purple sweet potato essence choose to give up?

Unlikely, right?

With this kind of doubt, Wang Wei directly made Taihu Lake analyze!


“Boss, the materials on this scepter are all not on the blue star, and a larger part belongs to the materials in the universe!”

“However, there is an energy contained in the gem above!”

“This energy is not very huge!”

While speaking, Taihu, who had already been upgraded I don’t know how many times, explained to Wang Wei!

Taihu Lake is one of Wang Wei’s most important assistants.

Same as the housekeeper in the villa, the red queen.

“Is that so? In other words, the energy on this psychic scepter is disposable! ”

“No wonder this purple potato essence can let the third princess do things like this with the spiritual scepter!”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, casually dropped this thing here!

A disposable spiritual scepter, he Wang Wei still can’t look at it!

However, if only the Mind Gem could have time to get it!

No, not yet, if you want to get it, you must have enough strength to protect it!

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, walked directly outside!

Now this space carrier has sneaked into a group of mice, if you don’t clean it up, I’m afraid it’s very troublesome!

If a space carrier crashes, then laugh!

“Hey, Wang Wei. Here you are! ”

Tony, wearing a steel suit, came directly to Wang Wei’s side!

“Well, what’s wrong?”

Glancing at Tony’s Wang Wei, he became a little curious!

“Here’s the thing, there are four anti-gravity propellers on the space carrier, and they broke one before! If we’re breaking one, then we’re likely to be…”

“It’s going to happen, isn’t it?”

A solemn American team Stephen walked out from the corner on one side!

The heavy-faced American team really didn’t expect this guy Hulk to be so crazy!

This is simply beating him and Thor to the ground!


Although he didn’t like the buttocks boy next to him, Tony nodded helplessly!

“Then fix it! After all, it’s easy to get a little more in a suit of armor! ”

“That, big brother shield, you go with Tony!”

“These little mice, I’ll fix it!”

Glancing at a group of mercenaries who were rushing over in the distance, Wang Wei smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. I clicked several times on my bracelet!

In an instant, Wang Wei’s entire aura changed a little!

If it is said that Wang Wei before gave people a feeling of a professor with an extremely strong bookish atmosphere, then now Wang Wei is a kind of unruly teenager!

“Alright! Then it’s up to you! Let’s go, buttocks! ”

Shrugged, the best partner in Tony’s heart is still Wang Wei, as for this buttocks, Tony is really a little uneasy!

“Trouble you! And I’m not hips, my name is Stephen! ”

Stephen, who looked at those little mice, nodded at Wang Wei, and at the same time quickly followed, defending Tony!


When these little mice found Wang Wei standing inside this narrow passage, these little mice opened fire very decisively without the slightest hesitation!

A series of shell casings fell directly to the ground!

However, after these flying shells fell, one after another yellow-orange-orange bullets directly attacked Wang Wei’s face!

Bang bang!

It was as if there was a wall of water in front of Wang Wei, directly blocking these attacks!

A transparent and impenetrable film of light abruptly stopped these bullets!

“Team one, change direction and keep going!”

These ten or so excellent mercenaries who saw this scene immediately made a decision and directly divided the troops!

They have to rescue Loki in the shortest possible time!

“Hey, hey, I’m still here! Isn’t it enough for me to stay and stop you? ”

“Don’t take yourself too seriously!”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was ignored, the whole person became slightly angry!

You guys, if it’s better to say that it’s okay to be a superhero or something, an ordinary mercenary team, who gave you the qualifications to make you so rampant?

With a slight hint of anger.

Wang Wei directly took out the two scientific magic automatic pistols directly from his armpits!

“Ice wall!”

As Wang Wei’s words fell, a magic array was directly suspended on this scientific magic automatic pistol!


The corner of the passage on one side was frozen by this magic!

These mercenaries who want to detach have no route for detachment!

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