In an area in the north.

The ogre devoured almost the entire village.

These people were swallowed only by bones, and the bones were thrown to the ground by ogres one by one, piled up like a hill.

However, these are not the most excessive.

Even more egregious is actually ...

Instead of stopping it, a team of mutants watched the ogre devour humans, giggling and laughing.

Obviously, this is exactly what they want to happen.

And there are many people all over the country facing such a scene.

"Save... Help me. The

young mother stumbled in the direction of the mutant with her child in her arms, trying to pray for help, but was kicked in the direction of the ogre by one of the mutants in the front.

"It's a shame."

There was a clear disgust in the eyes of the mutant.

The young mother couldn't believe what she saw, the mutant always had a smiling attitude on weekdays, who knew that the other party's face would change so quickly?

The bone blood on the body was gnawed bite by bite.

She wanted to protect the child in her hands, but she no longer had the strength to protect it.

"Lenny, did you give this woman a lot of things before?"

"Yes, this woman is quite disgusting, she looks like a matter of course, if the things I send are not good enough, not fresh enough, she is even impatient to ask for it."

The man called Lenny had a clear disgust in his tone: "This kind of garbage that only sucks human blood should have been removed a long time ago, and it is her honor to be eaten, at least the garbage can still be used a little." "

Hahaha—" The

harsh laughter was the last thing the woman heard before she died.


On the other hand, the city has been perfectly controlled.

The ship of death hanging high above the head did not need to worry at all, there was artillery fire from there from time to time, and it was clear that someone was fighting overhead.

Chen Xi only glanced slightly above his head, and then took his gaze back.

It should be the people of Asgard, after all, they have already acted separately, Chen Xi took people to deal with the ogre's affairs, then the ship of death should be handled by the people of Asgard.

Now it mainly depends on whether Loki follows the ogre or the Death Ship.

Chen Xi thought about this nonchalantly.

"It's not good, just now my people got a message."

"Several villages in the north were completely destroyed, and the ogres wiped out all those villages, and mutants cooperated."

Qin Gelei had been in charge of investigating the situation everywhere, and as soon as he got the news, he rushed to Chen Xi's side non-stop.

That pretty face was full of disbelief.

Indeed, such a situation is enough to be unbelievable.

"Then let's go to this place."

Chen Xi only frowned slightly, and then quickly made a decision.

In this way, he just took Jean Grey alone and sped towards the north.

The north side is very far from where they live.

But Chen Xi and Qin Gelei did not take a long time, and they arrived at their destination in almost the blink of an eye.

Living death!

When they arrived at their destination, only these 4 words appeared in Chen Xi's mind.

How long had it been since he saw such a horrific scene?

Even in previous battles, you won't see blood and corpses covering the entire area.

The body was apparently eaten by something.

Qin Grey is a girl in the end, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her face.

"Save... Help me. A

man's weak voice suddenly sounded.

Chen Xi and Qin Gelei's ears were sensitive enough, and they quickly found the specific location of the person calling for help.

It was behind a huge rock, and the other party left only the upper body.

When he saw Chen Xi's appearance clearly, the man opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, his eyes began to wander.

Obviously, holding on to this point with such a posture is already his limit.

When Chen Xi and Qin Gelei saw this scene, they were very silent.

They sighed softly, then their eyes became solemn and began to look for the ogres here.

Obviously, it was empty, and there was no trace of a single person moving.

"It seems that they have moved places."

Jean Grey was very dissatisfied with such a scene.

Even hated it.

Those damned, dying ogres have harmed one place, not to mention others.

"Let's keep looking."

Chen Xi's face was no longer that relaxed and very funny smile, but a terrifying sneer.

People die every day in the world, but such a death would not have been encountered by these people.

"Loki must die!"

Chen Xi was extremely sure of this, and even he had regarded Loki in his heart as a dead person!

Because they rushed to the north and found that there was no more left here, they searched the vicinity again.

Soon, they found a place.

A large number of ogres were found, and a lot of mutants were also found, these mutants were extremely hateful, they actually took the initiative to help ogres capture humans, and then cast these humans to ogres for feeding.

Jean Grey covered her mouth and almost vomited.

"There's a lot more we have to do, calm down now."

Chen Xi pressed on Qin Gelei's shoulder, and Qin Gelei was only a little gaffe at the beginning, but soon she quickly calmed down as Chen Xi said.

Jean Grey has also experienced a lot of battles, but she has never seen such a scene.

"Can I make a move?"

Qin Ge Lei clenched the fist in her hand and asked Chen Xi in a low voice.

The anger in her heart could not be suppressed, and he just wanted to kill these damn guys now.

"Of course."

Chen Xi replied lightly.

Such a situation is something that no one expects to see, but it just happened.

Chen Xi also made a move, and when he did it, he showed no mercy, almost killing with one blow.

The mutants he had saved eventually died again at his hands.

While doing these things, the expression on his face did not change from beginning to end.

Village after village cleaned up.

By the end they all started to become numb.

When Tony Stark knew what happened to those villages, he didn't speak for a long time, and finally said to Chen Xi dryly: "Not all mutants are so bad, they are not much different from ordinary people, so..."

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