Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 203 The Eighth Skill

The Extremis virus has a certain resistance to high temperature, but it is not immune. Feeney restricted the bald man's movements with the 'Golden Diffusion Technique' in his mind, and then began to chant:

"Blacker than black, darker than black,"

"Merge with my true red!"

"The time for awakening has come."

"Falling into infallibility,"

"Walking into an invisible distortion."


Magic enveloped the entire courtyard, and the bald man was already limited in speed by the 'Golden Diffuse Technique', so he couldn't dodge now.

Burned by the crimson flames, even the Extremis virus could not recover. With a scream, the bald man's entire body disappeared and was submerged in the flames.

Feeney checked the system and unexpectedly found that the experience given by the bald man is still very impressive. Maybe four or five more may be enough for the eighth draw.

And this is just a small guy, Killian must have injected more Extremis virus than them, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to become a big boss.

Back beside Tony and Rhodes, Feeney asked curiously, "You just said you found their base?"

"The Roxanoke is now located on a coast in western Florida. If this guy didn't lie to me, it might be their old den!"

Tony glanced at Treve as he answered.

"No, no, I really heard them say that!"

Seeing Finny's gaze, Treve immediately explained nervously.

"You mean we go now?"

Finny looked at Tony and asked.

"Although I like to be passive in some things, when it comes to combat, I still want to take the initiative!"

Hearing Tony's words, Finny gave him a contemptuous look before agreeing, and at the same time turned to Rhodes and said, "Then let's go to that coast now, and you take this guy back first, if the matter is not resolved by then, You come to support again!"

"Be careful!"

Rhodes nodded, didn't say much, grabbed Treve, and flew to the White House in Washington amidst his terrified screams.

Seeing Rhodes leave, Feeney and Tony also had no ink marks, and immediately rushed to the Roxanoke.

This place is also in Florida, so it's not too far from Miami. In just ten minutes, the two of Feeney arrived at this place.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, but the surroundings of the coast were brightly lit, and soldiers with guns stood there patrolling vigilantly.

"If nothing else, this is indeed the guy's base!"

In the dark, Tony, who was invisible with Feeney, looked at the base in front of him and whispered into the headset.


Feeney nodded, looking at these patrolling soldiers, his eyes glowed a little. If these were Extremis fighters, they would have a lot of experience!

"Any plan of action?"

Tony continued.

"Do you want to start fighting directly?"

Feeney doesn't have any good battle plan either. This is the general base. Even if Killian is not there for the time being, if he receives news of the attack here, he will definitely come back.

"I like this plan, Jarvis, the party is on!"

Tony is not a person who likes to plan, and now he still likes to adapt to the situation, otherwise, he will not dislike the character of the US team who must have a detailed plan for everything.

Under the control of Jarvis, more than 30 sets of steel suits flew over, aiming their palm guns at the guards who had spotted them, and then said:

"You are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

Hearing that Tony was still planning to persuade him to surrender, Feeney turned his head and looked at him speechlessly, then lifted his invisibility without saying a word, flew to the nearest guard, and blasted him with a burst of 'explosion magic'.

Unfortunately, the other party did not inject the Extremis virus.

Seeing Feeney's actions, and at the same time looking at those who were persuaded by him to surrender, but all raised their guns and shot, he shrugged helplessly and said to himself: "Okay, I heard your answer!"

Then ordered Jarvis to fire the Palm Cannon and start fighting.

The surrounding chaos quickly raised the alarm, and Killian, who was continuing to study the improvement plan of the Extremis virus in the base, also quickly noticed the abnormality.

"What happened?"

Leaving the laboratory, Killian casually grabbed a guard running beside him, pulled him to his eyes and asked with a frown.

"There are intruders, Iron Man and God's Punishment Knight!"

The guard looked at Killian in fear, but answered the question immediately.

Hearing the answer, Killian's face turned ugly for an instant, a red light flowed under his face, and his palms began to heat up unconsciously, causing the captured guard to scream.

The scream woke up Killian, he threw the guard aside and started to walk outside.

At the same time, after Finny searched for a long time, he finally met two Extremis virus fighters. They were two strong men, wearing a vest and showing their strong muscles.

The two didn't even say hello when they met Finny, they just wanted to give Finny a bear hug with their red arms.

"Sorry, I don't like hugging men!"

Following Tony, Finny also unconsciously learned to chatter during the battle. While talking, he started the "breathing method" and went around and smashed the heads of the two of them together.

When they fell to the ground in a daze, they directly blasted two 'explosion magic' at their heads, instantly resolving the battle.

With so many targets around at this time, Feeney didn't have to choose the same fighting style as before. Although the experience may be less, it can be made up for with quantity.

More and more Extremis fighters came out, and then Finny discovered that Tony equipped his armor with thermal scanning, so it was easy to tell who had been injected with Extremis and who hadn't.

With Tony's screening, it was much easier for Feeney to find the target. After a while, he solved six more Extremis virus fighters, and finally got enough experience from the eighth draw in the battle.

But at this moment, Feeney suddenly heard Tony say seriously in the headset: "He's here!"

Feeney was taken aback, looked up in Tony's direction, and suddenly found a man with a bare upper body and tattoos. He saw that his legs were gathering strength, and he jumped a few times sensitively, then grabbed the flying armor, and then With a strong flick, it hit another set of armor.

In just tens of seconds, he destroyed two sets of battle armor by himself.

This kind of skill and strength is much stronger than other Extremis virus fighters, except for the maker of this experiment, Kirian, there should be no one else.

Feeney came to Tony's side and looked down at Killian.

And Tony also asked Jarvis to gather all the armors to his side. In just a short while, half of the more than thirty sets of armors had been destroyed.

Seeing the actions of the two, Killian also temporarily stopped everyone from attacking, looked up at Tony flying in mid-air, with a deep complexity in his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Tony, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way. You really exceeded my expectations!"

"To be honest, I didn't expect that either."

Tony looked at Killian who was influenced by him back then and turned into what he is now, and actually felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

If he hadn't lied to him back then, or had kept his promise and gone to the appointment, and the two of them had worked together, would he still be what he is now.

Feeney didn't have as complicated a mood as Tony, but when the two were chatting, he was also struggling with one thing, that is, whether to conduct the eighth draw now.

Because the system cannot store experience, that is to say, if the eighth drawing is not performed, he will not be able to gain experience in the next battle.

In the past, he had estimated and prepared for the draws. He had never accumulated experience before the battle was over like this time.

On the one hand, he was reluctant to part with Killian's next experience, and on the other hand, he was worried that he would not be able to use the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' to maximize his luck if he suddenly drew it now.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Finny still made a decision and prepared to draw now. After all deliberation, the experience of Killian and his desperate virus fighters is more important.

More importantly, he felt that he should believe in the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique'. After all, he has made progress after practicing on Vormir for so long.

After letting out a sigh of relief, Feeney didn't listen to what the two people beside him were chatting about excitedly, and used the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' to activate the luck bonus on his own, and then drew it!

The extraction by the system was only for a short moment, without any movement or special effects. No one except Feeney himself knew that he had gained a new ability.

"Emperor Keke: The Fourth Bullet"

"From: Date A Live"

"Introduction: Angel of Time!"

After thinking about it, I still dare not break the chapter... So, ask for votes, subscriptions, and rewards!

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