Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 152 Where's My Brother? ?

New York, Upper East Side of Manhattan, near Stark Tower.

The citizens of New York, who have always been known for their ability to accept, couldn't help but fall into madness, panic, and disbelief at this moment.

Although only a small number of Zeta Swiss soldiers leaked out of the space gate before, and they didn't live long enough, it was enough for a not-so-friendly meeting and exchange.

Originally, when Feeney first appeared, the New York reporters popped up out of nowhere at the first time, and one by one came faster than S.H.I.E.L.D.

When the Chitauri arrived, they even risked their lives to report this scene to the people of the world.

Therefore, when he saw Finny flying into the space gate, all kinds of conspiracy theories swept towards him for a while.

"I knew he wasn't human, he was wearing armor just to hide his ugliness!"

This was the 'reveal' vowed by a reporter hiding in a corner while Finny was chanting magic.

"We can see that there is a big hole in the sky above the Stark Tower. Aliens seem to come out of it. Who opened it? Why did God's Punishment Knight ride in that giant beast? For more details, please Stay tuned, I'm..."

This is more pertinent and a statement of facts.

"After a long time, the silver knight appeared again. This time we finally saw his mount, which was a huge silver dragon. Maybe we should call him the dragon knight. The reason he appeared this time was to save us. Resist the alien invasion!"

This one seems to be a fan of Feeney, but the content of the report is the closest to the truth, of course, except for the name.

During the short period of time when Finny went to the gate of space, the whole world fell into shock, and people finally began to truly understand the universe under the cover of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Most people's views on Finny are in the third situation, not because they are all fans, but because since Finny appeared, they have been saving the crisis with Tony.

What's more, when Tony's team PR is doing Iron Man image promotion, most of them will wait for Feeney by the way.

Therefore, it is only a small group of people who have malicious intentions towards Fini, and most people still prefer to believe that Fini is a space gate entered by aliens in order to resist aliens.

Especially when those reporters who put life and death aside and tracked and reported on the first scene in Manhattan played the scene of the Zeta Swiss soldiers falling to the ground and paralyzed after the mothership was destroyed, more people believed that Feeney was going to stop foreign The stars are gone.

"As we can see, they're not moving, so I'm going to check them out now, and if something happens to me, please tell my kid that his daddy died to save the planet, oh yes, I It seems that there is no girlfriend yet!"

A young reporter, while reporting to the camera, even planned to get close to the Chitauri to see how they were doing.

"Hey, what are you doing, stop, get out of here!"

In addition to the reporters, SHIELD and New York police were also on the scene. SHIELD is okay, after all, it is an organization that handles such special events. Although they did not expect the enemy to be aliens, their psychological quality can still let them Pick up a gun and resist.

But the police are not so strong. Not to mention those who escaped, even those who stayed, mostly just maintained order and guaranteed evacuation.

After finally seeing the aliens not moving, he hadn’t breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw someone wanting to join in the fun, he immediately yelled loudly in fright.

But those who can work as reporters in New York are not ordinary people. Ignoring the warnings of the police, they rushed to a Zita Swiss soldier who had gone to the end, took the baseball bat in his hand, and smashed it down on the head.

Seeing this scene, not only the people watching the report in front of the screen, but even the police were shocked, but they were all relieved when they saw that the aliens still didn't react as if they were dead.

"They're dead, I knew that God's Punishment Knight must be going to destroy the aliens, hahaha!"

The young reporter was talking excitedly in front of the camera. Just at this moment, his fellow cameraman saw Feeney who had just flown out of the space gate. When he moved the camera over, he immediately shouted: "Look, God's Punishment Knight! , and his dragon, they come out."

"God's Punishment Knight!"

The young reporter also raised his head immediately. Although he was too far away, he could only vaguely see a figure on the huge blue-eyed white dragon, but it did not prevent him from waving his hands and shouting excitedly.

Not only him, but some injured and hiding New York citizens also came out and shouted God's Punishment Knight gratefully after seeing that the aliens seemed to be really dead.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Feeney was not at all happy to hear their shouts in the air, but felt a little sad in his heart.

"It's not a knight, it's a mage!"

Feeney wanted to go down and talk to them. After witnessing the power of the 'explosion magic' just now, he was obviously more determined to take the path of a mage.

Like Captain Marvel, he rushed over to hit the battleship physically, how could he wave his hands, and talk and laugh with style.

However, he was anxious to take back the Rubik's Cube and the Spiritual Scepter, and it was not a day or two since he misunderstood, so he didn't fly down to explain it.

Back on the roof of the Stark Tower, Eric Selvig was sitting on the ground with a tired face. He was controlled by Loki for the past few days. He ran back and forth and worked hard. This ordinary old body can bear It is not easy to live.

"What did you do to them?"

Looking at Finny struggling to get off the back of the blue-eyed white dragon, Eric Selvig couldn't help but asked, he also found that these aliens seemed to be dead just now, obviously the only one who caused all this was Fini who entered the space gate.

"Invite them to watch a grand and gorgeous fireworks!"

Feeney replied casually, picked up the spiritual scepter next to Eric Selvig, and walked slowly towards the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, because he was too weak at this time, he did not dare to take the blue-eyed white dragon back.

Eric Selvig looked confused, he was too far away, and didn't see what happened in the space gate.

Arriving at a position about one meter in front of the Rubik's Cube, Finny held the scepter, and did not get too close to the Rubik's Cube for the first time, but said lightly, "I haven't settled the score with you for what happened last time."

"So I warn you, if you dare to teleport me randomly this time, I will try my best to destroy all of you broken stones!"

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube didn't move, as if it was a dead object. If it hadn't been fooled by it last time, Feeney would have almost believed it.

Just when Finny got the Rubik's Cube in his hands, Thor and Tony finally came back. Both of them were a little disgraced, and the anti-Hulk armor on Tony was gone, and the newly replaced Mark VII was broken again. tattered.

But there was no sign of Banner or Hulk.

"Where's my brother!?"

As soon as Thor came back, he saw Finny holding the spiritual scepter and the Rubik's Cube in his hand, but immediately asked about Loki's whereabouts. In his heart, Loki was indeed more important.

"Hey, it's over here."

Finny walked to Loki's position, and Thor hurriedly followed. After seeing Loki on the ground, he didn't recognize his identity immediately, but said with some sympathy: "Who is this guy, you beat him So miserable."

But after he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. The person's body shape and clothes became more and more familiar, and he turned his head to see Finny with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"He's Loki!?"

"Sorry, the shot was a bit heavy."


Thor yelled in grief, and hurried over to check the status.

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