Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 122 My Name is Finney Helsaid (please subscribe!!!)

Although the Red Skull talked about hype and described all kinds of beautiful scenes of becoming the leader of Hydra, Feeney still did not agree to him to take over the position of leader.

After being stunned for a while, he realized that the current Hydra is not when the Red Skull ruled.

With the growth of the organization, although the hydra on the earth still shouts a slogan, the factions are actually quite clear, and each faction has a leader.

If he went back and said that he was the general leader, he might be suppressed by them together.

After eating and drinking enough, Finny got up and moved around, walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked at the bottom.

He chatted with Red Skull for a long time, just to see if the Soul Gem would appear on its own initiative, but after so long, there was no movement around.

So he intends to take the initiative.

"Soul Gem, get out!"

With Red Skull's stunned expression, Finny shouted towards the bottom of the cliff: "If you don't come out, I will smash your broken altar and destroy your broken planet."

"Finny, there is a price to be paid for obtaining the soul gem."

As a guide, Red Skull couldn't help reminding him.

"I know, but today I want to let it understand that if I don't get it, I will have to pay the price."

Filled with anger, Finny equipped the 'ghost haunted' without hesitation, flew high above the sky with the dance technique, aimed at the two boulders and began to chant:

"My name is Finney Helsandz, the only Explosion magic user on Earth!"

"Soul gem, let's see my power well!"

"Blacker than black, darker than darkness, please entrust my true red golden light here!"

An unprecedented giant magic circle appeared in front of Feeney, thinking in his heart that he must let the soul gem experience the power of explosion magic.

"When the time of awakening comes, the depraved principles of the absurd church will appear as invisible distortions!"

"Let's dance, let's dance, let's dance! The collapse of the original wish of my power, the collapse that no one can match, will burn everything in the world and come down from the abyss!"

With the addition of emotions and singing, as well as a certain addition that Finny has not noticed, this explosion magic may be stronger than all previous ones.

"This is the most powerful attack method for human beings, and it is the ultimate attack magic!"

Xuan'ao's magic circle burst out with intense crimson light, and there was only one last step before the magic would be completed.



The immature voice sounded in Finny's head, which made him almost release the magic.

Trying to maintain this unprecedentedly powerful explosion magic, Finny looked around with a sneer and asked, "Why did you teleport me here!"

"Your soul is very special. Time cannot see through your future. Space is a little curious, so I just want to send you here and let me observe it!"

The immature voice in his head explained, but it made Finny so angry that he almost lost his magic.

"Because of this stupid reason, you sent me to this place where no shit!?"

"This is the space's own initiative, I didn't ask for it!"

The soul gem threw the pot out, and then said: "You can't destroy this place, take back your ability."

"Send me back!"

Feeney didn't hesitate and made his request.

"I can not do it!"

"Then you are ready to wait for your destined person in another place!"

Finny pretended to throw the magic down.

"You can't do this!" Soul Gem's voice sounded a little angry: "My ability can't send you back, only space can do it."

"Then let it send me back!"

After Finny decided to go back, he must make the space gem pay some price.

"But you are too far away from it!"

But the soul gem's answer almost made him explode.

"Whose reason do you think this is?"

The light of the magic circle shone crazily under Finny's excited mood, and it was about to burst out uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a burst of orange light shone from the bottom of the cliff, covering Finny and the explosion magic circle, making both of them calm down.

"I can let it send you back the next time it is turned on."

Fenny, who was soothed by the soul gem's ability, frowned, and finally tried to dissipate the magic to the weakest level, and then changed his target to a mountain in the distance.

After all, the Soul Gem is one of the Infinity Gemstones. Feeney can test it out, but he is also worried about its cards.


Even though the power has been dissipated to the greatest extent, the explosion magic this time is still extremely amazing, and Feeney can't care about researching the reason for the time being.

"Isn't it able to initiate teleportation?"

Fini asked floating in the air, the feeling of this empty dialogue made him feel a little awkward.

"It has consumed a lot of power to send you here, so there is no way to open it on its own initiative for the time being."

This answer made him speechless, and he couldn't help asking: "How smart are you?"

"Don't try to judge us by your human level." Although the voice of Soul Gem sounds immature, it seems to have a hint of maturity: "Time, space, mind, power, reality, soul, we know everything about this universe .”

"Oh, but you don't know me!"

Finny sneered.

"So space is very strange to you, and now I am also a little curious about you."

The soul gem is shining quietly somewhere. Although it is the most self-protective one among the six gems, it is only a stone after all, and it can only exert its greatest power in the hands of the user.

In addition, this time Finny's soul really can't even see through it, so it came out to explain to Finny, otherwise, if it were someone else, even if Vormir Star was really destroyed, it wouldn't appear .

Of course, the greater possibility is to be taught a lesson and let the other party know that not all stones can be messed with.


Feeney didn't know the reason, but the compromise of the Soul Gem also made him temporarily give up continuing to explore. The main reason for doing so was that he felt that with the backing of Gu Yi, he would definitely be able to go back.

"Is the earth changing a lot now?"

Seeing Finny descending from the sky, Red Skull asked blankly.

"It's pretty big."

Feeney nodded as he thought of all kinds of things in the future.

Although the way of wearing the "ghost haunted" was amazing before, but there are so many strange technologies in the universe, he didn't realize how strong Finny is.

But it wasn't until the 'explosion magic' just now that he realized that this seemingly harmless boy in front of him was simply a human nuclear bomb.

At this time, the Red Skull didn't know that the situation just now was not the real power of the burst magic.

And Finny was just thinking about this question, and he also noticed that the power of the explosion magic this time was a bit too terrifying, and he almost couldn't control it. It looks like there is no difference.

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