Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 239 Nidawi

The reason Finey put Nidawi in the penultimate position was that besides not wanting to drink, it was also because he didn't have any needs from the dwarves. In the past, he just wanted to see the world and leave a coordinate.

But Jotunheim is different. Even without the provocation of the Frost Giants, there are ferocious Frost Beasts over there. In short, there is a high probability that you can get a lot of experience.

But after thinking about it, Finny still agreed to Thor's invitation. After all, it would be better to have Thor with him than if he went by himself.

Because of the different concept of time, what Thor said soon made Finny wait for another three days.

On the way to the Rainbow Bridge, Thor enthusiastically introduced Nidawi to Fini.

"Nidawi's forge has absorbed the energy of a neutron star, and it has not been extinguished for centuries. It is said that my hammer was forged there!"


While answering, Finny was also thinking about whether he should entrust the dwarves to help him forge something.

Among the items he brought to Asgard this time was a lot of vibration gold. Although he gave Asgard a part of the star map as a thank you gift, he also kept some for himself.

Taking advantage of this time to go to Nidawei, he simply carried a bag on his back, and wanted the dwarves to help identify whether this metal was valuable in the universe.

As Heimdall opened the teleportation channel of the Rainbow Bridge, Finny and Thor soon arrived at Nidawi's forge.

A burning neutron star surrounded by a ring.

When the two arrived, a group of dwarves were already welcoming them, and Thor greeted the dwarf standing at the front: "Itri!"


The dwarf named Etri seemed to have a good relationship with Thor. He walked over and squatted down with difficulty, barely giving Thor a hug.

Although dwarves are called dwarves, it is because of the proportion of their bodies. They have big heads and thick necks, but their lower bodies are short, especially their legs, which look very uncoordinated.

But in terms of height and size, dwarves are actually more like giants, and several Thors are not as tall as each other.

"Let me introduce to you, Fini Helsetts, our guest in Asgard, I want to see what Nidawi looks like, so I brought him here."

Thor immediately introduced Finny to Itri.

Although Finny looked a little ordinary, under Thor's face, Eitri still looked at Finny friendly and nodded.

At the same time, Thor also introduced Eitri to Fini: "Itri, the dwarf king, is also the best weapon designer and blacksmith in Nidavi!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Thor's introduction, Yitri laughed happily twice: "I have already prepared good wine, and I can't leave if I don't drink enough today!"

Hearing this, Feeney was a little helpless, and quietly felt the environment here, and found that the state of using the 'Golden Diffuse Technique' here was close to the state of Vormir Star, and he felt relieved.

Can't cheat if you can't drink it! ?

There are not many dwarves living in the forge, only three hundred and one, including the dwarf king, but this is actually more than half of the dwarves.

Dwarves love to build, so almost all dwarves aspire to become a blacksmith or weapon designer when they grow up, and the forge is obviously their ideal holy place.

Therefore, few dwarves choose to do other occupations instead of working in Nidavi's forge.

Because of the huge size of the dwarves, Finny was a little shocked at the reception to welcome them. He actually needed two hands to hold the wine glass for drinking.

Although Thor was taller and stronger than him, he was not out of the normal range. Looking at Thor who was holding a keg and drinking with Etri, Finny was a little awed.

On the way before coming here, Finny had already learned from Thor that strength alone is not enough to gain the respect and friendship of the dwarves.

Because dwarves worship weapon forging, unless your strength refers to forging skills, otherwise, even if you beat the dwarf king to the ground, you may not be able to win their admiration.

And the dwarves are a group of people with the highest forging skills in the universe. It is really difficult to surpass each other in forging skills.

However, in addition to forging, dwarves have another hobby, which is drinking. Even the dwarves have passed down that even if there are dwarves who don't like forging, there are no dwarves who don't like drinking.

So drinking with the dwarves is the easiest way to gain their friendship. You don't need to drink with them, as long as you can drink happily, you are a friend of the dwarves.

Looking at the small barrel-like wine glass in front of him, Finny sighed softly. He felt that the reason why the dwarves have such a good relationship with Asgard is that they need someone to protect them. Asgard loves to drink. To be more important.

As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, and Finny didn't want to look special, not to mention that he still cheated with the 'Golden Dilation Technique'. If he really wanted to cheat, the three hundred and one dwarves combined would not be enough for him to drink.

The atmosphere at the wine table was hot, and while drinking, Yitri also chatted with Finney and Thor.

"I heard that there was a war in Vanaheim not long ago?"

Although Nidawi is located in a remote place, it is not isolated from the world. Moreover, they have a very good personal relationship with Asgard, and they are the fastest to receive the news circulating in Asgard.

"It's subsided."

Thor took a big sip of wine, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said, "It only took a month!"

Yitri looked at Thor in surprise, and then continued to ask: "I heard that there is a white butcher in the army. He killed tens of thousands of people with just one move, and he also has a set of very terrifying armor. ?”

"Cough...cough cough!"

Hearing that worrying nickname, Finny, who was drinking, couldn't help but choked, which made Eitri turn his head and look at him in surprise.


Although Thor didn't understand why Finney rejected the nickname so much, he still explained to Eitri: "He is the white butcher, but he doesn't like others to call him that!"

"It's you?"

Etri looked at Finny unexpectedly, because Thor introduced Finny as a guest of Asgard at the beginning, so he didn't think about it, after all, he couldn't think of Asgard Even let the guests also go to the battlefield.

"Is your armor really powerful?"

Yitri was not interested in how many people Fini could solve with one move. The only thing that could interest them was weapons and equipment, so he was a little curious about the rumored armor of Fini.

"His armor is really strange, it can be summoned at any time, and it can also be turned into a sword!"

Before Finny could answer, Thor, who was a little drunk, coaxed from the side. He had seen Finny wearing a 'ghost haunted', so he also knew the shape of the sword.

Thor's words made Itri even more curious, and he couldn't help but asked Finny: "Can you let me see this set of armor?"

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