Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 112 The Sixth Skill Extraction

Finny's arrival awakened Modu instantly. As a mage, even in the Holy Land, he still maintained the vigilance he should have.


Modu jumped off the bed, spread out the ring of Gagador in an instant with both hands, and when he saw the figure in front of him clearly, he asked unexpectedly: "Finney!?"

"Hey, it's me!"

Seeing Modu's appearance, it was Finny's turn to be embarrassed, because he didn't know how to explain the current situation, and with a kind smile, he said, "I said I just wanted to secretly put a fried chicken nugget next to your bed Volume, do you believe it?"

As long as Mo Du didn't wake up, of course he wouldn't believe this kind of nonsense, so he couldn't help asking with a dark face, "What are you doing in my room so late?"

"Why don't you guess?"

Finny tries to be cute.

Modu frowned, and after realizing that it was indeed Finny, he lifted the ring of Gagador from his hand, approached and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, my mistake, I interrupted, see you later!"

After finishing speaking, Finny immediately turned his head, activated Wukong at full speed and ran away, leaving a stunned Modu standing there.

After escaping from Modu's room, Fini had nothing to do. Now Kama Taj is still in the middle of the night, and there is still some time before dawn.

In desperation, Feeney had to come to the Himalayas to practice his abilities alone. Modu's experience was a little less, so he had to practice more skills to make up for it.

Under the night, from 'Golden Diffuse Technique' to 'Explosion Magic', Fini practiced every skill with heart, and the time couldn't help but fly by.

After watching a beautiful sunrise in the Himalayas, Feeney returned to Karma Taj.


Feeney greeted Modu as if nothing had happened.

It seems that as long as she pretends to be similar, she can pretend that the previous events never happened.

But it's a pity that Modu, who should cooperate, turned a blind eye, and asked slightly angrily: "Fenny, what were you doing before, you will be regarded as an enemy if you do this."

"Accident, accident, really just an accident."

Feeney knew that what he did was not right this time, so he walked towards Modu with an apologetic face, and immediately summoned a "Jinji Fried Chicken Nuggets" and handed it over, saying, "It will never be like this next time."

For Modu and Wang, there's nothing a chicken nugget roll can't solve, and if there are, then two!

Looking at Modu who had recovered a bit after receiving the fried chicken nugget roll, Feeney breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't been too eager to draw the sixth skill, he wouldn't have gone straight to Modu's room so frantically.

After Modu had finished his breakfast, Finny couldn't wait to invite him to fight: "Let's go, go exercise after eating."

Modu's complexion changed again, wondering if he accidentally offended Finny somewhere, how can anyone go to fight right after eating, don't you worry about your stomach drooping, although a mage has mana, he can't ruin his body like this ah.

"Phinney, is there anything I did to dissatisfy you, just say it."

Modu frowned and asked, it was scary in the middle of the night, and he was exercising vigorously after eating, which made him deeply doubt Finny's purpose.


Feeney was confused for a while, looking at Modu with a vigilant face, he didn't know why.

"No, I just feel that my strength is about to break through recently, and I want to find someone to fight, and I'm just a little excited." Feeney slightly changed the experience to a way that Modu could understand.

Modu looked at Fini suspiciously. Since the day he came to Karma Taj, the title of fighting madman has never been shaken off Fini. Up to now, Fini has almost kept the habit of daily challenges.

So Mo Du might not believe what others said, but what Finny said still had some credibility.

"It's really not that I did something to make you unhappy, just to get revenge on me?"

Mordo confirmed again.


Feeney suddenly felt that he was being too harsh on Modu, how could he have such thoughts, he couldn't help but sighed, patted Modu on the shoulder and said, "Senior brother Modu, I didn't expect you to think that I am so A person with a small belly."

"Even if you really did something that made me unhappy, would I still take revenge on you?"

Although Modu really wanted to reply, of course he would, but his desire for survival for fried chicken nuggets still prevented him from saying this, and he tilted his head slightly, and said, "I'll digest it first, and come back in thirty minutes! "

In order to restore his position in Modu's heart, Feeney did not urge him, but just stared at him quietly beside him. In the end, Modu only survived ten minutes before he began to prepare for the battle.

"Really no more rest?"

Feeney asked with a smile, the harmless handsome face was particularly hateful in Modu's eyes.

"Oh, it's almost time, come on."

Modu is determined to show his true skills this time, to let Finny know what a senior is.

It's a pity that although he wanted to teach Feeney a lesson with great ambition, Feeney was no longer the rookie who first arrived at Karma Taj.

You must know that the "ghost haunted" evolved a "physical resistance" not long after fighting the Hulk, and after so many years in Karma Taj, it is only one opportunity away from the "arcane resistance".

Although the 'attribute' has not been specifically evolved, the 'ghost-ridden' defense against spells has been quietly improving all the time, so even if Modu showed his real strength and strengthened the power of spells, he still couldn't break through it. Feeney's defense.

"Phinny, you are a mage, you have the ability to take off your armor and fight!" Modu may also be furious this time, he didn't expect that Fini has become so powerful without knowing it.

"No, this armor is my spell. I can fight you with my spell. Why not a magician?"

Finny replied calmly.

Modu was speechless. So far, Finny's haunted ghosts, explosion magic, and dancing skills are all mysterious existences, even if they don't understand the fried chicken nuggets.

At the beginning, they could still guess that the armor was given by Gu Yi, but as Finny showed more and more special abilities, they also knew that it seemed to be Finny's special ability.

At the end of the battle, Feeney happily watched the last bit of experience fill up the system, then turned his head to look at a deeply shocked Modu, and comforted him: "Actually, you can also try to make a set of armor and put it on. I won't mind."

Hearing Finny's words, Modu found that there was a slight thought in his heart, but immediately he ruthlessly suppressed this thought, and refused righteously: "No, I will not be like you, you Heresy!"

"whispering sound!"

Feeney curled his lips. Although he didn't think wearing armor looked like a mage before, but as the haunting of evil spirits became stronger and stronger, he could only say something really sweet.

Because the experience slot of the system is full, Modu's role has ended, and Finny is also anxious to go back to draw, so after saying hello, he left Karma Taj.

And Modu looked at the figure of Finny leaving, and inexplicably remembered the words just now in his mind.

Does wearing armor really make a person stronger! ?

Feeney didn't know what Modu was thinking, so he recovered after returning home, then took a bath and meditated as usual, and then started the sixth extraction with the addition of the 'Golden Diffuse Technique'.

Cough~ It will be updated at night, soon, soon~ it will be announced soon. . . It will be on the shelves on Friday, worry about it! What will happen to the results! ? Let me know that you are still here by voting for recommendation first~

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