It is inevitable that the parliament will revisit this matter, in any case, this is a war between two races, and it is a fool's dream to want a peaceful solution.

Just like when Neanderthals were eliminated by Homo sapiens, if they existed, they could not avoid war, and if they did not experience war, how could they not violate the river.

This is about the survival of the race, bloodshed and sacrifice cannot be avoided, and Chen Xi only smiled lightly at this.

"So you think it's going to break the harmony?"

"Yes, I just saw a little sprout, and now the honeymoon period has not passed, and it has become tense again."

Qin Gray's tone was full of loss, she didn't understand that just fighting for a loss of power was so difficult.

Chen Xi raised his hand and squeezed her little hand, and smiled gently.

"From now on, you don't have to worry about anything, someone will solve all this, and the war has already begun."

Qin Ge Lei unexpectedly looked up at Chen Xi, and she was greeted by a light and confident smile, everything was under control.

Chen Xi's smile seemed to be full of magic, which made Qin Gelei's hesitant and nervous heart couldn't help but relax.

She looked at him expectantly and said, "Is what you said true?" But isn't war bloodshed?

"Bloodshed and sacrifice are an unavoidable fact, and a punch is not to come with a hundred punches." Chen Xi looked at her calmly.

Qin Gray was stunned for a moment, although she didn't understand who said this, but she was also shocked by the momentum of these words, what a lot of confidence and determination it takes!

"You said Magneto? Will he unite mutants? "

She can only think of Magneto, and she can't think of anyone else.

Magneto is a super radical, he is an idol in the hearts of countless mutants, and he is always on the front line of resistance.


"Forget it."

Chen Xi smiled and said nothing, Magneto's fist was still soft.

If his fist was hard enough, it would not be the situation today, how mutants are like rats in the sewers.

At this time, Wanda heard the movement of someone talking in the garden and walked out of the house, and when she saw Qin Grey, the whole person seemed to have sensed something, and a crimson light appeared uncontrollably from around her body.

And a golden-red light instantly appeared around Qin Gray to protect her.

The power of chaos and the power of the phoenix, the two wrongdoers of fate, met without warning.

It was just a face-to-face effort, and everything around became distorted under the influence of these two forces, and even the space appeared uncontrollably cracked.

The flowers and plants of the small garden were the first to be unable to withstand it, and they began to appear annihilation, and even the bush vines began to decompose.

What a terrifying force this is....

Just because I looked at you more in the crowd, you and I won't die...

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chen Xi quickly blocked the middle of the two of them and collided with their forces one left and one right, and in this way, he had to tear down his family's Xiaobiye.

Only listening to the boom, the thunder exploded out of thin air, and the two were retreated one after another by the power countershock, and they immediately woke up from the strange state.

Chen Xi also secretly rejoiced, if these two goods awakened their respective strengths, this earth would not be finished.

Both the power of the phoenix and the power of chaos were now lurking in their respective bodies, in a dormant state.

The sudden awakening is just a fateful wrongdoer, and they have to come out in advance to check, for fear that their respective hosts will suffer losses.

However, due to Chen Xi's forcible interference, they sensed that there was no hostility between the two sides and then died down.

The second daughter, who woke up from the shock, widened her eyes and looked at each other in disbelief, they were all confused...

Wattfak ???

Is this the situation, I just couldn't control my body at all?

"What just happened???"

Wanda looked at Chen Xi in shock, she was really frightened.

On the other side, Gu Yi, who was far away at Karma Taj, also woke up suddenly from the settling, and she was already sweating profusely at this moment!

Since becoming a Supreme Mage, nothing has shocked her, just because the timeline was in chaos!

All future predetermined endings are shrouded in fog, and there is no longer a clear glimmer of future seen from the timeline.

"What the hell is going on! The future of the multiverse has actually become blurred...."

Furuichi was so shocked that he muttered, and Furui Wubo's eyes were also filled with an incredible expression.

She doesn't believe in evil and uses the Time Gem again to probe the timeline, only to find that she still has nothing!

Then there is only one problem, there is someone who should not have appeared to disrupt all this, and this person himself cannot know!


"Hehe, it's not a big deal, you and Qin's bodies contain unimaginable powers for humans, and your appearance has just made them wake up early." Chen Xi explained lightly.

"What power? What is my connection with her? "

Qin Gray's phoenix power is omnipotent, and she has a premonition of what is coming or likely to happen in the future.

"This matter is a bit complicated, and I don't understand it, that is, your body contains the strongest power in the entire multiverse."

"If you have to explain, these two forces are a counterbalance to each other, if you know or have seen the Taijitu, you will almost understand."

"Jean, your strength is incomplete, Wanda's power is not easy to control, this is the approximate difference."

Chen Xi can only explain simply, he doesn't know much about such complicated things, the devil knows what crazy this pair of wrongdoers suddenly smoked!

Jean Grey and Wanda were confused, could it be that this guy knew himself better than himself?

But at the moment, it aroused their curiosity, Jean Grey knew that her body had great power, but she had never really awakened, and Wanda didn't understand anything.

So they pestered Chen Xi and had to explain to them what their power was...

Chen Xi had no way, he knew to tell them about the power of the phoenix and the power of chaos he knew, and they learned what to control the reality of time and space, etc., and even erase the universe and fight across the infinite multiverse directly stupid.

Do we have such a cheat that you blow? How do we feel that you are fooling us? Damn scumbags are starting to cheat again!

If you don't lie to people for a day, you will die! So the two women opened their bows left and right at the same time, pinched him fiercely, and then snorted and walked to the side to chat, it seems that the harmony is a little conspiratory??

On the other hand, Kelly's active promotion of the mutant registration bill was in full swing, but he never thought that Magneto had already made a move.

First to be strong and then suffer, don't you want to jump up and down to resist mutants? Yes! Turn you into a mutant!

The unlucky egg Kelly was taken by Magneto as a guinea pig to become an experiment, and the experimental results were quite successful....

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