Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 150 Chitauri: What the hell! ?

As if being hit by a cannonball, Loki flew out, his face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, which shows how powerful the punch was.

Feeney followed closely. In the state of "breathing method", the strength and speed he could exert far exceeded his expectations. The blood in his body was breathing, relying on his heart and lungs to crazily absorb the surrounding oxygen, strengthening his body functions.

At this moment, even the angry Hulk, Feeney felt that he could be tough and not lose the wind.

The powerful instantaneous explosive force made him reach Loki's side again before he even landed, and punched him in the head, knocking him to the ground.

Feeney didn't give Loki time to react, and after pressing into the ground, he rode on him and punched him in the face one after another, making him unable to even utter a word of begging for mercy.

"Let you find Thanos!"

Finny punched Loki in the left cheek.

"Let you invade the earth!"

Finny punched Loki in the right cheek.

"Let you abduct Hulk!"

Left cheek again.

"Let you still ambush me!"

Right cheek again.

"Let you..."

Fini paused, as if he didn't know what to say, but his hands kept moving, and he continued to hit the left cheek, and then continued: "It makes you look so ugly!"

Loki, who is in extreme pain, has a broken heart. Although he is not as popular as Thor in Asgard, he is also the second prince that everyone loves, okay? ?


Rocky was scared, he couldn't figure out why Finny suddenly seemed to be on a stimulant, and his strength was completely different from when he first fought two days ago.

Why are people on this earth so strong! ?

Wanting to beg for mercy, his mouth was not fully opened, and he was punched down by the angry Finny.


Two teeth flew out.

At this time, Loki was beaten by Finny, even if Odin was there, he might not be able to recognize him. His entire face was almost completely swollen, and his eyes were almost invisible.

If it weren't for the powerful physique of the Frost Giant, it is estimated that after Thor returns, he will have to prepare for Loki's funeral.

But even with the powerful vitality of the Frost Giant, Loki would be finished if he continued to be beaten by Finny.

The fear of death made Loki extremely regretful at this moment. Why did he choose to come to Earth? Wouldn’t it be good to go to other realms? The elves of light in Alfheim, they would definitely not be so violent.

Loki frantically thought of a way to save himself, but Finny's fist was like a branding iron, and every punch brought him great pain, making his consciousness weaker and weaker.

Seeing Loki's appearance, Finny stopped involuntarily.

The beating just now dissipated his anger a lot, and he also thought about whether he should directly deal with Loki completely. With Loki's strength, he will definitely gain a lot of experience.

But after thinking about Thor and Odin who was still alive in Asgard, Finney hesitated, but in the end he didn't do anything cruel.

Even though Loki has committed so many crimes in Asgard, Finney still can't guarantee that Odin or Frigga will not care about Loki's life or death at all.

After Heimdall discovered him, Odin asked Thor to come over the first time. It can be seen that they still have feelings for Loki.

Otherwise, if others don't understand the combat power of the earth, how can Odin not understand it! ?

Let Thor come to the earth, to put it bluntly, it is support, but the real situation may not be to save Loki.

At this moment, Finny suddenly felt a burst of space energy, and when he looked back, a blue beam of light rose from the ground and rushed to the sky.

Feeney's face changed, because he had been concentrating on maintaining the 'breathing method' in his mind, and he was so busy fighting Loki that he forgot to destroy the space gate's equipment first.

However, he didn't panic. He looked back at the spiritual scepter that Loki had also dropped on the ground when he was knocked into the air, and stepped aside to pick it up.

Finny held the spiritual scepter, felt the power in it, and poked at Eric Selvig who was excitedly shouting success, releasing Loki's control over him.

"I... I... what have I done!"

Eric Selvig returned to normal, his face changed suddenly, the excitement disappeared without a trace, and he looked at the space door opened in front of him in pain.

"Don't talk nonsense, this thing should be able to turn off this thing!"

Feeney has already felt that an energy barrier has formed around the Rubik's Cube in the universe. It is basically impossible for him to break this thing, but fortunately, he remembers that in the original plot, he can use the spiritual scepter to destroy it.


Eric Selvig nodded as if waking up from a dream, and said, "The scepter has the same power as the Rubik's Cube, and it can prevent the door of space from continuing to open."

But just when Feeney was about to poke the spiritual scepter at the Rubik's Cube, he couldn't help but look up at the door of space that was slowly opening in the sky.

"In other words, these are all experiences!"

An idea suddenly flashed in Feeney's mind, since the gates of space have been opened, why not take this opportunity to get a wave of experience before closing them! ?

Loki has been let go for the time being, and the Chitauri can't let it go too, there is no possibility of any relief between him and Thanos.

Looking at the half-dead Loki lying on the ground in the distance, Finny first ordered the 'Golden Diffuse Technique' to stun him, and after making sure that there were no enemies around, he handed the spiritual scepter to Eric Selway grid.

"Here, you hold it, watch me move for a while, and then close the door of space."

Eric Selvig was taken aback when he heard it, and asked in surprise, "What are you going to do?"

"Say hello to aliens!"

Feeney exhaled, stretched out his palm, and summoned the blue-eyed white dragon card.

"My turn, come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

The huge blue-eyed white dragon appeared on the roof of Stark's building. In addition to startling Eric Selvig who was setting up the instrument, it also excited the New York citizens who had gathered around the building for a long time.

"Dragon, oh God, I saw a dragon!"

"It's God's Punishment Knight, I saw him!"

"What is he going to do? Is he going to destroy the world!?"

"What is that hole in the sky that seems to be coming out of something else?"

"God's Punishment Knight, no, God's Punishment Dragon Knight! I knew it, I knew it, he must have a mount!"

The comprehensive strengthening of the body made Finny's ear power reach the astonishing limit. In such a tall building, the shock and exclamation of these citizens can be heard.

It's just that none of these contents are what he expected, and things are still developing in the direction he least wants.

I am a mage!

Feeney really wanted to rush down and shout, but seeing the Chitauri who had already started poking out from the space gate, he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately rode on the back of the blue-eyed white dragon, ready to fly up.

At the same time, he told Eric Selvig: "Remember, when I come out of the space gate, turn it off as soon as possible!"

Eric Selvig seemed to understand what Feeney wanted to do, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he kept muttering: "It's crazy!"

Feeney rode the blue-eyed white dragon and rushed towards the gate of space!

This is probably the reason why Feeney felt that he would not become a superhero. If he were to be another superhero, he might close the door of space immediately and put the city's safety first.

But he was a little selfish and impulsive and wanted to collect a wave of experience before closing it, even though it might lead to accidents and even cause many casualties.

During the flight, Finny saw that the anxious Zeta Swiss soldier had already got out of the space gate, and without hesitation, a burst of "explosion magic" blasted over, preventing him from seeing the beauty of the earth clearly He closed his eyes.

Samsung's Blue-Eyes White Dragon flies very fast, especially at such a straight-line distance. In the blink of an eye, Feeney arrived at the door of the Space Gate, but at this time the Space Gate is not open enough to allow the huge Blue-Eyes White Dragon Dragon passes.

Feeney was not in a hurry. Through the space gate, he also saw the Chitauri's space carrier, which was many times larger than the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sky carrier.

"Look up, aim at the front, burst blast!"

At the door of the door of space, Finny blocked the door to prevent the Chitauri from passing, and at the same time issued an order to the blue-eyed white dragon.

On the other hand, the Chitauri Legion saw the door of space open, and when they were excitedly driving the spaceship down to invade, they suddenly found a bright white light shining at the door.

"What the hell!?"

The Chitauri soldiers looked over curiously.

Like staring into the abyss!

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