Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 184 So White, So Big!

Listening to Feeney's words, Sitwell was so excited that he couldn't help fantasizing about the future in his heart.

Hydra is not completely united within itself, but in most cases, the strength of each faction is similar, and when encountering problems, they all solve problems through cooperation.

From the beginning, Sitwell felt that Feeney wanted to unify Hydra. After hearing these words, he confirmed his inner thoughts. His eyes became firmer, and he looked at Feeney seriously. said:

"I will never let the leader down!"


Feeney patted Sitwell on the shoulder, with a look of persistent efforts, but he sighed in his heart, he didn't expect that he also had the talent to be a leader.

There were only a few days left before school started, so Finny didn't delay, and in the early morning of the next day, he was teleported to Sokovia wearing the 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts'.

Sokovia is a small, impoverished and war-torn country. Unlike Wakanda, it is really poor.

Because there are often wars here, Hydra sent peacekeeping troops in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. to place its own people in this country.

So here is basically completely controlled by the hydra now, and it is also a relatively large one among all the bases of the hydra.

Feeney was walking on the streets of this country, looking at the surrounding environment. What was more conspicuous was that there were many graffiti about Tony and Iron Man on the wall.

It's just that in terms of content, it's not worship or admiration.

Feeney felt that Tony would definitely not like to come here. After seeing an interesting pattern, he took some photos with his mobile phone and prepared to show Tony to see it when he had a chance.

While Finny was taking pictures, several people wandering on the street noticed him and approached him maliciously. One of them seemed to be the leader and asked, "Hey! Where did you come from?"

"New York, what's the matter?"

Feeney looked at a few people. A poor place is the easiest place to breed chaos. The first time he saw these people, he guessed what they wanted to do.

"New York!?"

The leader was taken aback, then turned around and smiled at the others: "Hey, brothers, he's from New York, that Stark's New York!"

After finishing speaking, his expression changed immediately, he glared fiercely at Feeney, and said in a ruthless voice, "Do you know which places I hate foreigners from?"

"There won't be New York!?"

Feeney looked at them with a funny face, he was a little curious why Stark was so hated here.

"Very correct!"

The leader clenched his fists, looked at Feeney and said, "Unfortunately, you just need to hand over the money, but unfortunately you are from New York, so you have to be beaten more."


Finney watched the other party approaching without panic, and continued to ask: "Is it because of Tony Stark?"

"That's right, if you want to blame, blame you and that bastard for coming from the same place!"

The leader suddenly rushed over and punched Finny. Seeing where he was aiming, and especially his face, he wondered if he was jealous of Finny's handsome looks.

Feeney turned sideways slightly, avoided the punch, looked at him, and asked again: "Why do you hate Tony Stark so much, he is Iron Man, a superhero!"


The leader was a little surprised when he saw Finny dodging, but he paid more attention to what Finny said. After spitting angrily, he said, "He's just a butcher!"

"Even if he changed his clothes, he is still an executioner. You have no idea what he has done to this place!"

"I don't mind if you talk to me!"

Finny looked at the man curiously.

But the other party didn't want to cooperate. Seeing Finny's confident look, he also felt something was wrong, and immediately turned to look at the younger brother, shouting: "Let's go together!"

The other four people rushed towards Finny together. Because the location is remote, there are not many people around. The only few, after seeing this scene, also accelerated their pace and left without any intention of helping.


Feeney didn't bother to do anything, and gave an order in his mouth. Including the leader before, the five of them fell to the ground together, their heads hit the ground. Although they didn't bleed, they all bulged into big bumps, which looked a little funny.

"What did you just do?"

Getting up from the ground, the leader sensed that something was wrong, and started to panic. He hurriedly looked at the ground and surroundings, but found nothing abnormal.

He hangs out on the streets all year round, and he is not the kind of person who doesn't wink. Aliens are here in this world, and what else can't happen, so what he thinks at this moment is not to try how Finey did it, but Instead, escape first.

But when he turned around, he had just taken two steps, and before he could shout the slogan for retreat, he heard another faint sentence behind him:



Still in the original position, weak point attack, damage crit, pain multiplied several times in an instant, making several people scream in pain at once,

"Who are you?"

The leader clutched the wound that was oozing blood from the big bag, and did not dare to get up from the ground, so he just lay on the ground and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, please let us go!"

The younger brothers saw that the boss was like this, and they didn't dare to get up. They also lay on the ground begging for mercy in pain, and the passers-by were stunned.

"Okay, I won't do anything to you, just ask a few questions."

Feeney squatted down and said that he wouldn't kill a few people just because of a robbery, but he was a little interested in hating Tony so much here, and planned to deal with them after the questioning.

"You ask, you ask!"

The leader regretted it very much at this time, and wondered in his heart whether Feeney might be an alien who ran over from New York. After all, this attack method is too weird.

"Why do you hate Tony Stark so much?"

Hearing what Finny said, the leader cautiously raised his head, as if he wanted to observe Finny's expression before replying.

"You just have to say it, don't worry about it so much, I have a way to tell if you're telling a lie, tell a lie, and fall ten more times!"

Seeing his appearance, Feeney said directly.

"don't want!"

Hearing what Finey said, the leader panicked, and hurriedly explained: "Because our country has become like this, it is all because of him!"

"The weapons he made have kept the country from enjoying peace. There are wars every year. Many people's relatives died under the weapons he made."

Hearing his words, Fini paused and sighed silently. After all, this should be the reason why Obadai made it. The original intention of Tony to make weapons has always been to end the war.

But Obaday just wanted to make money, who would buy weapons without a war, so he deliberately created a war, so that these people in Sokovia hated him.

Of course, there should be part of the reason for Hydra. If there is no war, how can they send people to support and build a base.

"Get up!"

Knowing the reason, Feeney didn't torture them any more. After letting them get up from the ground, he looked at the trembling five people and ordered with the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique':

"Forget everything that happened after you met me. Your injuries were caused by an accidental fall together. Be a good and helpful person in the future!"

After the order, Finny let them go. It is not easy to be a good person in this kind of place, and punishment is enough for them.

After this incident happened, Feeney was not in the mood to continue shopping. After finding a corner where no one was around, he equipped the 'Ghost Haunting', then turned on stealth mode, and sneaked into Hydra's base.

With Sitwell's information, he is not completely ignorant of this place, but because the base is too big, he still gets lost if he is not careful.

Before he knew it, Feeney didn't know where he was. After seeing someone guarding a door, he sneaked in and took a look, only to find that it seemed to be a dormitory, but it was all glass rooms.

Many people were imprisoned inside, both men and women, wearing thin clothes, with pale faces, and some even looked dead.

Feeney walked all the way, and soon discovered that one of them was quite special.

So white, so big!

This was Finny's first reaction, and then he felt that this kind of behavior in this state seemed slightly inappropriate, but it was impossible for him to show his identity.

After silently apologizing in his heart, he continued to look at the girl in front of him.


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