Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 130 Evolve, Blue-Eyes White Dragon! (first update)

"Sorry, this is confidential!" Nick Fury shook his head and continued: "Actually, I came here to ask, is there any way to contact you?"

Skye didn't answer Ferry's question, but frowned and asked, "He's going to help you, right?"

Nick Fury glanced at Skye unexpectedly, but nodded and admitted.

"In other words, you made him disappear? He even left the earth!"

Skye looked at Nick Fury angrily. Hearing what he said before, they couldn't get in touch with Feeney now.

"Where did you know that!?"

Now it was Nick Fury's turn to be restless, and asked with a frown. The guards at the base had already increased their security to the point where it was difficult for mosquitoes to get in and out. If this could still cause news to spread, then he had nothing to say.

But Skye's appearance obviously didn't look like this.

Could it be that she is the reason why Finny knows so much information! ?

Nick Fury couldn't help being suspicious, and looked at Skye carefully.

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury thought of another possibility, staring at Skye's face, and asked, "You know his situation, have you contacted him?"

Skye turned his head angrily and did not answer, but this had already let Nick Fury know the answer.

"He's still alive!?"

Nick Fury was a little happy in his heart. Although Feeney couldn't control it, judging from his current personality and behavior, it was definitely good for the earth.

He was a little thankful that he came to Skye, as there was indeed a special way of contact between the two.

"Where is he now? We will rescue him!"

Nick Fury said to Skye in a deep voice.

"I don't know, I just know it's on a very distant alien planet." Skye shook her head. Ancient One didn't tell her what planet it was, but no matter which one it was, it was very far away to her.

"How did you get in touch?"

Nick Fury asked again, and added another contact method for Finny's ability in his heart, which can cross planets.

"We haven't been in touch!"

Skye continued to shake his head.

Hearing this, Nick Fury couldn't help frowning, and persuaded: "Please believe me, Miss Halsides, I hope he will come back sooner than you."

Nick Fury said this sincerely. If Feeney comes back, he won't have to worry about whether to hire Banner, and he can save a lot of guard funds.

"I really haven't contacted him. He just informed me that he will come back and asked me to help me go to school and ask for a leave."

Nick Fury, who has been paying attention to Skye's micro expression, was a little surprised. He could see that Skye didn't tell lies, so things were a little strange.

"How did he notify you?"

"Sorry, no comment!"

Of course, Skye would not reveal Gu Yi, she still knew the rules of Karma Taj, and told an agent that she was not that stupid.

For a moment, the idea of ​​arresting Skye for interrogation flashed through Nick Fury's mind, but he gave up immediately after thinking about it.

Although Feeney is not here now, since Skye can accurately say that he is on an alien planet, it means that even if there is no contact between the two, Skye may still have a backhand left by Feeney.

"Then when will he come back?"

Nick Fury asked, anyway, the harvest this time has already exceeded expectations.

Skye thought about it hesitantly, and replied truthfully: "Maybe half a year later!"

"Half a year!?"

Nick Fury didn't understand the meaning of this time, and unfortunately Skye didn't understand it either.

"Thank you very much for your information, Miss Halsides, if you encounter any difficulties or have any news about him, you can call me."

Nick Fury left a business card with a phone number on it, which contained the most advanced S.H.I.E.L.D. , In the end, I couldn't help but want to know more about the situation.

It's a pity that Nick Fury doesn't know, and Skye is not an ordinary person. If this business card is for Feeney, maybe he won't find anything.

But he chose to give it to Skye. Skye's shock wave ability can feel the fluctuation of the item, and she found the abnormality almost immediately after receiving the card.

"I see."

But Skye still took the business card calmly. The reason why she was willing to tell Nick Fury so much was because she hoped that he would be cautious. Without Finny's protection by her side, she had to learn to grow up.

After Nick Fury left, Skye immediately checked the house completely with his abilities, and sure enough, he found another bug in a hidden corner.

Skye had obviously never seen Nick Fury pass by this place, and he didn't know how he installed it.

The appearance of Nick Fury made Skye miss Feeney even more.


"What do you say it will become?"

At this time, Feeney was looking forward to the glowing blue-eyed white dragon, and asked the red skull beside him.

After ten days of feeding, the blue-eyed white dragon has finally completed the two-star evolution, and is now in the process of evolution.

The evolution time was not long, even very short. Before the Red Skull had time to answer the question, the blue-eyed white dragon had already completed its evolution.

"It doesn't seem like much has changed."

Looking at the two-star blue-eyed white dragon in front of him, Red Skull replied, "But it's a lot bigger."


Feeney responded and carefully observed the evolved Blue-Eyes White Dragon. As Red Skull said, it was significantly larger than before.

If it was the size of a car before, it is now at least a midsize truck.

The scales are also whiter, and although the eyes are still lacking in spirituality, they are more divine than before.

"Can you talk?"

Feeney approached the evolved blue-eyed white dragon and asked, what he hopes most is that the blue-eyed white dragon can have wisdom.


The blue-eyed white dragon roared as usual, and he didn't know whether he was saying 'yes' or 'no'. Feeney sometimes wondered if there were translators from other planets that could translate dragon language.

After a simple test, Feeney found that the two-star Blue-Eyes White Dragon hadn't changed much, except that his body had been strengthened a lot, and there were no new skills.

Although he was a little disappointed, Feeney didn't care too much about it. It was only a two-star card. The blue-eyed white dragon in the anime was at least a seven- or eight-star card, so the level of evolution should be at least no lower than a seven-star card.

Finally, Finny will test one of the most important abilities of the blue-eyed white dragon.

energy absorption.

Feeney thought for a while and didn't let the soul gem appear, because he felt that the blue-eyed white dragon with only two stars should still not be able to withstand the energy of the soul gem.

The main purpose of his test is to see whether the absorption of the blue-eyed white dragon has evolved.

Fortunately, when I went to S.H.I.E.L.D., I was worried that it would be unsafe to leave the small ark reactor at home, so I took it with me, and now it is also teleported here.

"Come on, try the new dragon food again!"

While talking, Finny threw the small ark reaction into the mouth of the blue-eyed white dragon.

Let's save the remaining two updates until night~ I feel that there are many people at that time!

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