Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 147 After the seventh draw (for subscription)

But at this time, he can't extract it directly. Although bathing and cleansing are not necessary, but with the assistance of the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique', one must be calm.

"Eat some of this first to recover!"

Feeney looked at the Avengers where almost all members were injured, sighed, and summoned a few fried chicken nugget rolls to distribute to them.

Although everyone was surprised why Finny suddenly handed over the chicken nugget roll, they did not refuse the kindness, especially Thor, after taking the first bite, he ate it hungrily, and asked embarrassingly:

"Is there any more?"

Feeney has always been full in this regard. Thinking of Thor's plump figure after Thanos snapped his fingers in the original plot, Feeney couldn't help but hand over two more.

Look now Asgard is starving Thor!

Although the effect of 'minor treatment' cannot be seen immediately, the help to recovery is enough to be felt.

Under normal circumstances, they would only think that 'Jinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll' is an extremely delicious food that makes people happy to eat, but they are all injured at the moment, and they soon noticed the difference.

"Can this thing stop bleeding?"

Nick Fury, who was the least injured, was the first to feel the changes in his body. He looked at the other people who were chomping, and couldn't help asking Feeney.

"It's just to speed up the body's recovery!"

Feeney casually explained.

Thor, who ate chicken nugget rolls for the first time, couldn't stop at all, one with his left hand and one with his right, and while stuffing them into his mouth, he asked Feeney, "What on earth are you made of, and why are they so delicious?" ?”


Finney looked at Thor, and had to admit that Asgardian's physique was much stronger than that of the Earthlings. He was obviously injured the most, but he recovered the fastest after eating the 'Jinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll'. quick.

Of course, it may also be related to eating the fastest and the most.

And the American team on the side thought of the formula that Feeney gave him, and suddenly felt that this gift seemed quite heavy, although he also knew that if he made it, it should not have these effects.

After eating, everyone was going to catch up with Loki in Nick Fury's Quinjet.

"What about it?"

Nick Fury looked at the blue-eyed white dragon lying quietly not far away, and asked Finny.

He had already quietly learned about the escape process from Natasha just now, and he also knew how the blue-eyed white dragon appeared, so he couldn't help but ask, "Can you change it back?"

In fact, none of the people present was not curious about the blue-eyed white dragon. Even Thor, who came from Asgard, had never seen a blue-eyed white dragon.

Just because the 'Jinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll' was so delicious, I didn't pay attention to it for a while. Now that I finished eating, after hearing Nick Fury's words, I couldn't help but look at Finny curiously.

Feeney thought about it, and now he was going to chase Loki. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was huge and easy to expose, and it was not suitable for fighting Hulk, so he turned it back into a card state while everyone was stunned.

"Is this also magic?"

Thor opened his mouth wide and looked at Finny blankly.


Feeney admitted without hesitation, since he couldn't talk about the system anyway, it wouldn't be bad to make them mistake it for magic, which was more suitable for his identity as a mage.

"I knew that boy Loki didn't study magic well."

Thor muttered something in a low voice, but he didn't think about whether Asgard had this kind of magic.

Tony was very simple. He stared at the card in Finny's hand for a long time, and only asked: "Can you study it? Give me money!"

Captain America just woke up from a deep sleep, and he could guess from everyone's reactions that this kind of situation is definitely not common, but instead of being shocked, he was very happy, and finally he was no longer the only one who felt uncomfortable with the changes in the world up.

On the other hand, Nick Fury took a deep look at Feeney. He was becoming more and more confused about what secrets there were in Feeney, not to mention that he had been to an alien planet for more than half a year this time.

Even if Finny took out an interstellar trajectory gun or something from his crotch now, he still felt that it was not impossible.

Coming to the plane, only Hill and a few agents escaped with Nick Fury, and the others are now on the sky carrier with Rocky.

Feeney found a corner and sat down, looking like he was about to rest, and began to prepare for the extraction quietly. Because of the injuries, the others also silently recovered from their injuries, trying to recover for the possible next battle.

About half an hour later, Feeney finished adjusting his state, quietly let out a long sigh of relief, and was about to start the extraction.

But before the extraction, he couldn't help but think of the previous extractions.

After getting the system, he has already drawn the skills six times. The first time he was ignorant and ignorant, he drew the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' in a daze.

The second time, I was looking forward to it, but I was disappointed at the time, but now it seems that it is a super "Jin Kee Fried Chicken Nugget Roll".

For the third time, Iron Man's debut is imminent, and the world will usher in a big change, but he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself, so he is drawn into the "ghost haunting" with anxiety and anxiety.

And the 'ghost haunting' was a big change point in his life.

After pulling out the 'Evil Ghost Haunting', he met Gu Yi, joined Karma Taj, met Modu Experience Baby, and got the nickname of Silver Knight for no reason.

And after that, his extraction speed skyrocketed.

For the fourth time, he drew the 'dancing air technique'. Although it was only for flying, it was also a vital ability for him.

For the fifth time, the 'explosion magic' allowed him to have a strong defense and a powerful attack, and the silver knight also became the God's Punishment Knight.

The sixth time, "Card: Blue-eyed White Dragon", in order to find dragon food for it, was sent to an alien planet when he wanted to get in touch with the Rubik's Cube, and stayed with a ghost for more than half a year.

After these six draws, Feeney is actually very powerful. At least on Earth, there are not many people and things that can hurt him.

Even if he no longer draws skills, as long as he can improve all these abilities, it will definitely be more than enough to prevent Thanos from snapping his fingers in the future.

However, if it can become stronger, of course Feeney will not resist, so experience still needs to be gained, and skills must continue to be drawn.

Looking at these six skills, none of them are similar, and even each of them is very unexpected to Finney.

This kind of uncertainty made it impossible for him to guess what the system's next draw would be. This time it was the same. Although it had been done six times, Feeney was still nervous at the seventh draw.

In the first second, enter the system.

In the second second, turn on the bonus and draw.

In the third second, the extraction ends.

The movements are done in one go and are extremely skilled.

But when the result came out, Feeney's heart calmed down. Even if he got another cooking skill, he wouldn't complain like he did before.

After checking the seventh skill, Feeney, who was not surprised, was a little surprised.

"breathing method"

"From: Blade of Demon Slayer"

"Introduction: The skill of fighting ghosts with a human body!"

Feeney vaguely knew about this anime, but he had long forgotten the content, so when he saw the introduction, he was a little surprised, and he was silently wondering if there were such things as ghosts in the Marvel world.

Because of the name, Feeney guessed that this skill should be related to breathing, so he couldn't help but want to see the effect of the skill directly on the plane, and then realized that the ghost in the introduction didn't seem to be the kind of Sadako he imagined , Kayako and the like exist.

This turned out to be a skill that greatly improved physical ability!

Unexpectedly, I didn't get stuck in the chapter and wrote it obediently. . . Please subscribe, please subscribe, because the status is not good these days and I am sick, so I didn’t let you guess the skill, but for the eighth skill, it seems to be too early to guess now, hahaha~ Then, try to restore the third update tomorrow~

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