Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 107 What a Big Black Cat

When focusing on one thing, time always flies by, and before Finny can react, the summer vacation is over.

In September, the weather also began to change, and the sweltering heat in the air dissipated a lot. After returning to school, Finny was still a little uncomfortable.

"What were you doing the whole vacation? I couldn't come out even after looking for you?"

During the summer vacation, Billy was the person who contacted him most frequently. He thought about it with his ass and knew what he wanted to do, so he didn't bother to answer the phone afterward.

"I'm very busy."

Feeney replied angrily, besides Billy, several girls had contacted him, but while he was gaining experience, he was studying spells and practicing abilities with Skye.

He has no experience in time management, so he can only reject these invitations cruelly.

"What are you busy with?"

Billy was shocked, and immediately leaned over to Feeney, and said in a low voice, "I haven't heard any news about God's Punishment Knight appearing during the summer vacation. What is he doing during this time?"

"He's been busy studying during this time."

Feeney's words did not deceive Billy. He has indeed been studying the knowledge of dimensions seriously during the recent period, and even let go of the battle with Hulk.

After Modu's careful guidance and his hard work during this period, he has gradually begun to feel the existence of dimensions, which is a necessary condition for mastering the 'mirror space'.

However, even though he could vaguely feel it, there was always a slight difference, like one foot was hovering in front of the door, but the other couldn't get out.

Before Finny could think of a solution to this situation, he discovered that school had started.


Billy looked surprised, and then hurriedly asked curiously: "Learning what? Did he build a new armor? Or did he learn other powers of divine punishment?"

Feeney looked at Billy with a headache. He felt that it was necessary to find a chance to make this guy give up his exploration of God's Punishment Knight. Otherwise, he would be bored to death sooner or later.

After fooling Billy casually, Feeney was still thinking about the practice.

In school, Finny was a little absent-minded all day long, thinking about the way to master the dimension space.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to start with the portal.

The reason why he suddenly had an insight into the problem of dimensions was that the strange portal he opened before had been asked for advice tirelessly.

Gu Yi more or less revealed some content, at least let him know that it is not the earth or a certain place in the universe, but a sealed dimensional space.

This surprised Feeney, he didn't expect that the dimensional space could also be sealed.

Although it is impossible to open the door again now, this does not hinder his curiosity about this space. After tireless exploration, this has allowed him to make rapid progress.

So he felt that if he wanted to truly understand the problem of dimensional space, he still had to start from this aspect.

But this dimensional space that Gu Yi refused to disclose, let alone whether he can enter it now, even if he could enter it, he would not dare to enter it indiscriminately, after all, Gu Yi has said that there is a certain danger.

So, Feeney decided to try to explore another dimension.

After a few days of careful thinking, Feeney finally decided to try again. On a weekend, he didn't dare to try it at home, but chose to try it at Karma Taj.

In this way, if something goes wrong, you can immediately ask Gu Yi for help.

In the quaint room, Finny stood upright quietly, freed his mind, with a hanging ring in his hand, and slowly drew circles in the air.

But for some reason, when he deliberately wanted to reproduce the previous scene, he couldn't do it anyway. The energy sparks of the portal didn't even flicker, and there was no sign of opening.

Tried for several hours without success.

Feeney was not discouraged. This is one of the most profound spells of Karma Taj. If it is so easy to master, there will not be so few people who have learned it.

In the following days, Feeney's life seemed to return to normal. He had to fight Hulk every three to five days, trying every means to win.

After several lessons, Hulk also sensed that something was wrong, and even started to choose the battlefield actively, and even wanted weapons, and finally restrained himself from eating the "Zinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll" before the battle.

This makes it difficult for Finny to completely suppress Hulk's anger, so the result of the battle will occasionally return to a draw again.

But even so, during this period of time, Hulk still gave Finny a lot of experience, and he didn't slack off at Karma Taj, and sometimes went to Tonya to practice. The sixth draw is getting closer and closer.

When the time walk came to October, Feeney still did not give up the exploration of dimensional space.

It's just that too many attempts have prevented him from confining his location to Karma Taj. Occasionally, after practicing his skills, he will explore a wave first, and then open the door to go back.

On October 7th, somewhere in the Himalayas.

As usual, Feeney was going to try to explore the unknown dimension before going back.

With the increasing practice, Finny's mastery of the portal has been increasing, but it is a pity that the system cannot gain experience by using the portal.

As the saying goes, if a blind cat walks for a long time, it will always encounter a dead mouse, and if there are too many plants to guard, it can also wait for a stupid rabbit.

After nearly a month of unrelenting exploration, today, Finny finally ran into the dead mouse and the rabbit that hit the tree.

Looking at the portal that suddenly opened in front of him, Feeney was stunned for a moment. He never thought that he would succeed, but just tried as per the list. For a while, he walked in involuntarily according to the habit of going home.

After entering, Feeney realized what he had done, and he was shocked instantly.

Although this place is not as dark as last time, it is even beautiful, surrounded by grasslands, but the sky outside is not blue, but a purple color.

Finny didn't know where it was, and it didn't look like a dark dimension, which made him somewhat relieved. If he met Dormammu, he would go there like this to deliver food.

But no matter where it was, Finny felt that he couldn't stay in the unknown place, and without hesitating for a second, he immediately turned around and prepared to leave through the portal.

"Who are you?"

But just as he turned his head, a female voice suddenly sounded, and he instantly felt as if he was locked by something.

Feeney's hairs stood on end in fright, his body froze for a moment, and he didn't dare to look at the location of the sound. Suppressing the panic in his heart, he jumped towards the portal with all his might.

Just as he was about to pass through the portal, suddenly a pitch-black claw stretched out from nowhere and slapped him back with one paw. The portal flickered a few times, the sparks dimmed, and then disappeared.

At this time, Feeney also saw clearly the existence that prevented him from leaving.

What a big black cat!

This was the first reaction in Feeney's mind, and then he took a closer look, only to realize that it was a black panther, with no trace of variegation in its pitch-black fur.

A pair of light blue eyes were shining, and they were staring at Fei Ni closely!

Uh, the sixth skill is not a good reminder, worrying people, I feel like you will know it if you just say it casually. . . The fighting style of that anime is quite special. . . Alas, never mind, you guessed it and let it go~ For the sake of being so smart and handsome, vote, give a reward, and support it! thank you~

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