Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 17 Experience Baby Modu

It is undoubtedly good news that the 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts' can also be lent to others. In this way, if one day you don't want to do anything, you can lend 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts' to others for use, and you don't have to worry about not paying back the loan.

For example, a certain green fat man, in terms of that guy's strength, coupled with the bonus of 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts' must be terrifying.

"Remember my words, don't let power control you."

Looking at Gu Yi who returned the 'ghost haunting' and turned to leave, Finny opened his mouth, but still didn't ask why Gu Yi refused to form the armor just now.


"Senior Brother Modu, come out and fight alone!"

In the early morning, Finny came to Modu's door excitedly, urging him eagerly.

The experience gained during the battle was far beyond Finny's expectations. In the past week, Finny has been using 'Evil Haunted' to fight Mordo almost every day.

It was the first time for Modu to see the "evil ghost haunting" and he was taken aback. After asking for a long time, Fei Ni, who was too lazy to answer, could only fool him by using the magic weapon specially given to him by Gu Yi.

Although the result is that Mo Du always whispers secretly in an unknown corner, it's unfair, I came first, and so on.

Closer to home, after a week of testing, Finny found that he had far underestimated the experience gained from fighting, or the experience gained from fighting the strong.

The experience gained from fighting Modu in the past week is as much as his growth in the previous three months. What a terrifying speed, if it is one month, it is as much as the previous year.

Moreover, Finny discovered that the experience gained from winning a battle is much more than that gained from defeat. This was discovered once when he knocked down Modu when he was accidentally distracted.

At that time, Feeney regretted not discovering this earlier. If he had known earlier, even if he reported the risk of possible exposure and kept finding people to fight, now he would have more than three skills.

But this kind of thinking didn't last long, he thought of Gu Yi's warning to him, and then analyzed it carefully, and felt that even if he found it early, it would not be much faster.

The most important point of gaining experience in battle is the strength of the opponent and the use of the 'ghost haunting'. With the 'Golden Dazed Technique' and 'Zinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll', it is definitely impossible to win against someone who is too strong.

Therefore, it was mainly because of the "evil ghost haunting" that greatly improved his strength, and then Modu's strength itself was not weak, which caused this situation.

After figuring it out, Feeney no longer regretted it, but immediately cherished the present, that is, he would find Modu to single out his experience every day.

"Have you been obsessed recently?"

Mo Du opened the door with a bitter face and complained that he had indeed asked Gu Yi about the 'ghost haunting' because he was worried. Although Gu Yi denied that she sent it, he still told him not to care about it. Help as much as you can.

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and go."

Fini dragged Modu to the practice field. Many mages surrounded him immediately after seeing this scene along the way.

Kama Taj is only this big, and the fact that Finny and Modu fight every day is known to almost everyone in a blink of an eye. In the practice of a mage, this kind of thing is actually not uncommon.

But Modu and Finny are the disciples of the ancient one after all. Leaving aside Finny, Modu's level is ranked high in the entire Karma Taj.

A mage is not a safe profession. Since the duty is to protect the safety of the world, how can it be called a guardian if there is no threat? Learning spells is for fighting.

Therefore, every time the two fight, there will always be many mages who come to watch.

"Master Feeney, come on, hit Master Modu today."

"Master Modu, don't lose carelessly like that time!"

On the practice field, both of them have their own fans. Although Finny has only been here for more than a month, he has won the favor of many mages by virtue of his 'Zinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll' and his age.

Ignoring the interference outside the arena, Feeney, who was standing in the arena, cast a provocative look at Modu, then stretched out his hand and summoned the long sword, shouting:

"Haunted by evil spirits!"

The silver and bright armor covered the whole body in the blink of an eye, and there was no weapon in his hand. Even so, just looking at the appearance, he immediately threw away the shabby Mo Du a few streets in front of him.

At this time, the other mages around were no longer surprised by Finny's 'ghost haunting', although most of them were as shocked as Modu when they saw it for the first time.

Similarly, after knowing the "source", there were a lot of lemon essence words like "Master Gu Yi is partial" and "I want armor" in secret, for which Gu Yi often reprimanded him helplessly.

Seeing that Finny was equipped, Modu didn't dare to be careless. He quickly activated the Walter's speed boots on his feet, and first blessed the Ring of Raggador, which is the magic shield, with both hands, and was on guard vigilantly.

Most of Karma Taj's mages are melee mages. Although it's not that they don't have long-range magic, one is because long-range spells are so powerful that ordinary mages are difficult to control, and the other is that spells are too difficult for many people to learn.

I don’t know if Modu can use long-range spells, but it’s just an ordinary sparring. It’s certain that neither side can make a deadly move. Besides, there is Gu Yi. Even if he accidentally misses, the Time Gem can save him. .

Because he didn't have too many scruples, Finny was extraordinarily decisive in fighting, and he had the advantage of armor defense, so he rushed over first.

Modu didn't panic. He saw the timing of Finny's rush, and immediately activated the magic effect of Walter's speed boots. He jumped, accelerated, stepped into the air, and jumped behind Finny to prepare to attack.

However, the moment Modu took off, Feeney reacted, and while slowing down, quickly turned over and blocked Modu's attack with his arms.

"Finny, you are a mage, don't always rely on armor."

Modu didn't pursue, and said something loudly while retreating, not because of jealousy or displeasure, but because he wanted to remind Finney, and didn't want him to waste his spell learning by relying on armor all the time.

In this regard, Feeney also humbly accepted. With the blessing of "ghost haunting", his all-round strengthening, even spells that can only spark sparks, can be more or less smoothly turned into small sparks.

Although flickering.

After a dim ring of Raggador also condensed on his right hand, Finny rushed towards Modu again.

The two fought back and forth, and the surrounding mages heard exclamations from time to time. After about half an hour, it ended with Finny's physical strength and defeat.

After lifting the 'ghost haunting', Finny was lying on the ground without any image. Although Modu beside him was also panting, he looked much better than Finny.

"You can't let the water go, let me win a few times, Senior Brother Modu."

Although he said so, Finny knew very well in his heart that Modu would definitely let him go, otherwise he wouldn't be able to fight at all. During this period, Modu kept pointing out his shortcomings during the battle.

That's why he still called Brother Modu more intimately when Kama Taj called each other a certain so-and-so mage.

"A real enemy won't let you down!"

After Modu gave a serious lesson first, he asked with concern: "Are you all right? Is there any injury?"

"Be sober, Senior Brother Modu, although I lost to you in the end, it is still difficult for you to break through my defense."

Hearing this, Mo Du couldn't help but get up again, and couldn't stop muttering in his heart: Obviously I came first, why did you get the master's favor alone!

Wool can't always catch a stalk. In the following days, Finny fought with other mages one after another, but in comparison, the experience gained from Modu was the highest. For this reason, Finny deliberately secretly He gave Modu a nickname.

Experience the baby Mordo Mage!

In this way, another month passed without knowing it, and a phone call disrupted the rhythm of Finny's experience.

Well, there is a reward today, this is the first reward, thank you very much for the reward, everyone else come and learn! ()

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