Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 206 Emperor Keke

The system's introduction to "Emperor Keke: Four Bullets" is Angel of Time, and Feeney doesn't quite understand the meaning of this introduction, so it is difficult for him to guess the effect of the skill before using it.

"Come out, Emperor Keke!"

Suddenly, Feeney felt something strange in his left eye, and then, two guns appeared in his hand, an ancient long gun and an ancient pistol.

At the same time, a huge golden clock quietly appeared behind him.

"It turned out to be such an effect!"

When the spears, pistols, and clocks appeared, Finny already knew what the ability of "Kekedi: Four Bullets" was.

His memory is correct, Kekedi is indeed an ability related to time, and the effect of the fourth bullet is to reverse the time of the hit target.

Feeney thought of the Eye of Agamotto in Gu Yi's hand, which is the time gem.

The Eye of Agamotto also has a similar ability, and it can also peek into the future, except for some accidents in the system.

It's just that the Eye of Agamotto is not so easy to use. Even if Gu gave him this thing now, he would not be able to use it. As for taking out the time gem from it and using it again, the difficulty will only increase.

After Emperor Keke's fourth attack, it was not so troublesome.

After so many extractions, Feeney also discovered that it seemed that as long as the skills were extracted by the system, unless there were any unexpected circumstances, they should all be usable immediately.

Even if the original 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' was not restricted by the temple, even if he was just born, he should be able to use some effects.

Feeney looked at the exquisite and classic double guns in his hand. Four bullets need to be fired through these two guns, the pistol is aimed at himself, and the long gun is aimed at the enemy.

It is worth noting that the bullets of the fourth bullet are actually made of time, and it is his own time, which is simply life.

However, what surprised Fini was that although the system extracted only four skills, Emperor Keke had another ability that allowed him to solve this problem.

Otherwise, he should consider learning from Gu Yi how to find Domamu to borrow his life.

'City of Time' is a kind of enchantment carried by Emperor Keke, which can help Finny forcibly absorb the time of living things to supplement his own time.

To some extent, Feeney is actually immortal at this moment, as long as he is willing to keep plundering other people's time.

"City of Death!"

Finny tried to activate this ability, and with him as the center, a burst of blood-red light burst out, covering a three-meter range around him at an extremely fast speed.

Because there were no creatures within the range, Finny couldn't activate the 'absorption time' of the enchantment, but he could feel that this ability was still immature, and even if it could absorb it, it wouldn't be able to absorb much.

However, being able to draw one and get one free already made Finny feel lucky, so he didn't complain, and he could feel that as long as he stored more time, the enchantment could still evolve.

The only regret is probably that he knew that the real Emperor Keke should have twelve bullets, but he may only be able to use the four bullets at present.

This made him feel that the blow to Killian was still a bit light, and he should hit him a little longer.

Afterwards, Feeney tried to spend time giving himself a "Fourth Bullet", to see if he could recall his state back to the time when he drew the skill and draw it again.

It's a pity that the system obviously doesn't leave such a loophole, which wastes a lot of life, and doesn't reduce the experience gauge of the ninth draw, but increases a little because of the use of skills.

Because it was his own lifespan that was being consumed, Feeney didn't dare to waste it, so he disarmed the skill after the test.

Regarding this extraction, Feeney felt that the biggest gain was not the time regression of the "Fourth Bomb", but the "City of Death" enchantment of Emperor Keke.

Although he is very powerful, but like Gu Yi, he is still an Earthling in essence, unlike Asgard who has an average lifespan of 5,000 years.

It's just that because of knowing the plot, Feeney basically didn't think much about the issue of lifespan.

After all, the world of Marvel is too dangerous. Dimensional invasion, planet devouring, and the threat of snapping fingers, whether you can live past thirty are all questions. What's the use of thinking about immortality.

Recently, his strength has been improved step by step, and he has obtained the space gem and the soul gem. After he has some confidence to deal with various threats, he can reluctantly consider this issue.

But even so, he didn't think about it seriously. After all, his life has just started not long after he was reborn. It's too early to think about the issue of old age and death now.

But I didn't expect that the eighth extraction would solve this problem unconsciously.

Feeney sighed inwardly, canceled all skills and returned home.

Regarding the usage of the "Fourth Bullet", the first thing Finney thought of was to restore it. If there is any damage in the battle, just shoot yourself directly, and you can restore to the previous state.

If it is used to deal with the enemy, unless there is a large time reversal, it does not seem to have any good effect, but the bullet consumes his own time. This method seems to kill a thousand enemies and damage himself by eight hundred.

At the same time, Finny thought about the shrapnel in Tony's chest.

Because of Wakanda's friendly attitude, he has been hesitant to find a chance to chat with Shu Rui and borrow their medical equipment to perform an operation on Tony or something.

But I was worried about Tony's reluctance and the reason why Wakanda rejected outsiders, so I haven't mentioned it yet.

But now with the "Fourth Bullet", Feeney feels that there is no need to go to Wakanda, just find a better doctor, as long as he can leave him with a bullet, Tony will not be able to died during the operation.

Feeney felt that he could talk to Tony about this matter tomorrow. He believed that if he had a choice, Tony probably didn't want to keep this danger by his heart.

The day passed quietly.

The military was very fast, and immediately announced on the second day that it had captured the news that the 'Mandarin' had been captured, but the scandal about the vice president's cooperation with him was not revealed by the officials, but was secretly lifted. For affairs, choose to deal with them in a low-key manner.

At the same time, the military also put all the credit for this time on Rhodes.

Although in the interview, Rhodes had tried his best to say that there were two mysterious people in armor to help, but in the official report, he didn't mention it at all.

Although the media knew who Rhodes was talking about, considering the level of efficient problem-solving this time and not knowing the real situation of the battle, it was rare for them to appreciate Rhodes.

War Machine, who was asked by Rhodes to change his name back to his original name, has also become one of the people's favorite superheroes.

"Are you sure you're not joking?"

In the villa, when Tony heard about Feeney's promise to let him have the surgery, he looked deeply suspicious: "Even Einstein didn't believe in going back in time!"

"I don't care if he believes it or not!"

Feeney rolled his eyes and said, "You just have to choose whether to believe it or not!"

"Although I admit that I haven't figured out some of your abilities for the time being, I still firmly believe in science!"

Tony didn't answer this question directly, but changed the topic somewhat evasively. He was still full of fear of surgery in his heart.

Feeney didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, time is much more mysterious than space. He glanced at the objects beside him and picked up a beautiful looking cup.

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