Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 218: Where Men Should Go

"Have you ever learned tree language?"

Finny looked surprised.

"Yes, it's an elective course. At that time, I thought it might be relatively easy to learn, but who knew it would be quite difficult!"

Thor complained, with a regretful expression on his face.

"Can I learn?"

Feeney raised some interest. Treant language is a language that is not even included in the translator, but because the number of treants is extremely rare, it doesn't have much impact.


Thor was stunned for a while, looking at Finny's curious look, with a look of incomprehension, but he still told Finny the location of the textbook, and then continued to ask: "What are you going to do in the universe?"

"I don't have a specific purpose, I just want to meet aliens or something like that!"

Feeney didn't tell Thor that it was for gaining experience and finding rations for the blue-eyed white dragon.

Thor nodded, and did not show any interest. Although he rarely left the Nine Realms, it was not that he had never been to other galaxies.

"There is nothing wrong with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the scepter?"

Thor has always worried that these two things will bring disaster to the earth, but until now, the earth seems to be the most stable one in the nine worlds except Asgard.

"no problem!"

Feeney also didn't tell Thor that the Rubik's Cube was gone, but instead became the current "White Dragon Food".

The two were chatting, and Thor's mood had changed from the excitement and happiness just now to the depression. Maybe it was because he saw Feeney, he misses the earth very much now, and when he thinks of the earth, he thinks of his girlfriend.

Thor has never been a person who is good at hiding, the expression on his face directly let Finny see what he is thinking now, and he couldn't help asking: "Thinking of a girlfriend?"

Thor shook his head, took a sip of wine, and said slowly: "Heimdall said that she is doing well now, and she is very popular as a professor at that University of London!"

"By the way, don't you have any treasures that increase your lifespan?"

Finny couldn't help asking curiously.

Although even if Jane adds five thousand years of life span, Odin probably still won't agree to her marriage with Thor, but at least it won't be like it is now, there is no chance at all.

Thor's face darkened, then shook his head, and replied: "I know about things that consume life, but I asked my mother about things that increase life, but she hasn't heard of them either."

Hearing this, Feeney was a little surprised. It seems that Thor hadn't considered giving Jane a longer life.

"All right!"

In this regard, Feeney can only sigh. In fact, he can increase people's lifespan now.

Using the words of "Emperor Keke: After the Fourth", one can turn back a person's time. As long as the person keeps going back in time before the other party dies of old age, it seems to be considered a kind of eternal life.

Of course, the premise is that there must be enough time to consume it.

The banquet lasted until very late, and the four consecutive days of carnival did not make the Asgardians feel any discomfort, but for Finny, it was exhausting. Fortunately, this was the last one.

The next day, after Finny got up early in the morning, he didn't rush to the library to look up the books in the tree language mentioned by Thor, but first went to see the status of the blue-eyed white dragon.

These days, he has not changed the blue-eyed white dragon back to the card state, which can be regarded as the longest existence record in history.

Fini doesn't know how rich Asgard is, but it can be seen from the fact that they can build such a large palace with gold that they are indeed very rich.

So these days, the blue-eyed white dragon lived more comfortably than him, eating and sleeping every day, eating and sleeping.

Seeing his arrival, the blue-eyed white dragon neighed softly. Although he did not have the consciousness of being intelligent and independent, the blue-eyed white dragon was not a complete puppet.

After thanking the maids and guards who took care of the blue-eyed white dragon, Finny didn't turn it back into a card.

Although I don't know how the thing that Asgard fed to the blue-eyed white dragon was made, but according to his observation, the energy of this thing is not much weaker than that of a small ark reactor, so if you can eat evolution in Asgard then It couldn't be better.

Then Finny was going to the library to learn the tree language, but just halfway there, he was stopped by the three warriors of Asgard.

"I knew you would come here today!"

Fandral looked as expected, and then he pulled Finey who was puzzled and said, "You must not be allowed to stay in the library anymore today. We will take you to an interesting place."

After these few days of getting along, the relationship between him and the three of them has become more and more friendly due to drinking, which is why Fandral is so unscrupulous.

"But I think your library is very interesting!"

Feeney said helplessly while being dragged by both arms by Fandral and Hogan.

"That's why you haven't been anywhere else!"

Vostagg added, "We're going to take you where a man should go today!"


Feeney was taken aback for a moment, and Vostagg's words made his heart a little restless. Could it be that the place where the man should go is the one he imagined! ?

But when he arrived at the place, Feeney realized that he had made a mistake. Vostagg brought him to a place similar to an arena.

There was a warrior and a giant beast that Finny couldn't name. It was huge, with thick limbs and a very ugly appearance.

"That's it!"

Feeney was a little disappointed. He thought it was something interesting, but he didn't expect to fight with such an ugly monster just to watch people fight.

Seeing the warrior in the field narrowly dodging an attack from the monster, Vostager cheered along with the surrounding crowd, then turned his head and said to Feeney: "This is where the warrior should come!"

Feeney rolled his eyes and didn't reiterate that he was a mage. He looked at the monster attacking wildly and showed some interest.

"What kind of monster is that?"

Feeney asked Fandral beside him.

"The Frost Behemoth, a creature of Jotunheim, is powerful and fast, but its brain is a bit stupid, and it generally likes to stay in cold places!"

Hearing Fandral's words, Feeney looked at the ugly monster on the field again in surprise.

The battle on the field was fierce, and the cheers and shouts never stopped. Affected by this atmosphere, Feeney also watched with relish.

Except for this Asgardian warrior and the Frost Behemoth are a bit weak.

During this time, Finney also discovered that not all Asgardians are very strong, and ordinary Asgardian fighters are not too strong.

The really powerful ones are actually the blood of Odin, and those Asgardians who have awakened their divine power, such as Heimdall and Frigg.

"Speaking of which, you seem to have a huge white dragon!"

At this time, Fandral suddenly asked Finny's blue-eyed white dragon curiously, and said, "Heimdall said that it seemed to appear suddenly. Before that, he had never seen such a creature."

"It was summoned by my magic. If there is no accident, there should be only one in the entire universe!"

Feeney explained the next sentence, but he thought that Heimdall seemed to pay attention to him a lot!

ying ying ~

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