Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 216 Thor with Complicated Emotions

The next day, Finny woke up from the big bed a few meters away. Because of drinking too much, his head was a little sore, but fortunately, he had the 'Zhiji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll', and he recovered after eating a few.

With the help of the maid, after an extremely uncomfortable wash, Finny went to see Frigg.

"How did you feel at the banquet yesterday?"

Frigga looked at Fini with a normal face, and praised: "I heard that you drank all the warriors of Asgard by yourself. This kind of thing has not happened for hundreds of years. talking about you!"


Feeney didn't expect to become famous in Asgard in this way. He scratched his head in embarrassment and explained: "I used some methods, but I didn't really drink them!"

"That's amazing too!"

Frigga smiled, seeing Finny's unnatural look, she didn't talk too much, and changed the subject and said: "In Asgard, the Rainbow Bridge is generally used, and the star map is rarely used, so in the palace The stock version is years behind."

"We have sent people to the universe to collect the latest and most detailed star map for you a few days ago, and it is estimated that we will be back within a week at most."

"Is this thing precious?"

Hearing Frigg's words, Finny couldn't help asking.

"It's not precious, but few people sell it alone." Frigga looked at Feeney, and explained: "This thing is usually built into the spaceship."

Feeney showed a poor smile. If he had money, why would he let Tony make a spaceship? It would be so easy to just buy a ready-made one.

It's a pity that he is still rich on earth, but in the universe, he can't be described as poor, it is simply destitute.

As for exchanging the earth's currency, even the looters don't bother to invade the place, Feeney doesn't think there will be a place to exchange dollars in the universe.

As for using precious treasures and the like, Feeney couldn't think of anything that could be more valuable in the universe.

After thanking Frigga again, Finny plans to take a good look around Asgard during this period of time, and after Thor and the star map come back, he will go to other realms through the Rainbow Bridge to confirm. coordinate.

As Odin's wife, Frigga is also very busy with daily affairs, so she left after chatting for a while.

However, perhaps because he felt Finny's poverty in the dark, after Frigga left this time, he asked someone to prepare some money for him.

There are two currencies circulating in Asgard, one is credit points that can be used universally in the universe, and the other is Asgard gold coins that basically circulate inside.

Frigga prepared the most precious gold coins for Fenny. Although there was only a small bag, the value was very high.

They are made of Asgard's unique metal plus the special craftsmanship of the dwarves, and there is basically no possibility of imitation.

These gold coins also made Feeney dispel the idea of ​​setting up a street stall on the street.

Because there was still enough time, Finny was not in a hurry to buy gifts to take home, but went to the library of Asgard first after Frigg's consent.

Asgard is not just a technological civilization, they also have a unique magic civilization. Feeney has long been curious about these magics, so he chose to study them at the first time.

With the translator he asked for from the maid, Finny came to the library.

Although he knew that Asgard would definitely not display those treasured magic books, he just wanted to know about them curiously, and never thought about studying them seriously.

For the next whole day, Finny spent time in the library, didn't even go out for lunch, and seriously studied the magic of Asgard.

"My God, there are so many interesting places in Asgard, but you chose the most boring one."

In the evening, when Sif and her three friends found Finny who was reading seriously in the library, they all had expressions of disbelief.


Feeney raised his eyebrows, closed the book, stretched, and replied, "I think this place is very interesting!"

Vostagg looked at the magic book in Finny's hand in disgust, and said, "I always thought that no one would like these things except Loki."

Speaking of Loki, Fandral suddenly thought of something, and said to Feeney: "By the way, that boy Loki was beaten like that by you!"

"Good job!"

As he said that, he gave Finny a thumbs up, and Hogan and Vostagg beside him nodded in agreement. It can be seen that their betrayal of Loki has not been forgiven yet.

Feeney didn't continue chatting on Loki's topic, but after looking at the four of them, he asked suspiciously, "What are you doing here?"

"Yes, I almost forgot, let's go, the banquet is about to start, you must be here as a guest!"

Vostager grabbed Finny with a pair of big, greasy hands.


Feeney hurriedly dodged and dodged, and asked in surprise: "The banquet!? Didn't we have it yesterday?"

"A big banquet like this usually lasts for three days."

Seeing Finny's surprise, Sif explained on the sidelines.


Feeney was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say, he could only put down the magic book in his hand with a wry smile, and followed several people to the banquet.

As soon as he arrived, he found that there were more people at the banquet today, and some people were staring at him with a provocative look.

This made Finny a little baffled. He stayed in the library all day today and didn't go anywhere. It's impossible to mess with anyone.

But when the banquet started, he immediately understood the reason why these people were looking at him. It turned out that they all came to him for a drink.

Although a lot of people were drunk yesterday, this did not make the people of Asgard feel intimidated, but instead aroused their competitive spirit, including those who fell down after drinking yesterday, all of them wanted revenge.

"I came first!"

"No, it's obviously me first. Also, you just drank as much as you did yesterday, so don't be ashamed today!"

"What, you dare to say that I am ashamed, I will let you know how much you can drink today!"


However, because there were too many people who wanted to challenge, they started to fight among themselves and started drinking, which made Finny a little funny.

Seeing this, Feeney didn't say much, and directly turned on the "Unparalleled Mode" and began to sweep the audience. Although it was a bit of a waste of these fine wines, who told them to provoke first.


Time passed by, and it had been three days since Finney came to Asgard. During these three days, he spent the day studying magic in the library, and held a banquet with the Asgards at night, and he lived a very fulfilling life.

Three days passed, and the banquet was finally completely over, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Thor came back. Although he was a little embarrassed, he came back with a victory.

So, Finny was painfully invited to the banquet again.

After Thor came back, he soon got the news of Finny's arrival. After changing his clothes, he came to the library to find Finny immediately.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Finney, Thor's mood was actually a bit complicated.

On the one hand, he admired Finny's powerful strength, but he also remembered the fact that he threatened himself with a hammer to 'admit defeat', and the chicken nugget roll that was as memorable as Jane's.

And the thing that made him most angry was beating Loki half to death. Although he thought about it later and felt that he could understand Finny's mood, he was still somewhat upset.


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