Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 197 Vibrating Gold Pendant

"Dear Mr. Halsaces, please forgive my previous rudeness!"

At this time, T'Chaka looked at Finny with a hint of awe besides respect, wondering if Finny might also be some god or something.

After all, if their identities are not equal, how can they get in touch with their great Panther God.

Bast is not the only belief in Wakanda. For example, the Jabari tribe on the snow-capped mountains all year round believes in the ape god, which also shows that they believe in the existence of many gods.

"It's okay, Your Majesty doesn't have to do this."

Looking at T'Chaka's attitude, Feeney was a little happy. From the current point of view, this matter has been more than half successful. He didn't want the entire mine, just took away a little vibrating gold, and it wouldn't affect them much.

"Please wait a moment, I will inform everyone to welcome you with the highest etiquette."

For fear of neglecting Finny, T'Chaka said with a serious face.

"no, I'm fine!"

Feeney was taken aback, quickly shook his head, and decided to directly state his purpose: "Actually, I also have something to do this time, and I hope you can help me."

T'Chaka's expression was a little nervous, but he still replied in a deep voice: "Please tell me!"

"Nothing very difficult."

Seeing the nervous expressions of Manda and Su Rui next to him, Feeney smiled and explained: "I have a very precious item, but its container is broken. I heard that Zhenjin is a very special kind of item. metal, so I hope to use some vibrating gold to create a container."

Hearing this, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. For others, vibrating gold may cost ten thousand dollars per gram, but for them, the entire vibrating gold mine has not yet been developed.

"no problem!"

Although T'Chaka agreed without hesitation, he was still a little worried, so he continued to ask, "I don't know what kind of container Mr. Halsidez wants to build?"

Su Rui on the side also showed a curious expression. She is the smartest person in Wakanda. Many technologies are actually developed and manufactured by her, so she is most interested in such things.

"A pendant!"

Feeney thought about it for a long time before he came, but in the end he didn't directly choose to make gloves, because the gloves are too conspicuous, so it's better to make the Eye of Agamotto first, which can be worn on the body at any time.

Hearing that it was just a mere pendant, T'Chaka finally felt relieved, and said with a cheerful face: "Just leave it to us, and you won't be disappointed!"

Feeney just nodded and didn't refuse. He just wanted to borrow some vibration money, but T'Chaka seemed to want to help build it.

I couldn't help thinking about letting Wakanda try it first. If the forging level is not enough, then borrow some vibration gold and find the dwarves by the way when I go to Asgard.

Because he was worried that there would be an accident due to too much delay, Finny was going to go back and bring the Rubik's Cube over now.

After re-equiping the 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts', Feeney arrived at the gate of the palace.

I found a large group of Wakanda soldiers surrounded by the blue-eyed white dragon watching in fear and curiosity, but no one dared to get too close.

The goal has been achieved, and Finny doesn't need the blue-eyed white dragon to increase deterrence, so after he came out, he turned it into a card under the shocked eyes of everyone and took it back.

"Wow, how did you do this? Could it be magic? This is too cool!"

Maybe Su Rui is younger and more cheerful, so she doesn't have the deep respect and fear for Fini like her parents, but she has more adoration for Fini.

Hearing Su Rui's words, Fini under the mask couldn't help but smile. He had a good impression of Su Rui's character. Thinking that she seemed to be a very powerful scientific researcher, he decided to find a chance to poach a corner and let her She went to help Helen Zhao.

With the portal, it didn't take much time for Finny to go back and forth.

With the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Feeney followed Shu Rui to the underground laboratory of Wakanda. At the same time, he also saw the vibrating gold veins in Wakanda and the maglev trains that transported the mined vibrating gold.

"I'm afraid your Wakanda has the most advanced technology on Earth!"

Looking at this scene, Feeney couldn't help admiring Su Rui.

"Obviously easy to see!"

Su Rui nodded proudly, and at the same time did not forget to show off: "And I developed many things here!"


Feeney gave a thumbs up, praised Su Rui, made her happy all the way, and then chirped and introduced everything to Feeney.

When he came to the laboratory, Feeney took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and at the same time told Su Rui: "This thing is very dangerous, you must remember not to touch it with any part of your body."

Su Rui is just an ordinary girl, far from meeting the standard of using gems. If she touches the Rubik's Cube casually, once she has the thought of using it, it may directly cause her body to collapse, so Feeney warned her repeatedly.

Su Rui nodded carefully, looking nervously at the Rubik's Cube in Finny's hand.

"There is a gemstone in this Rubik's Cube, and I hope to create a pendant that can hold and wrap this gemstone!"

Feeney made his request.

"What gem is this?"

Hearing what Finny said, Su Rui didn't think too much about it. Looking at the light blue cosmic cube, he asked Finny curiously.

In order to make Su Rui more careful, Feeney hesitated, and decided to tell her the origin of the infinite gems: "Very early, I don't know exactly how early, there was a big catastrophe in the universe. explode."

"The explosion created six gems, each of which has the power to destroy a planet, and they all have their own attributes."

"They are power, space, mind, reality, time, and soul, and this one inside is a gem with space attributes!"

Hearing Finny's words as if they were telling a story, Su Rui was stunned for a long time, then swallowed, and asked cautiously: "You said this is the product of the Big Bang, and it can destroy a planet?"


Seeing Su Rui's frightened face, he couldn't help but smiled, and comforted her: "But don't worry, this thing is very demanding to use, and it's not something that anyone can destroy the planet just by getting it."

Even if Feeney said so, Su Rui still looked at the Rubik's Cube with some fear.

But fortunately, with Finny by her side, she quickly relaxed and began to study the product of the Big Bang curiously.

Feeney didn't directly break the Rubik's Cube shell, but asked Su Rui to study and analyze the structure first, which would also help her create the pendant next.

In the subsequent research, Feeney has been by his side, and he still has some guard against Wakanda.

It has to be said that Su Rui is indeed a genius girl. In just three days, she figured out the structure of the Rubik's cube material, and began to prepare to use vibration gold to make a pendant for Fei Ni.

The eighth skill...related to just one of her moves. . I feel like I should have guessed it. . .

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